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Trump floats idea of three-term presidency at NRA convention ( )

Donald Trump flirted with the idea of being president for three terms – a clear violation of the US constitution – during a bombastic speech for the National Rifle Association in which he vowed to reverse gun safety measures green-lighted during the Biden administration....

aesthelete ,

Lol clutching pearls.. What a laughably terrible way to describe people who are often burying their children or schoolmates and trying to prevent others from having to do the same.

Trump Demands Biden Take a Drug Test Before Debating and Claims the President Was ‘High as a Kite’ During the State of the Union ( )

“I just wanna debate this guy, but you know– and I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said as the audience cheered. “I am. No, I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite.”

aesthelete ,

Proof that Trump actually is the Adderall addict he's rumored to be.

aesthelete ,

You just made clear that we don’t have a system that represents the people.

Who the fuck thought we did?

aesthelete ,

You're just arguing whatever makes you angry like so many others on the Internet. 🥱

aesthelete ,

WTF are you even talking about? How does that relate at all to the previous posts in this thread? You might want to see the doctor because you post like you have a brain worm.

aesthelete ,

You are so desperate to believe your little Internet posts affect anything.


aesthelete ,

Oh wow an area around my hometown is in the news.

aesthelete ,

Be strong like me: a woman who has to put on armor and carry a gun in order to be anywhere with lines painted on the road, drive a six ton tank vehicle, put up cameras everywhere, live in the middle of nowhere, requires militarized bathroom police to protect me from trans people, and wants the entire Mexican border covered in razor and electrical wire.

aesthelete ,


aesthelete ,

It sure seems that way. Our country is full of idiots.

aesthelete ,

If he gets in again, I'm going to just completely ignore the news.

aesthelete ,

Her degeneration into the type of Nazi she'd parody in her books is almost complete.

aesthelete ,

Aww, how great, the nerds finally invented themselves a friend.

aesthelete ,

I also think social media provides a useful smoke screen for the rich and powerful in a similar way. It keeps you so bogged down with bullshit non-news and irritated with each other because of your slightly different viewpoints on it that you miss the big issues of the day and people can get away with larger and larger crimes and corruption without consequence.

aesthelete ,

Same goes for Ricky Gervais IMO...shout out to Karl Pilkington who genuinely was the funniest part of Derek before he became fatigued with Ricky's bullshit.

aesthelete ,

Having some free drugs at a party isn't the same thing as "the first baggie being free".

I would be very surprised if you could just walk up to drug dealers on the street and get free drugs like the urban / astroturf / DARE / LEO myth suggests.

aesthelete ,

The new twist is it's now, "if you hate it so much, we'll move you there!".

aesthelete ,

The nonviolent kind. People who made dumb mistakes breaking bullshit laws. It’s not something I pay much attention to so I don’t have a list to rattle off, but they certainly exist.

Part of the problem with this stance is that the US has a knack for also locking up innocent people.

Take this, for instance, where they coerced a confession, locked up a Dad for 8 months, and the actual perp left a pair of shoes with his name written in them at the fucking scene:

aesthelete ,

Probably Xandan. I'm not familiar at all with the case but I know the state thinks in every case every accused person is guilty and therefore we shouldn't care about their human rights any longer because they are forfeit.

But the reality is that we're all deserving of rights and basic human decency, even the worst offenders, because treating people who committed horrific crimes horribly does nothing to undo those crimes and multiplies them, and it allows anyone who has been framed for doing something awful to be treated the same way even if you think "an eye for an eye" barbary is any way to solve things, which I do not.

There are many reasons why inhumane treatment of prisoners is wrong, and the chance that the person is actually innocent is only one of those.

aesthelete ,

Police coerce "confessions" out of people pretty often. People swear up and down that they'd never confess like that, but it's hard to know until you're in the situation yourself.

There is a way out too: say lawyer and refuse to talk to them.

