@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar


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Why Didn't Democrats Do More When They Controlled Both Houses of Legislature, The White House, and The Supreme Court During Obama's First Term?

I've been wondering for a bit why during the time the Democrats controlled the legislature, executive, and judicial branches during Obama's first term in 2008 more wasn't accomplished. Shouldn't that have been the opportunity to make Row V Way law and fix the electoral college? I understand the recession was going on but outside...

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Less nice, more realizing that would remove their ability to stop the Republicans when the political winds inevitability shift the other way

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

I would imagine its a case of mutually assured destruction. Neither wants to repeal it because they know once they do, they open up Pandora's box and Congress will be even more of a disaster than it currently is

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Cheap popsicles. Relatively low calories (<100 depending on the brand), take a while to eat, and are extremely cheap.

If you make your own you can drive the price and Calories even lower and drive the flavor way up.

Side note: I just learned "popsicle" is the brand name and not a term for the food. Kind of like saying Kleenex instead of tissue. I had no idea, I've just always called them popsicles.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Definitely make your own, if you can stomach the time. You can buy molds online for a cheap initial investment, then just water down some fruit juice.

You can also use real fruit if you don't mind a chunkier texture and own a food processor already.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

The US has a lot of bullshit in their labeling requirements. My wife studied food science in university and some of her biggest complaints are:

  • Serving sizes aren't always the entire package*
  • "Natural" has almost no meaning on a package, it is just a hand-waving word
  • They can hide a lot of things in the ingredients under umbrella terms like "spices" and "flavorings"
  • "Made with real juice" does not mean it was made with the juice on the label. For example, a pineapple fruit juice may be more apple juice than actually pineapple juice
  • They can round down to 0 calories if the actual amount is below 5

The most egregious example I've seen lately was a jar of pickles I bought where the serving size is 1/3 of a pickle (now the website says 1/2). That's just so that the sodium doesn't get out of control and, in all likelihood, because an entire pickle may be more than the 5 Calories allowed to say it's "0 Calories".

*This is changing, slowly. Manufacturers now have to put servings for the entire container if it's small enough

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

I'm really torn on news like this.

I'll get it out of the way that I am jealous. I wish I had been able to do what she did. I also think that if more people cared about education on this level, we could really get a significantly smarter population and start to solve some of the problems in the world.

Having said that, I have concerns over what her life is like. I would need a lot more details to feel comfortable that this kind of lifestyle is healthy for someone. She missed out on most of her childhood at this point, a time most adults look back on fondly as a time when they had no responsibilities. I have so many follow-up questions that the article doesn't address.

  • Is she truly self-motivated or does she have someone like her parents urging her to do this?
  • Given a choice, would she do it again?
  • What was her workload like? Was she constantly studying or is she lucky enough to not need to?

Also, more for my curiosity than anyone else's well-being:

  • How do you even sign a 10 year old up for college?
  • Do professors give leniency to an 11 year old in class or are they getting the same experience an 18 year old would get?
notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Excellent point on the peers, I was thinking about that as well.

Humans love to talk to other humans who have shared experiences. People get excited when they find someone who went to the same school as them, even if they were years apart. Those shared experiences help us bond and connect with others.

Who in the world can she bond with? Few people have experienced anything close to what she has. I worry that it will lead to somewhat of a lonely existence, at least until she's old enough that she has some more experiences under her belt and can begin to relate to others more. Until then, the experience that 95% of Americans share is missing.

I'm hoping it's something that will balance out as she gets older, but I don't see it being a fun time for the first decade at least.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

We don't know, and that's precisely what my comment was talking about. I want to know more.

Although we can use an educated guess that if you're getting a doctorate you probably don't have a ton of free time, at least not nearly as much as a normal student her age has. Even if we assume she doesn't need to study at all, a doctorate still takes up a lot of someone's time, and doesn't leave a ton of time for watching cartoons.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

I feel like you're weirdly aggro about this discussion. I don't want my message to come off as criticism or hate, I'm trying to express that I'm concerned about another person. If she really is happier because of her path, then that's great and more kids should attempt this lifestyle. But I just don't have enough evidence for that fact, and I would like to hear more. Most of the positive evidence is from a short article.

Right now I have more anecdotal evidence saying this is unhealthy in this comment section than I do the contrary, so I want to be proven wrong. I don't want to be correct that someone had a bad experience.

Your other questions are answered in the article.

They really aren't. Of course she'll say she's thankful, most people would when talking to a reporter. I don't imagine many 17 year olds would immediately start bad-mouthing their parents right away, especially considering I'd expect the parents to be present in the interview process since she's a minor by U.S. standards.

And of course the instructors are complimentary, you'd hear the same compliments about any student who asked questions and went to office hours. They aren't particularly unique for her experience, frankly. I wouldn't put too much weight on them being evidence of her happiness.

