@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar


@[email protected]

Hello there!

I’m also @savvywolf , and I have a website at www.savagewolf.org .


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savvywolf ,
@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

What an expensive and enviromentally unfriendly way of being petty...

savvywolf ,
@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

Honestly been feeling pretty good recently. Started taking some antidepressants and they seem to be working! I guess I now have this feeling that everything is going to be okay and work itself out somehow.

savvywolf ,
@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

Halogen oven: I live alone, and even though it's relatively small, it's big enough for me (unless I want to cook a pizza). It preheats much faster than a regular oven, so meals take much less time to make if I'm just throwing something in it too cook.

Headphone stand: I got a stand that you can hang headphones on, and it's so much nicer than just tossing it on the table or whatever.

Battery powered lamp with a flexible "spine". I have an adjustable lamp which charges via usb and has a flexible neck. It saves the hassle of trying to prop up a phone or something with the torch turned on.

Did you know you can get toilet roll holders that have a little shelf for you to put a phone on? If you browse on the can, they're rather handy.

Extension cables: If you have a desktop or tv, you can just grab some USB, hdmi or audio extensions and swap things using that instead of leaning behind the device.

Egg cooker thingy: I have a thingie that you put a certain amount of water in and it boils an egg using the steam and turns off when done. Saves the effort of setting a timer or boiling a full pan of water.

Kettles: Apparently not a thing in the US? I don't know how you live without them.

savvywolf ,
@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

Just a heads up: Some instances don't allow creation of new communities by non-admins. If the "Create Community" option isn't there, you're probably on one of those instances.

savvywolf ,
@savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

For standard use, ext4. If you want to tinker and use fancy features, btrfs (or maybe zfs?).

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  • savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    A society that allows everyone to be free to do whatever they want, provided that all parties involved fully understand and consent to it. Economy wise, I'd like everyone to just unconditionally receive a basic income that covers enough for them to live comfortably.

    Perhaps unrealistic yeah, but that's the dream society I wish could happen.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    One small thing but I'm surprised nobody points it out - the charging port location. I like using my switch/steam deck in bed or otherwise laying down, and the fact that the charging lead is at the bottom of the console rather than the top sucks. It just gets in the way and stops you resting the console on you. Whereas the Steam Deck just has it on top where you can just plug it in while playing.

    I know the technical reasons behind it because of the dock and all that, but it's annoying.

    In general, I think the steam deck is better than the switch in almost every way - The switch is just an expensive ticket for the right to play Nintendo games nowadays.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Put up Halloween decorations and claim you got the date wrong.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Used them to debug a problem. Forgot to remove them. Wondered why I ran out of disk space a few weeks later.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Programs running graphically (Firefox, your file browser, etc.) need a way to tell the system "draw these pixels here". That's what the display server does; it takes all these applications, works out where their windows are and manages that pixel data.

    XOrg has historically been the display server in common use, but it's very old and very cobbled together. It generally struggles with "modern" things that must people expect today. Multimonitor setups, vsync, hdr and all that. They work, but support is hacked together and brittle.

    Wayland is a replacement for XOrg that was designed from scratch to fix a lot of these issues. But it's been an uphill battle because XOrg is the final boss of legacy codebases.

    tl;dr They're both software that manages drawing pixels from applications to the display.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Soldering. Anyone who tells you it's easy is wrong. :P

    Was soldering a mod board to a Sega Mega Drive, but ended up getting solder on the cpu's contacts and needed to get a second one. And it was a pain getting the wires to bind to the traces.

    And yes, I probably was doing everything wrong.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Firstly, if you can, get a bunch of boxes of paperclips and put them in plausible hiding places. Depending on how they are marked, it might buy you some time.

    Some ideas:

    • Lock it in a safe or strongbox only you know the code for.
    • Unscrew a plug socket or light switch from the wall, put it in the cavity, and then reattach it.
    • Get a photograph with a metal frame and slip the paperclip behind the picture itself.
    • Find some other metalic easy to dismantle thing and hide the clip inside.
    • Throw it down a drain or other hole, you can use a magnet on a string to retrieve it.

    I assume the investigator will systematically remove everything and sweep it with a metal detector. Hopefully these hiding places won't be as obvious.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    What I call brain fog is like “thinking through treacle” or something. Any thoughts I try to make, either solving problems or being creative, take a lot more “brain fuel” and effort to do.

