kirbowo808 , to World News in Israel's restrictions to Gaza aid may be war crime, says UN rights office avatar

Maybe a war crime? It definitely is a war crime!

livus OP , (edited ) avatar

Definitely but OHCHR will probably use cautious language until it has a full report.

Coreidan , to News in US Senator Rubio says he won't accept election results if 'unfair'

Cry more bitch

BrianTheeBiscuiteer , to politics in Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid

I was a libertarian in college. So yeah, college students don't have enough awareness to realize that another Trump presidency could mean the end of America (if SCOTUS doesn't beat him to it).

PanArab , to World News in Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi killed in helicopter crash, official says

Rest in peace

CaptObvious , to World News in Wikileaks' Julian Assange given permission to appeal against U.S. extradition, UK court rules

I guess they have to drag it out for diplomatic reasons, but the High Court has set a condition that the US cannot satisfy: The State Department nor the Department of Justice can guarantee that he would be granted First Amendment rights. It’s established precedent in US law that constitutional rights only apply to citizens. Judicial independence prevents them enforcing any agreement to the contrary.

Apollonius_Cone , to News in US Senator Rubio says he won't accept election results if 'unfair'


WraithGear , to politics in Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid avatar

They think so huh? I mean if Biden wanted to vote for trump he should just say so!

gravitas_deficiency , to politics in Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid

Jesus tapdancing christ his advisors are so high on their own farts if they really believe that.

Nomecks ,

College kids have crappy turnout. This is very well documented.

Ensign_Crab ,

So you won't be blaming them if Trump wins? If they're insignificant enough to ignore, they're too insignificant to blame.

Buffalox , to News in Exclusive: Tesla doing damage-control, discounts for European fleet buyers

slow service and expensive repairs alienated their corporate customers.

I see statements like this often, especially about Tesla, but I've never seen or heard reviewers mention it as a problem compared to other cars.
Originally low maintenance cost was pushed as a huge advantage for electric cars, because an EV has fewer components that are likely to break.

But particularly Tesla has been criticized for often very expensive repairs, but also other EV's where a new battery that may be harmed driving over something, can cost as much as a new car. Where on an ICE car it would be a minor repair.

UsernameHere ,

The reason their repair service is expensive and slow is because it is mobile.

We are used to bringing our cars to the repair shop when they need service.

With Tesla the repair shop comes to you and that is much more expensive and time consuming to do.

gregorum , avatar

They also refuse to replace individual battery cells which may need service, and they insist you buy an entirely new battery altogether.

drdabbles , avatar

Their mobile service numbers are a tiny fraction of their service appointments. Mobile service isn't why it's slow and expensive, Elon is.

drdabbles , avatar

You don't see reviewers complaining because they have a financial and social interest in keeping the lies going. Tesla service centers are shitty, their management is shitty, and Tesla refuses to fix the problem because it costs money.

BruceTwarzen ,

I only really talk to one person who used to ve a real tesla fanboy. He pre ordered the currently new model and he would always tell me that he can't wait for his new car, and i thought he was just lying, because the car was always just one month away from delivery. When it finally arrived, it had so many problems that he said he wouldn't accept it like it is and the guy was basically: okay, they deliver it to the next on the list and he's on hold again, so he just took it and let it be fixed along the way.
First time he brought it to one of their "garages" he didn't see the car for 3 or so month. They didn't fix any of the cosmetic problems, and most of his problems still persist, but they changed the transmission and acted like they didn't. Then he had a crack in the windshield, which wasn't a tesla problem, but to get a new one they told him it takes like 6 month. He sold the car later for what ge said was a very good price, vut i find that very hard to belive, because the car had many cosmetic issues, and was also very loud, because a lot of things in the cockpit just creeked and rattled.

newthrowaway20 , to News in Exclusive: Tesla doing damage-control, discounts for European fleet buyers

You're not supposed to be shitty to your corporate customers until after you've captured their business and they're dependent on you. Elon can't even enshittify properly.

givesomefucks , to politics in Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid

This is what "blue no matter who" gets us.

Politicians who don't care what we want because they're entitled to our votes as long as they're not as bad as Republicans.

Right now Schumer and Biden are trying to pass a "border bill" that would make some of the things we gave Trump shit for legal. Like, Biden really wanted to codify that any sitting president can "shit down the border" and prevent any asylum seekers from entering.

A child could see that if that passes, republicans will always say it needs done in office. Millions of people will be hurt by it, but it gives moderate Dems another knife to Dem voters throats:

Vote for me, or republicans will do that thing I just passed a law to let them do!

And there's no guarantee the Dem won't do it anyways.

It's really like watching a real life Brewster's millions, Biden keeps doing shit that's going to cost him the election, but apparently even listening to someone 40 years younger or even slightly to the left isn't something Biden can handle.

He only compromised with Republicans, and then gives them everything they want.

If protests don't work to change Biden's mind, what will?

What other options do voters have?

gravitas_deficiency ,

No… this is what a rigged primary system gets us.

Voting for Republicans at this point - or voting third party - is voting for fascism. There is precisely zero chance that Trump will handle the Gaza Genocide better than Biden will. If Trump wins, I would expect him to order a few B-52 squadrons to carpet bomb Gaza “to help Israel”, and then he’d also probably do the same to the West Bank just because he thinks it’d make him look like a big boy.

WraithGear , avatar

Not voting at all is the real worry. It takes effort to vote. And when you can’t even rally your base against trump then you ducked up bad. He literally saying that he does not have to appeal to his base because he has them with the threat of trump. Fine then they just don’t give a fuck any more. Disengagement is the name of the game and we all lose

AfricanExpansionist ,

This is why I don't vote

psvrh , avatar

Yeah, this.

The back half of "Blue no matter who" was supposed to be primarying out regressive Democrats. Much like Labour in the UK, the party is doing its best to disenfranchise and disengage with actual progressives, so this is slow going.

It's not impossible, though: Republicans, to their current horror, let the inmates run the asylum and it shifted their political alignment from "capitalist" to "fascist".

Dagwood222 , to politics in Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bid

It reminds me of the Star Trek TOS episode "City On The Edge of Forever."

When McCoy goes back in time to the 1930s he changes the future and ends the Federation. When Kirk and Spock go back they discover that a rising anti-war sentiment would lead to America staying out of WW2, allowing the Nazis to take control of the world.

IndustryStandard OP ,

I had to look up the date of TOS it aired 1966–1969 during the Vietnam war.

The lesson to be learnt here is that stopping the Vietnam war meant the Nazis would take over the world.

The anti-war sentiment won in 1973. That is year the Nazis and communists took over America and the whole world.

And that's all the fault of college kids protesting against the Vietnam war.

Dagwood222 ,

So, you don't know the difference between "1930" and "1970."

You don't know who was fighting in the Vietnam War.

Maybe, just maybe, instead of looking up the dates of old TV shows, you should read some actual history and basic math books?

TheSlad , to World News in Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi killed in helicopter crash, official says

He's with Kobe now

rayyy , to News in US Senator Rubio says he won't accept election results if 'unfair'

It is really simple, US Senator Rubio says he won't accept election results if unfair their orange mobster guy doesn't win.

jwt , to World News in Who is Mohammad Mokhber, the man set to become Iran's interim president?

"Anyway, who's up next?"
— Reuters

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