Perhaps down the road she'll give an interview and talk about her experience more, once she's more independent and had more time to process and reflect. Then perhaps my questions will be properly answered. I can only hope so, and I can only hope she reflects positively.

A kid who blew it all on Minecraft missed out on a lot as well if we’re going to be honest.

I never said anything to the contrary. Both can be true, they aren't mutually exclusive. I would agree spending too much time glued to a screen is also not a healthy lifestyle for a child

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Well yes, but also no. You can't reproduce a book because that violates copyrights.

Open source in this context just means that nobody owns the book, you can reproduce it however many times you want, and distribute it where you want as long as you include the original license in the reproduction (MIT license).

Also, there's a bit of a colloquial understanding that others are able to contribute or fork the original source material.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

This is definitely the issue. For most of modern history, humans haven't had to care about anything outside of their city/town/village from day to day. Then social media and 24/7 news came along and suddenly we know everything going on, and most of it is bad because that's what drives viewership.

We shouldn't expect every person to be worried about every issue all the time. It's just not good for you.

I'm personally trying not to focus on things outside of my sphere of influence. I'll vote in elections, donate if I can spare the money, volunteer if I can spare the time, and buy products I know are more ethical than alternatives. That's realistically the most anyone should ask of one (frankly unremarkable) person.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Because they are word roots. "trans-" means on the other side of something like "transatlantic" while "cis-" means on the same side like cisatlantic.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

If I had to come up with a reason for it out of my ass, I'd say it's because being rejected from a tribe would be a death sentence for most, so those that remembered their mistakes were less likely to repeat them and be expelled.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

"Do you think fighting can be part of a healthy relationship?"

My wife and I rarely fight, we've maybe had two or three in our entire relationship, and they weren't yelling matches We just got upset and patched things up relatively quickly. I don't think I could be with someone who thinks raising their voice at another person is okay, and surely not if they think it can be healthy. And hard "hell no" to any violence.

So, this is a weedout question

notnotmike , (edited )
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

I see a lot of posts that are spam that get a shipload of down votes. Usually advertising some pills or something

Fortunately, they are removed pretty quickly

Edit: Hey look one showed up

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Kind of torn my niece is starting to like video games.

On the one hand, they're amazing and I still play them all the time. They're integral to my life and are a medium above others in quality, accessibility, and affordability.

On the other hand, they're a double-edged sword. It's hard to be healthy while playing video games without good discipline. And I think back to times I chose video games over homework and I regret it. I don't necessarily want her to follow an unhealthy hobby, even if I love it

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

This is a really toxic way to look at animals. You should enjoy them not because they are cute and loving but because they are incredible beings that help craft the ecosystems in which we thrive. If not like them, then hopefully you can at least respect and accept them for what they are.

As to your original question, raccoons are incredible animals. One of the few species who are so adaptable that they can manage to survive in our concrete world, despite our efforts to stop them. They're very intelligent and dexterous and it's incredible they continue to survive and borderline thrive at times.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

He is the Drake from 2000's Nickelodeon as long as you mean the show Degrassi

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Apparently unpopular but I use Mozilla VPN

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Actually, the middle man is why I picked them... I'm just trying to give Mozilla extra revenue streams besides donations from Google.

But it is good to know its at least not a bad option. Their client is decent enough, I have no problems with it, so I'm happy to continue to support them and think of it as a monthly donation

I can't sit on the couch anymore without one (or both) of these goobers requesting a blanket fort. If they're desperate enough for a fix they'll even share ( programming.dev )

I would recommend everyone try this. Just sit down, bend your knees, throw a blanket over, and show them the entrance. Just be warned they will not leave unless you make them

notnotmike OP , (edited )
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Yes exactly this. It burns my heart strings when they do it too

notnotmike OP ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

I call it forced air heating

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

A change was made in 16.1.0 to allow users to reset their password through a secondary email address. The vulnerability is a result of a bug in the email verification process. The bug has been fixed with this patch, and as mentioned above, we have implemented a number of preventive security measures to protect customers.

Struggling to figure out what the heck they did. Some kind of injection attack to send the email to an arbitrary account? How would you even mess that up in the first place

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar
  • uBlock Origin - Ad blocker
  • Dark Reader - Dark mode everywhere
  • Privacy Badger - More tracking protection
  • Old Reddit Redirect - Redirects all reddit URLs to the old versions
notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Not entirely. Privacy Badger will also block embedded social media posts, replacing them with opt-in viewing.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

They're more expensive because they aren't filled with advertising. Consumer TV prices these days are heavily subsidized by brand deals and ad space

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Really interesting take on layout. Seems pretty well developed though so my initial impressions are good.