The guy's mental state was likely in the toilet, and then they sweated him for hours at the station.

aesthelete ,

lower your cost of living with this one simple trick (landlords hate this)

After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year ( )

When Bloomberg reported that Spotify would be upping the cost of its premium subscription from $9.99 to $10.99, and including 15 hours of audiobooks per month in the U.S., the change sounded like a win for songwriters and publishers. Higher subscription prices typically equate to a bump in U.S. mechanical royalties — but not...

aesthelete ,

They suck ass. Stop paying them money.

aesthelete ,

It also is going to take another leap in algorithm.

It was a hard problem to solve when Google's founders cracked it, but it's an even harder problem to solve now that you have state of the art spam bots filling the Internet full of shit that looks like it was composed by humans.

If someone cracks how to figure out whether something is ai or not (for real, not the fake solutions we have now) and adds that to a good search algorithm and filters the fake shit by default, they will have a hell of a product on their hands.

aesthelete ,

There’s satisfaction to be found when labour results in a tangible and lasting result.

That's where I would recommend one thing to other software people as a software person myself: make your own tools.

I started writing a little notepad type thing just so I could have a cross platform tool with a set bunch of capabilities no matter what OS I'm on.

It's very rewarding to just want something, make it, and use it.

It can be simple, it can be complicated... It can work like everything else does or only in a way that works for you.

It's very freeing to work on something where you don't have to ask fifteen people what the requirements are and then have them change under you. If your tool is useful and you use it you don't even need testing overhead either.

I highly recommend it. Build your own tools when you find the existing ones to be frustrating. Or just for fun to see if you can.

aesthelete ,

You'd be like this guy if you made furniture:

aesthelete ,

Dude it's an android app they are trying to sell for $200. Why apologize for this thing? Get some better expectations.

aesthelete ,

And in 10 years everyone will have similar ai-enhanced devices.

In 10 years (or actually 0 years because it's already kinda true) people will have an AI enhanced device... And it'll be their phone.

Also, you're arguing something I'm going to name the inevitability fallacy (for my own amusement). It's not inevitable that everyone will have one of these particular type of devices in the same way it wasn't inevitable that everyone would start watching 3d TV in their houses.

This is just another in a long line of things that supply side economics driven companies are trying to sell us. There's next to no need or demand for this thing, and there's no guarantee that there will be.

aesthelete ,

It’s an experimental device and by buying it you invest into r&d.

This is laughably untrue. By buying this you've proven to them that their marketing oriented approach to product development is correct, and that customers will throw away good money on half-designed, disposable shit.

By the looks of this shitty project, they spent most of their money on design idiots that think they're the next coming of Steve Jobs, and blathering marketing morons that think if they say AI and "the future" enough that it doesn't matter that the products they actually deliver are half-done, also-ran, clout-chasing garbage with hardware from the clearance section of Alibaba.

aesthelete ,

Would you pay $200 for an android app?

aesthelete ,

I don't know how you don't understand how this is different. You could literally buy a better phone that can run lots of other Android apps faster for $200.

Everything else you listed there has unique attributes, it's not just a crippled, crappy phone running a single app. A drone flies, a smart HVAC control....controls your HVAC... Do I have to continue?🤦‍♂️

aesthelete ,

The problem is there's a lot to doom post about.

I get it that Biden has some possibly underreported accomplishments, but like Trump tried to overthrow the government and is still walking around like nothing happened.

aesthelete , (edited )

Eh, I got a day job and a full life. I can barely fit in the doom scrolling I already do today.

I appreciate the sentiment, but it's been my experience in >40 years of living that the amount of influence I'll be able to have over the onslaught of doom is miniscule.

I kinda lost all hope for the future of this country when Trump was elected the first time. After how disastrous his first term was, if this country full of morons actually puts the clown back in that same position I'll completely and fully give up on it.

It's the idiots' country, I just have to live in it.

