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taaz ,

For me, Steam (on Linux) has been periodically corrupting the ntfs disk, I do use it on windows too and not even win hybrid/fastboot/hibernation disabled helps.

May I see what mount options you use for the ntfs3 driver in fstab? I do not currently have the nocase and windows_names ...

Testing if VRR is active and working

I recently updated to fedora 40 and enabled the experimental setting to get VRR running. But I am an idiot who has been playing at frames rates between 30-60 on screens without VRR for almost all of my life so I can't even know if VRR is actually working or not. Is there some rest I can run to see if VRR is functional¿? If not,...

taaz ,

Also afaik it only works in fullscreen on Linux (and in programs that support it).

taaz ,

Yeah NX is probably not going to be an easy one to implement.
Scrolling down to NX Derivatives And Forks will quickly get you a picture about the state and licenses.

taaz ,

Haven't tried LFS yet but I have had my share of compiling custom Arch kernel (basically just making it smaller and boot a little bit faster), or cross-compiling various stuff for embedded and having to crawl through some of the lower level stuff.
It might be that time of a year to give LFS a try now that you mention it.

taaz ,

Why would you need this?

taaz ,

Thanks for the explanation, I have played with like 30 mods max so the built-in mod manager seemed enough.

Also FYI all your english comments here are posted with language set to dansk so I couldn't find it even though I got the notifications (seems lemmy does not really tell you you are trying to visit a comment in language you don't have enabled in settings).

taaz , has disabled downvotes, it's up to admins of each instance if they allow viewing and making downvotes.

What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?

I’m working on a some materials for a class wherein I’ll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we’re including a section we’re calling “foot guns”. Basically it’s ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers....

taaz ,

Removed and apt purge’d python2 package.

Pity debian folded in on itself and dpkg required it at the time for something so that wasn’t an easy one.

taaz ,

I wouldn’t recommend putting ssh behind any vpn connection unles you have a secondary access to the machine (for example virtual tty/terminal from your provider or local network ssh). At best, ssh should be the only publicly accessible service (unless hosting other services that need to be public accessible).

I usually move the ssh port to some higher number just to get rid of the basic scanners/skiddies.

Also disable password login (only keys) and no root login.

And for extra hardening, explicitly allow ssh for only users that need it (in sshd config).

taaz ,

4th? Man that commenter owes you nothing, nada. You did your best and the rest is their problem.

Open source e reader ( )

I recently got a Sony prs 600 e reader from 2009. The battery is at the end of its life (It lasts about 3 days with heavy reading, and a couple weeks without reading). No backlight, no Wi-Fi, just an SD card that I can load epub files and small PDFs. The screen is slow and the contrast isn’t the best. The “touch screen” is...

taaz ,

I don’t see a mention of PocketBook so here it is, last time I checked they are running a linux kernel and the source is available and the device should be moddable/hackable.

I am in love with my PB Touch HD 3, does exactly what it needs without any annoying stuff (but with goodies like backlight and blue filter). I did opt into using their cloud for book syncing (which is not required at all, usb cable works too or other clouds) but there was never an ad or intrusive thing, love it.

taaz ,

Usually I would want any playing video to disable screensaver as long as it’s playing?

taaz , (edited )

This sound good to me.
As a programmer mainly I know how to work with code, but those skills do not transfer that well to the UIs of a game engine (I still don’t really understand how to effectively separate concerns in godots nodes and scripts) but if I could use godots rendering goodies from code-first environment (like raylib) that would be great.

taaz ,

The only workarounds that seem to improve stability involve manually downclocking or undervolting Intel’s processors.

Guess that explains why I haven’t had any unexpected crashes yet with stuff like Palworld or Helldivers 2 (afaik both are made in UE). Have been running my 13900kf slightly undervolted.

taaz ,

There are/were two reasons why I did that:

  • board manufacturers like to push the juice into the CPU to make benchmarks look good which is dangerous with these power sucking bricks, afaik this might be already patched in recent bioses but I am not risking it/lazy to tweak back
  • depending on the CPU piece you might achieve same performance with less power which is my case, I think I have Core Voltage set to something like Adaptive-0.080 which afaik is still pretty tame and the benchmark scores almost didn’t move

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • taaz , (edited )

    Is this post missing something or am I out of date on what is happening

    E: Found this…/2024-04-09-FDO-conduct-enforcem…

    NPM - What services need what toggled? ( )

    Hiya, just got NPM installed and working, very happy to finally have SSL certs on all of my serivces and proper URLs to navigate to them, what a breeze! However, as I am still in the learning process: I am curious to know when to enable these three toggles and for what services. I assume the “Block Common Exploits”, can...

    taaz , (edited )

    I don’t use nginx proxy manager but websocket has to be enabled for apps that use websockets (duh) - you would have to dive into docs or example infra configs to check if the service uses it.
    Rule of thumb here would be to enable it for everything. Optionally you could check if the service works with/without it.