Plus bonus points for putting the APK in their releases

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

No one seems to have said it yet, but consistency. Waking up at the same time every day including weekends. Eventually, you just wake up early naturally. I get up at 5:30 am every day on the dot with zero alarm just because it’s when I wake up. And I’m never groggy, because I’ve adapted to it. It’s not early anymore it’s just when I wake up

I think the second half to this is that it can’t be a chore. You have to want to wake up. If you wake up and think about how much you hate being awake it will be all the harder

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Between 9 and 10pm most nights

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Winter is the same, although it can be noticeably more difficult to recover if your pattern gets disrupted for any reason. So for that I use a light that simulates sunrise

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

In the spirit of these kinds of changes, I’d love to hear some honest Linux distribution recommendations. I’m leaning towards Ubuntu because it is the most widely advertised and UX focused from my perspective. But I’ve also heard good things about Arch. Any others I should be considering?

I’ll probably not go full Linux any time soon - I want at least one Windows OS to play games on - so whatever option it should be dual-boot friendly.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Seems like the general consensus in this section is Mint, so I’ll give that a look over for sure

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Sorry, forgot to specify in the post. But I’m looking for a desktop replacement. We thankfully don’t use Windows Server anywhere at the moment.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Most people recommended Mint so far. What sorts of things do you like about Fedora?

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

This reminds me of a question I have about the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal. Obviously, he was in a position of power and shouldn’t have had relations with an intern. But it does beg the question: can any American citizen fully consent to relationships with the active president?

The issue is power and influence, but even the president’s wife is subject to a certain level of his presidential authority. So where’s the line? When is it “okay” in the eyes of the power dynamic.

Most people are probably reasonable enough to say that his wife, of course, can consent. But it still does make me ponder, and there’s an invisible line in the sand somewhere for most people

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

One example comes to mind where I almost did.

I used to drive an older Pontiac. It wasn’t the fanciest car, so it wasn’t the most performant.

One day, I was leaving a restaurant with a girl I was dating, and had to merge into traffic up a hill. I knew the car would need all the power it could get to do the merge safely, so I turned off the air-conditioning. Confused, the girl asked why I did that. I explained that air conditioning affects the performance of the car. She disagreed. She was raised a bit privileged and had only ever driven nice cars, so never noticed the performance hit of having the A/C on.

We bickered back and forth for a minute or two before I said “okay look I’ll show you” and reached to turn off the A/C. Before I could, however, she hit me with “you know, you don’t always have to be right”. I didn’t end up getting to prove it to her.

In her defense, I can be very stubborn when its something I am confident I’m correct in, and we actually argued a lot about stuff. Another example of an argument we had was over the fact that prairie dogs can carry the plague. She didn’t believe me and I remember we had to look up the answer. And that was on our second date.

I think about that line she hit me with a lot. But I also realize that in a lot of our “arguments” I was still having fun. To me, there’s a playful aspect to a good argument. As long as nobody is yelling or getting feelings hurt, it’s a fun way to pass the time. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize she wasn’t having fun like I was.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

I downloaded an emulator and have been playing Digimon World 2. It’s a game I used to play as a wee lad and never even came close to beating.

Now it’s like the end credits of Step Brothers. I’m here to kick its ass on the playground.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

That sounds like the very first game, which was more like a raising digimon game. You had to like run your digimon on a treadmill or something to get its stats up. I was actually going to potentially play that one next!

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Yes, but I had rented it at Blockbuster and so I didn’t get anywhere close to beating it! But I remember liking it so I was going to try it after I beat the second game

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Unciv is a Civ 5 remake with simplified graphics. Its a lot of fun but the AI is brutal.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

My guess is that it has something to do with the image where you can clearly see a tag? But I can’t read what it says

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Seems like we’re outliers here 😄 I keep it for those acquaintances who aren’t important enough to merit texting directly, but still might want to message me on messenger every now and again. Check in with it once every couple of months and see if anyone messaged me, scroll through the feed, get annoyed at all the “memes” and then exit.

There’s a new extremely annoying trend where a post at a “local” company says “hey we need to offload this expensive item, type @highlight in the chat to enter” which ends up pinging your entire friends list. Very annoying, super scummy.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Cecily Smith by Will Connolly is just some bonus track from a musical I’ve never seen or heard but every time I hear it I almost weep.

I love my wife very much and the core concept of “life isn’t about the things that we do it’s who we are doing them with” is a core ethos to my life, so the song is personally very relatable.

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

Depends on the movie. I like to watch them for movies I know I will never see and have no desire to see, and more focus on non-mainstream or foreign films. I prefer other mediums to movies so I probably watch fewer than 20 movies a year.

For example, I watched one about a Japanese movie where cockroach humanoids now inhabit Mars and they have to send humans with the ability to transform into other bugs to retrieve some data. An absolutely outrageous movie that I would otherwise never know existed and would never see willingly. So instead I watched a twenty minute summary of the movie while doing something else

notnotmike ,
@notnotmike@programming.dev avatar

I like Pitch Meeting because he’s excellent at pointing out plot holes, of which there are many, and isn’t quite so nitpicky as Cinema Sins

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