    Easily find program name from context menu/without terminal?

    I occasionally need to know the names of programs. I asked here about "Run as Administrator" being added to the context menu (like in Windows), and the response was basically "can't be easily done". an example is if I wish to edit a config file it cannot be done without accessing the terminal. Knowing the name "gedit" is the...

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Out of interest, what is your use case? I’ve not seen a gui app that requires root that doesn’t prompt for it when you start it up.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    I’d like to see fusion power (or some other good power source) become a thing. It’d be nice to live in a society where energy usage was basically safe and free.

    If we’re being unrealistic, easy access to ftl spacecraft for everyone would be nice. Exploring the galaxy sounds fun.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R0hbe8HZj0 If you’re a video watchy person, I found this to be a really good overview on fighting game fundamentals.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Slay the Spire is the “original” Rougelike Deckbuilder and IMO got the formula down perfectly.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Why does this need to be linked to real money at all? Why not just use tokens that aren’t convertible to or from real money?

    Something like the GB Pokémon tcg game or the GBA Yu-Gi-Oh ones.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    We’d all like Steam to be open source, but that’s not going to happen for a number of reasons. So I guess you could say that a core part of the OS is proprietary, if you wanted.

    We like Valve because they are actually contributing to open source projects, unlike Microsoft who say they love open source but don’t do anything to support it.

    Also, the Steam Deck is really nice, and less locked down than “Windows” hardware.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Realistically, what are you expecting? If Valve suddenly decided tomorrow to release all of their source code on Github, all you’d get is a big blob of source code that is purpose built for Valve themselves and not really modular. They’d have so much technical debt and auditing requirements that it’d probably be easier to start from scratch, which I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect them to do.

    And honestly, nothing closed source that Steam does is really novel enough to warrant being open source. The value of Steam comes from its ecosystem and playerbase, as well as the backing of Valve themselves. That’s not something that an open source Steam server or client would allow people to compete with.

    I would like them to release an open source command line tool for downloading, launching and DRM-validating-ing games though. That seems reasonable for people who don’t want to run the full client and want something like Heroic or Lutris to be able to hook into.

    SuiPlay0x1 is a upcoming handheld that is going to run Playtron OS a Linux based (NOTE handheld is being made by blockchain company and with a potential price around $500) ( blockonomi.com )


    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Scam aside, that thing does not look comfortable to hold and use. Especially those triggers.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Really? To me they look like the ones on the 3DS. It made sense there considering the lid, but not here.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    What do your history books say happened around 2030?

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    But how does an orb person drink coffee!?

    non-Euclidean filesystem

    I noticed that I only had 5 GiB of free space left today. After quickly deleting some cached files, I tried to figure out what was causing this, but a lot was missing. Every tool gives a different amount of remaining storage space. System Monitor says I’m using 892.2 GiB/2.8 TiB (I don’t even have 2.8 TiB of storage...

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Just a heads up: I’ve noticed that Steam tends to require a bunch of spare space beyond the size the game takes up.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Terrifying. Please nobody implement this in an actual game.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Maybe 22 or something.

    Turning 30 in a few months and definitely feel that, due to anxiety and depression, I’ve “wasted” the last 15 years of my life.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Do you also get the “oh don’t be silly, 30 isn’t that old!” attitude from people you confide those fears to? Super annoying.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    (Technically aren’t half the white people in the comic not actually being racist?)

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    That view feels overly romanticised to me, tbh; the idea that the way to stop racism is to just not acknowledge it. That not drawing attention to things will just make it go away.

    There’s a lot of institutionalised racism in many countries, either due to racism itself or as a knock on effect from other failed systems.

    And, of course, there’s just plain bigotry that is passed patent to child and from social group to social group. That’s not going to stop by just censoring media.

    The message of this comic is, basically, “here’s some unconscious biases you could be making”. Reading it as “this is how you’re supposed to talk to black people” is… Well, if that’s the reading you make, then whether the comic exists or not isn’t going to change anything.

    It feels like this sort of thing makes people feel uncomfortable and they try to justify the removal of the media rather than grappling with the concept of privilege (which, tbf, is hard for people to do).

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    They 100% would stop you if they could.

    It’s why Google’s website DRM thing was so scary.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Okay, so I originally was going to go in a long rant about how they’re still doing it, but decided that it didn’t really add much to the comment, so removed it.