    E: Websockets are used when a website needs to talk in “real-time” with the servers - live views and graphs will usually use it also notifications, generally if the website does not reload/redraw fully but data seems to change then there is a high chance it uses websockets under the hood (but there are ways to do it without ws, ex. SSE).

    Example: Grafana uses websockets but qbittorrent web ui uses other means (SSE) and does not require ws.

    taaz ,

    His Dark Materials series by BBC - decent fantasy and adaption I guess (haven’t read the books), if I was younger (~ teen) the story would probably have a bigger impact on me.

    taaz ,

    borg backup with

    Borg does de-duplication and compression, I’ve used it for multiple things like backing up minecraft servers and it can reduce the final backup size by a lot (like 1-2 TBs to a hundred of GB, though that was with content that was highly compressible and didn’t change much over-time so the deduplication did a lot too).

    There is also which looks a bit better and focuses only on borg repositories instead of also being compatible with just about any usual tools (eg rsync, rclone etc)

    taaz ,

    I would try momentarily replacing the defined dns servers with nameserver and see if stuff improves, though the pull error would hint that docker did resolve the name but somehow didn’t get an answer.
    Hard to guess what else could be a problem apart from some obvious stuff - check if the internet connection is healthy and stable (ping, watch for spikes in ms or drops, also any outgoing firewall filters?)

    With discord planning to show ads, how can the fediverse/lemmy benefit from another proprietary program making itself worse? (Like it was with reddit)

    Do you think that the fediverse has something to gain with the enshitfication of discord? Are there voice chat programs in the fediverse that can benefit from it?

    taaz ,

    The reality is there isn’t an alternative that would be easy enough for non-tech people.

    I am never getting my friends off of Discord because there is nothing else that is easy for them and has same features - texting, calling and desktop sharing with sound.

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • taaz , (edited )

    Yeah, laptops with dedi nvidia cards were always pain with Linux, at least my experience was always terrible (there is no feature parity to windows, especially energy saving stuff), though for me I am in the position where I would rather have Linux with my configs (which translates into: I’ve spent a lot of time on tweaking and fixing stuff over the time) then windows, so a nvidia gpu in a laptop is no-go in the first place.

    Linux requires time investment, not everyone is comfortable to dig in. The fragmented nature of Linux (multiple Desktop Environments, graphical libraries, heck even low-level stuff: va-api/vdpau, …) lends itself into it so there is no sugar-coating it.

    If you can’t or don’t want to fix it then win is the way but I would hope one day you will give Linux another chance - the community is there, so there is a high chance it will be better the next year and the one after that, and so on.

    taaz ,

    To explain you @TCB13 why you are being ridiculed here, the WINE itself stands for “Wine Is Not an Emulator”.

    It’s a compatibility layer, but for all things and purposes a non-technical person might as well think about it as an emulator - it makes stuff run where it normally wouldn’t.

    taaz ,

    In practice, nothing changes for the Redis developer community who will continue to enjoy permissive licensing under the dual license. At the same time, all the Redis client libraries under the responsibility of Redis will remain open source licensed. Redis will continue to support its vast partner ecosystem – including managed service providers and system integrators – with exclusive access to all future releases, updates, and features developed and delivered by Redis through its Partner Program. There is no change for existing Redis Enterprise customers.

    Seems this currently touches only cloud “resellers” of redis

    taaz ,

    I’ve also found about this recently when moving my root from drive to drive which was after I upgraded to 13th gen intel (from various older i5s) and the best cipher changed (cryptsetup benchmark).

    taaz ,

    Oh cool, have been using RawTherapee will check this out next time.

    taaz ,

    El Salvador needs to offload bags of BTC, loud and clear

    taaz ,

    Welcome to federation, where basically every instance is a proxy to all others.

    Btw you are also free to block any instance yourself.

    taaz ,

    Uuids are part of the gpt (table) on the disk.

    taaz ,

    Relm4 is an idiomatic GUI library inspired by Elm and based on gtk4-rs.

    taaz , (edited )

    Vouching for Cerave too, got a liter of their moisturizer here, does no leave my skin oily and feels great.

    I also use La Roche-Posay exfoliant and anti-sebum cream to combat my forever acne (actually seems like one of the only things that work for me).

    How to drop files from Android to home server?

    I’m looking for an easy way to upload files from my Android smartphone to my home server. is there a - ideally dockerized - solution for that? Some simple web GUI where I can click on “Upload” and the files will be saved to a certain directory on my home server?...

    taaz ,

    There is also FX which can do this too, additionally you can browse/download/upload files to/from the phone locally from PC through browser (the app opens up a web server).

    taaz ,

    Love tis, one of my first “programming” experiences.

