Barron Trump to step into the political arena as a Florida delegate at the Republican convention ( )

The position as an at-large delegate for the Florida Republican Party will be the highest-profile political role thus far for Barron, former President Donald Trump's youngest son.

It will soon be Barron Trump’s time to step into the political spotlight.

Trump, former President Donald Trump’s youngest child, who will graduate from high school next week and has largely been kept out of the political spotlight, was picked by the Republican Party of Florida on Wednesday night as one of the state’s at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention, according to a list of delegates obtained by NBC News.


In a family full of politically involved children, Barron Trump, who turned 18 in March, has retained much more of a private life than his older brothers, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., both of whom will also be Florida at-large RNC delegates, along with Trump’s daughter Tiffany.

squirrelwithnut ,

Jesus, he even looks like an insufferable asshat.

tacosplease ,

It's one of those faces that makes your knuckles itch

pyre ,

is it because he looks exactly like his dad

werefreeatlast ,

It's so worrying to see that our kids and their kids will have to deal with that little piece of shit. My only hope is the belief that every man is different as I was from my father. So as much as he looks like a concerned asshole in this photo, it could be just a facial expression fixed there for us. I've got photos of my family looking dumb, with one eye open or both closed, fixing the kids clothing, etc. And then finally the actual photo with a fake smile that is only there when I photo is coming. If you chase emotional facial expressions with a photo, you can get asshole looking expressions I'm sure.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Just gonna point out the obvious here and say... that this kid has no skills or experience with which to do whatever "at-large delegates" do.

birthday_attack ,

To be fair, my understanding of delegates is that they are basically a political "cookie" that the party hands out as a reward to certain people. Their job is just to cast the official elector votes for the presidential election, and their hands are usually tied into voting to reflect the popular state vote tallies (ignoring Trump's recent fake electors scheme, of course). So their duties are really symbolic more than anything.

Accepting this position does insert himself into politics, though. No one can say "leave Baron out of it" after this

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Oh I see. That actually makes a lot more sense now.

GiddyGap ,

How sad.

Olhonestjim ,

Kid should just join the military or something.

Son_of_dad ,

Hereditary bone spurs

drunkpostdisaster ,

It occurs to me that he is of the age that republicans think should not be allowed to vote.

drunkpostdisaster ,

Now we can make fun of him.

Son_of_dad ,

Like I said recently, he's 18 now. I'm sure he's well on his way to becoming just like the rest of the men in his family

MataVatnik , avatar

With any luck their bloodline will have a similar fate as the Kennedys

Wahots , avatar

I'm pretty sure they already have worms in their brains.

Olhonestjim ,

Well, hopefully they should be broke soon, so the usual ladies won't be having sex with them.

SeattleRain ,


extremeboredom ,

Why does he appear embalmed in the thumbnail?

todd_bonzalez ,

That's just how Trump boys look.

tacosplease ,

Eric looks like a sickly vampire LOL

ripcord , avatar

Because he looks embalmed in the larger photo, too.

It's...pretty creepy.

Agent641 ,

Harkonens bathe in oil for some reason

catsarebadpeople ,

He's wearing a lot of foundation

ramble81 ,

He had the chance to be left alone and most everyone out there was honoring that because he was a kid and wasn’t involved in politics…. Hope he realizes what he’s about to open himself up to.

Glytch ,

Yeah, he's fair game now. He could have been like that one Trump daughter whose name I forget because she's entirely out of the spotlight, but no, he wants to join the family grift.

LustyArgonianMana , avatar

Tiffany is politically involved too, she just has less hideous beliefs so no one criticizes her

btaf45 ,

Hope he realizes what he’s about to open himself up to.

He has set himself up for ridicule for the rest of his life now. Historians have ranked Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump as the worst president in US history. And they will still rank him as worst president 50 years from now when Barron is 68, and the first thing any student learns about Trump is that he tried to overthrow democracy.

[Historians rank Trump worst president in history]

Son_of_dad ,

I mean even as a teen I knew he was going to grow up to be shit bag just like the rest of his family. But I had hoped.

Kinda like how Vince McMahon is a monster, but by all accounts his son Shane is a very kind, respectful and decent guy who has hated his dad's bullshit for a long time

Zannsolo ,

He looks like a guess who card.

OldWoodFrame ,

I'm not going to make fun of him or his father for wearing makeup, men are allowed to wear makeup.

But I will make fun of him and his father for wearing makeup so poorly.

Pilferjinx ,

Agreed. Orange is a terrible color on Trump.

SkyezOpen ,

It'll look great on a jumpsuit though.

drunkpostdisaster ,

You can when he runs on a platform of hatred of men who wear makeup.

LustyArgonianMana , avatar

And Sidney Powell. They have too much money to be looking that bad

FlyingSquid , avatar

Dude, don't be like Eric. He's never going to love you no matter what.

motor_spirit ,

who the fuck would vote for a mf that looks like TWO of the shit kids from Charlie and the factory especially after knowing his whole lineage is straight rat ass

Serinus ,

I try not to judge children for the crimes of their parents.

motor_spirit ,

That's lovely to hear! Given that he's an adult making his own decisions I think that is lost at this point, we just now have a new cunt yielded from the cycle. But, yeah, typically.


Has he even finished high school?

samus12345 , avatar

He graduates Friday next week.

norbert , avatar

You should try it, I've found that shitty people tend to have shitty parents. There must be a connection.

Serinus ,

I've found the opposite. People with shitty parents often try to not be like them. And people with overly nice parents often tend to just expect everyone to bend to their will.

Coreidan ,

Your loss

Nougat ,

Why does he look like a character from Game of Thrones?

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