    Afaik they’ve, for now at least, shelved it in browsers, but are still going ahead in Android webviews (as part of their war on Youtube Vanced).

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    I assumed it was just a meme… People don’t actually want to eat them, do they?

    Feels like they’d be very fatty.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Anyone tried FreeBSD? Linux is starting to lose that hipster allure.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    I’ve not used it, but supposedly there’s a plugin that allows Wordpress to generate over ActivityPub (which Mastodon uses).

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Trolls are just bullies, I guess. For some of them, getting a rise out of people strikes then as funny, probably because of superiority issues. The psychology is interesting, but those people likely aren’t leading very happy lives. Karma probably isn’t top of their priority beyond it being funny how many people have gotten a rise.

    There’s also toxic people who hang around with trolls and other toxic people. They form social groups where some minority group becomes the butt of a joke, which then becomes an “in joke”. This historically has been against lgbt folks, certain nationalities, furries, disabled people and neurodivergent people, among others.

    Then those people internalise those feelings, and spread them to other social groups, where they either land or the person gets confused as to why people hate them. If you run a community, you need to keep an eye out for this sort of thing and stop it before it takes hold.

    Trolls attack people to get a reaction. Toxic people attack people out of indifference to their feelings.

    There’s also a group of people that feel they have a moral imperative to help people. That is, they should actively spread their own moral views and opinions so that other people may learn from them. This may or may not be a problem depending on the views of you and the platform.

    Anyway, that’s just me rambling a bit, sorry if it’s all nonsense.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    I guess for some people there’s no “good” or “bad” way to be. There’s just the real world, and that’s it.

    If people have been through abuse and trauma, they’ve been surrounded by people who think that power is the most important thing. And I guess that gets internalised to the extent that “strong” and “weak” becomes their axis instead of “right” and “wrong”.

    I think it’s rather telling that the narrative that these people lay out usually revolves around the idea that people should get a thicker skin or learn to deal with it.

    And sadly, I don’t think people that have gone through those things are able to find and maintain a good social group of positive people.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Honestly, as a Rust Zealot, I’m much more excited about Zig as a C killer than Rust.

    Will antivirus be more significant on Linux desktop after this xz-util backdoor?

    I understand that no Operating System is 100% safe. Although this backdoor is likely only affects certain Linux desktop users, particularly those running unstable Debian or testing builds of Fedora (like versions 40 or 41), **Could this be a sign that antivirus software should be more widely used on Linux desktops? ** ( I know...

    savvywolf , (edited )
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    An antivirus wouldn’t protect against the xz exploit. Imagine it did pull down the database of hashes and found a malicious xz binary, what is it going to do?

    It can’t quarantine it, because that would break programs. It could update it, but shouldn’t your package manager be the one in charge of that? So the best it can do is notify you of the exploit… Which also feels like a thing the package manager should be doing.

    I think instead of an antivirus, we should have a stricter permissions model. Certain applications can identity locations as “private” which blocks untrusted applications. So a random file you downloaded won’t be able to read your browser cookie jar or Discord session.

    Random files you download from the internet should be executed in an unprivileged context which requires a “do you want this application to have access to this?” prompt whenever it does something sketchy.

    Interestingly, afaik, Valve already runs Windows games in a secure container when using Proton. Fun fact.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Yep, the antivirus might need a compression library to manage its database. :P

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Cis male here and while I don’t really partake in the dating scene, I figure there’s a lot of social nuance to it. As far as I know, women aren’t “allowed” to make the first move, and so you have to work out if she’s interested in you or not through many subtle cues that are hard to see. And if you get it wrong, you’re either a creep or you’ve missed your chance because she thinks you’re not into her.

    Like feminism, could you please empower women to make the first move. My dumb ass is not going to see those signals.

    In general though, and I know some people on Lemmyreddit disagree, women get the short end of the stick a lot when it comes to societal norms and laws. It’s frustrating how much internalised misogyny there still is.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    Another Scot here and I know it’s not a cereal, but porridge.

    When I’m having a bad day, the pouches you put some milk in and then microwave for two minutes are a really quick and (presumably) healthy breakfast that tastes good enough.

    savvywolf ,
    @savvywolf@pawb.social avatar

    I have made a truly marvellous discovery, which this post is too short to contain.

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