    Viva la Zachtronics

    Rethinking Moderation: A Call for Trust Level Systems in the Fediverse

    The current state of moderation across various online communities, especially on platforms like Reddit, has been a topic of much debate and dissatisfaction. Users have voiced concerns over issues such as moderator rudeness, abuse, bias, and a failure to adhere to their own guidelines. Moreover, many communities suffer from a...

    taaz , (edited )

    I think your idea is not necessarily wrong but it would be hard to get right, especially without making the entry into fediverse too painful for new (non-tech) people, I think that is still the number one pain point.

    I have been thinking about moderation and spammers on fediverse lately too, these are some rough ideas I had:

    • Ability to set stricter/different rate-limits for new accounts - users older less then X can do only A actions per N seconds [1] (with better explained rate-limit message on the frontend side)
    • Some ability to not “fully” federate with too fresh instances (as a solution to note [1])
    • Abuse reputation from modlog/modlog sharing/modlog distribution (not really federation) - this one is tricky, the theory is that if you get many moderation actions taken against you your “goodwill reputation” lowers (nothing to do with upvotes) and some instances could preemptively ban you/take mod action, either through automated means or (better) the mods of other instances would have some kind of (easy) access to this information so that they can employ it in their decision.
      This has mostly nothing to do with bot spammers but instead with recurring problem makers/bad faith users etc.
      Though this whole thing would require some kinds of trust chains between instances, not easy development-wise (this whole idea could range from built-in algorithms taking in information like instance age, user count, user age and so on, to some kind of manual instance trust grading by admins).


    All this together, I wouldn’t be surprised if, in the future, there will eventually be some kinds of strata of instances, the free wild west with federate-to-any and the more closed in bubbles of instances (requiring some kind of entry process for other new instances).

    [1] This does not solve the other problem with federation currently being block-list based instead of allow-list based (for good reasons).
    One could write a few scripts/programs to simulate a federating instance and have tons of bots ready to go. While this exact scenario is probably not usual because most instances will defed. the domain the moment they detect bigger amount of spam, it could still be dangerous for the stability of servers - though I couldn’t confirm if the lemmy federation api has any kind of limits, can’t really imagine how that would be implemented if the federation traffic spikes a lot.

    (Also in theory one could have a shit-ton of domains and subdomains prepared and just send tons spam from these ? Unless there are some limits already, afaik the only way to protect from this would be to switch to allow-list based federation.)

    Lot of assumptions here so tell me if I am wrong!
    Edit: Also sorry for kind of piggy-backing on your post OP, wanted to get this ideas out here finally

    taaz ,…/meaning-of-directories-on-unix-…

    • /bin - Binaries.
    • /boot - Files required for booting.
    • /dev - Device files.
    • /etc - Et cetera. The name is inherited from the earliest Unixes, which is when it became the spot to put config-files.
    • /home - Where home directories are kept.
    • /lib - Where code libraries are kept.
    • /media - A more modern directory, but where removable media gets mounted.
    • /mnt - Where temporary file-systems are mounted.
    • /opt - Where optional add-on software is installed. This is discrete from /usr/local/ for reasons I’ll get to later.
    • /run - Where runtime variable data is kept.
    • /sbin - Where super-binaries are stored. These usually only work with root.
    • /srv - Stands for “serve”. This directory is intended for static files that are served out. /srv/http would be for static websites, /srv/ftp for an FTP server.
    • /tmp - Where temporary files may be stored.
    • /usr - Another directory inherited from the Unixes of old, it stands for “UNIX System Resources”. It does not stand for “user” (see the Debian Wiki). This directory should be sharable between hosts, and can be NFS mounted to multiple hosts safely. It can be mounted read-only safely.
    • /var - Another directory inherited from the Unixes of old, it stands for “variable”. This is where system data that varies may be stored. Such things as spool and cache directories may be located here. If a program needs to write to the local file-system and isn’t serving that data to someone directly, it’ll go here.
    taaz ,

    In this case, yes anything under /run should not be considered as normal files.

    taaz , (edited )

    There is a simple trick, as a basic user, do not ever run your (gnome) file explorer as root and if a permission error (requiring “escalation”) pops up you shoud double check what you are doing.

    I think most graphical file mangers also keep most of the weird/important/system folders away from user and you have to directly navigate to them.

    taaz ,

    We’ve consolidated all our code into a single repository – just clone ente-io/ente on GitHub, and you will have at your disposal a state of the art, end-to-end encrypted, full stack (mobile/web/desktop clients, the server, and a CLI to boot) alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos.

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