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Kedly ,

Fuck has many meanings, "That fucking virgin" is an acceptable sentence to make that wouldn't be considered a contradiction

Kedly ,

I sexually assault and murder exactly as much as I want to, and that amount is zero... ok, at least the sexually assault part

Kedly ,

Tbf, there were a few times I've wanted to murder some people.

Kedly ,

For me I'd say its a mix of legal repercussions AND knowing that murder is wrong and that a society that allows it isnt really a safe society to be a part of, so while someone might be being awful enough to me that the thought crossed my mind, maybe I should go find somewhere to cool down. But, like you said, god had nothing to do with any of that

Kedly ,


Kedly ,

Hey, dont leave out attention whores! Hurting yourself so your audience can laugh is ANOTHER reason some of us got into spicy food!

Kedly ,

I mean, at the end if the day, any damage I do to myself is minor. Dont worry, I've had 30 years to fine tune my obsession with attention so that its not harmful to myself or others. Also, I live in a metropolis, I cant afford pet rent xD

Kedly ,

Day and Month of Birth is a basic check to see if you are who you say you are, if you are refusing to give even basic details like that I can see why the medical staff who deal with you would give you confused/annoyed expressions

Kedly ,

This falls into a "if it aint broke, dont fix it" kind of thing. Month and Year Birthdate are fairly low privacy info that everyone remembers and are used to giving out" it gets used for so many different checks because we all have the understanding that we give this info out to businesses that need them, switching to other things that in a vacuum would be a better fit in that one specific category in only a tiny amount just isnt worth the confusion and pushback that changing it would cause.

Kedly ,

And EVERYONE has told it to everyone for generations now, which MAKES it low level. This is not a battle worth fighting as it was lost before your grandparents were born and there are numerous other ways we could make society better that would have a lot more impact than your dentist no longer asking what year you were born

Kedly ,

Or they could just continue doing what works for them and change nothing because almost no one cares because its not worth caring about. When you were born reveals literally nothing else about you

Kedly ,

Meanwhile its the opposite for me. Character assasinating everyone who wasnt a fan of the bear meme and mods deleting any post that wasnt fully inflammatory has made me second guess whether I want to be here far more than the Tankies ever did

Kedly , (edited )

Tbh, I might just give Gaiaonline another shot, yeah my knowledge of world news'll suffer a bit, but maybe thats not a bad thing

Edit: These downvotes are proving my point, this particular comment has nothing offensive in it whatsoever. Oh no, I'm thinking about going back to a Early 2000's anime dress up forum, what an awful person!

Kedly ,
Kedly ,

Recently a LOT of my emails with hotmail have been getting blocked at the server level, they arent even reaching my junk mail, which makes troubleshooting why I'm not getting emails a nightmare, ESPECIALLY in this day and age if 2fA

Kedly ,

The fact that is post got removed for trolling is exactly why my feelings towards the bear meme have evolved from annoyed to "Reminded of the multiple times women have attempted to use cops as a weapon against me"

Kedly ,

For fucks sake maybe part of the problem is men are ALWAYS told to shut up and that their problems dont matter as much as literally any other population. I initially responded to the meme with annoyance, but understanding, but the constant creep of aggression that it keeps coming back with has started to trigger my own baggage.

Kedly ,

Ah yes, this IS about the bear meme. Maybe this is a lesson that doubling down on an inflammatory meme is the worst way to attempt to get a point across, claiming that people annoyed with the meme are attempting to silence you is just trippling down.

Kedly ,

Look, the bear meme was annoying but understandable, but the way that people are immediately attempting to character assasinate anyone annoyed by it or attempting to have a nuanced discussion about it is pushing people away.

Kedly ,

Basically an overgeneralized meme representing the very true and valid fear women have towards strange men, where if they were stuck in a forest and had to choose to be stuck there with a strange man or a strange bear, many women would choose to be stuck with a bear, started cropping up on lemmy. Unfortunately this meme ALSO hit on the lived experience that a lot of men have had where they've grown up their entire lives feeling like they've been villainized and made to be the source of all societies ills, and so they voiced, with varying levels (and lack of) nuance why this meme upset them as it felt like a further villainization. This caused more friction than nuanced discussion, and more memes that more directly antagonized those who didnt appreciate the meme started cropping up, and now we are here

Kedly ,

It could be including how much food has gone up as well

Kedly ,

This is a risky site to admit you're a landlord on xD

Kedly ,

I know this is non credible defense, but I would absolutely LOVE a breakdown of all the ways this is a terrible idea

Kedly ,

This was the comment I was looking for! Thank you!