If You Hate Density, Maybe Don’t Live in A City (Oh the Urbanity!) ( )

When you argue for housing reform to legalize denser development in our cities, you quickly learn that some people hate density. Like, really hate density, with visceral disgust and contempt for any development pattern that involves buildings being tall or close together.

aesthelete ,

Instead somehow “satisfying demand” will fix things alone.

Even this phrasing is borrowed economic lingo which only further reinforces that they have a blind spot in exactly the area you're indicating.

aesthelete ,

I have 3 boys, they have a 1.5 year difference, so I think they won’t be lonely

I have three siblings and if you think it's impossible to feel lonely growing up because you have siblings I got news for you.

Siblings are not a replacement for friends, and they shouldn't have to be.

aesthelete ,

But I don’t see it ever getting better - as it stands right now, the Republican party will only continue getting crazier and more extreme, until there are no more elections.

Them continually getting stomped in elections until they don't hold any meaningful power anymore would make them eventually have to moderate. I don't know that that's what will happen, as we seem to be stuck in the American cycle of dismay with the ruling party turning into support for the out-of-power party no matter how terrible the out-of-power party is.

But what I think it would look like is like what happened to Democrats trying to grab the Presidency during the Reagan era. They got stomped enough times in a row nationally that they basically had to change their party platform to appeal to Reagan voters.

aesthelete ,

But what’s the likelihood of that happening?

I'm not sure. I wouldn't bet on it either and don't think it's very likely to happen. They may have found a bridge too far for even their voters with the abortion ban stuff though. Theirs is an exceedingly unpopular opinion, and the more action they take to make abortion completely illegal without even exemptions for shit like rape and incest, the more I think they'll find themselves unelectable.

And even if he’s not, and he dies in the next couple of years - his fascist movement will not end with him.

I agree with the rest of what you're saying, however, on this point I have a difference of opinion.

I don't think fascism is an easily organized type of government. In my view, it's essentially a cult of personality in politics and a single autocrat is essential to its continued function. It's a type of retro-fitted monarchy where you have "dear leader" installed at the top and he cannot be removed except through death or exile.

One of the major problems with monarchies, autocracies, and even the mob (and sometimes business) is succession plans. These forms of organization can be stable for a while, but they tend to fall apart entirely or fizzle out at least somewhat once the central figure goes into the ground.

The Republican Party largely would've preferred to move on from Donald Trump probably as soon as he lost in 2020, but the populist dynamics are not allowing it to happen. "His base" is still his. Your Rons Desantis and your Nikkis Haley are no match for his cult of personality.

If he were to die, the people who voted for him that outlived him would still be alive, but I think they'd have a large amount of difficulty finding another leader to follow in exactly the same way. They'd likely split in their support for other leaders and their "movement" would be greatly damaged as a result.

aesthelete ,

They don't just want your work output; they want your soul.

They want the old days where people were 100% believers in their jobs at places like WeWork, Uber, Tesla, and Facebook...before the general public became disillusioned with tech companies specifically and companies in general more broadly. They want "evangelists" and the belief of the mid-Obama years back...

The only problem is that many have looked at things over the last ten years and found that the euphoric promises made by the management of companies were lies.

aesthelete ,

I think it fizzled out because of that stupid Aziz Ansari article honestly. The tide seemed to change with that one.

aesthelete ,

And good luck getting that ultrasound, they’re going to code the billing wrong so instead of it being $40 it’s $1000.

🎶 Ain’t that America! Home of the free baby! 🎶

Bald eagle screeches

aesthelete ,

I just bought two LG OLEDs to replace Roku TVs after the great brickening of Roku TVs earlier this year. I wish I would’ve done it sooner. Even a month later I look at the screen sometimes and am just blown away by how much better it looks than the QLED whatever Roku garbage I had.

aesthelete ,

They ask questions, because if it was up to the Democrats, they’d just send, send, send…

Sounds like you, who rolled all up and down this thread and c&ped this same bullshit and hit “send send send”.

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