Kedly ,

I have some extra emotional capacity today so I'll post some wrong think: but can we stop antagonizing populations that feel disenfranchised by society and therefor giving the truly evil fucks out there an easy population to brainwash and feed extra scummy ideologies to?

Young nerdy men who feel excluded from society that dont have any strong female figures in their life are barraged by a constant stream of messaging that could easily be interpreted as "(white) men are evil and the source of all problems with society"

By constantly antagonizing them for not being able to navigate the political nuance of those messages, we give an incredibly easy pathway to the more toxic ideologies that the Tates of the world will pull them into to profit off of them, because they are the only figures who will give them praise and a sense of belonging.

Kedly ,

Because thereal's version is welcoming and non discriminatory, and the meme is antagonistic by design

Kedly ,

You're being willfully ignorant to peoples points

Kedly ,

Yeah, ok, with this response and your other one, I'm blocking you now

Kedly ,

Get a job that requires it

Kedly ,

Yeah, its still often a struggle for me to, but I just woke up at 8am today naturally on a weekend, so its slowly changing me over

Kedly ,

This applies to video games to a T, but tf is OP talking about with it applying to life, everyones struggling because we're getting less and less of the Overpowered Cool Ammo

Kedly ,

Ok, but that doesnt really apply to the meme or what its saying

Kedly ,

So those 15,000 children PLUS all the LGBTQ people in America is just as bad as just the 15,000 children?

EA wants to place in-game ads in its full-price AAA games, again ( )

EA has tried this before, with predictable results. In 2020, EA Sports UFC 4 included full-screen ads for the Amazon Prime series The Boys that would appear during 'Replay' moments. These were absent from the game when it launched, with EA introducing the ads about a month later, thereby preventing them from being highlighted in...

Kedly , (edited )

How do you have fewer than no children? (=P tongue in cheek purposeful misunderstanding, not true pedantry)

Edit: (Damn, even being clear I was being cheeky I still managed to piss someone off xD)

Kedly ,

-0.5 children

Kedly ,

Mine personally is that all past Reach were garbage, I'll never forgive what 4 did to the lore, humanity being around and a spacefaring race back when the forerunners were was fucking stupid

Kedly ,

All of the lore snippets we got before 4 kind of hinted that Humanity was chosen as the next tech bearer because they were on the verge of a sentience level that the rings would exterminate, but not fully there yet, the fact that the forerunners would choose to pass the mantle on to a race they were actively at war with INSTEAD OF SAVING THEIR OWN RACE, is BEYOND stupid

Kedly ,

Can we stop pretending the world in the past had the same knowledge, ethics, and standards as we do now? Everyone is a product of their time, even us, and if we are successful in making the world a better place, future generations are going to judge the fuck out of us for things we think are normal right now, that are atrocious in the future, the way people now judge past historical figures

Kedly ,

Are you vegan? Because with the lab grown meat tech we have now, future generations are going to say shit like "HE ONLY MASS MURDERED ONE TYPE OF ANIMAL BECAUSE HE LIKED THE TASTE"

'Your Name' Movie Producer Confesses To Have Paid Over 20 Underage Girls For Sexual Favors - Animehunch ( )

The Wakayama Prefectural Police revealed on May 8, 2024 that Your Name. movie producer Koichiro Itou has been referred to prosecutors for additional violation of Child Prostitution & Pornography law in Japan, after it came to light that he had paid an underage girl for sexual intercourse....

Kedly ,

Yiiikes at the Youtube clip xD

Kedly ,

Is that the one where Harry grew up with Scientist Parents? The way they horrifically killed off Hermione was NOT COOL

Kedly ,

Tbh, I think people should know what they are getting into with this, as that was one of the major moments that led me to stop reading it, if felt disrespectful to Hermione as a character and me as a reader

Kedly ,

Lmao fuck you. Do you really think people are going to listen to you after you belittle and insult them?

Kedly ,

I watched that moment in theaters and it was fucking creepy

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