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meekah OP , avatar

I'm doing my best to thank him for being so cooperative at the vet (besides constantly licking his wound, but it's been a few days now so I took the cone off. So far he seems to behave and not lick it excessively anymore)

meekah , avatar

Yeah they're talking about the cable, as that's usually easier to look at. Also a plug is on the cable, and a socket is on devices.

meekah , avatar

Pimple popping, my favorite thing to do while browsing lemmy

meekah , avatar

I mean, to be fair, the content has more than doubled.

Regardless, fuck Microsoft.

meekah , avatar

10 ft beard? How do you walk with something like that?

meekah , avatar

Beard* man what an unfortunate typo

meekah , avatar

Takes time and money to do that as well though, and I kinda feel like op would not have appreciated that markup

What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?

Body positivity is such a strange concept to me. There's efforts to reclaim words while simultaneously calling them bad if used as an insult. Ideally, people wouldn't be offended by someone describing their body with common descriptors, but socially there is so much value attributed to certain body types that it's almost...

meekah , avatar

There have been many times I've been glad that I wasn't taller. It's kinda funny watching taller folks hitting their heads on things and complaining about cars being too small.

6'3" guy here. Every time someone says "wow you're tall" I say that it's not that great. 6' is plenty to reach high shelves and stuff like that I think, but I struggle with leg room in public transport. I think that's more annoying than needing a ladder once in a while. Also I often feel my hair touching the roof in smaller cars.

Decision of Next Os

I was Nobara user, then I am using Fedora right now. I want to use things like Hyprland etc. and ya know, Its damn cool to say I am using arch btw. So I've decided to use Arch Linux. But everyone says its always breaking and gives problems. That's because of users, not OS.. right? I love to deal with problems but I don't want to...

meekah , avatar

Ive walked a similar path as you, I think. I ended up just trying arch, because I was district hopping anyways, using 2 separate drives in my PC. I'd just nuke the system that I thought was worse, and Nobara survived quite a few other distros, but it finally lost to arch. I do have some issues, but nothing completely bricking my system, at least during the month I've been using it. The AUR and Arch documentation is frankly amazing, so I do think it's worth it personally. Although I am thinking about trying Debian with the nix package manager when I can't wait for Debian packages to update. But this time Nobara will be nuked lol

You should set up your partitions in a way that allows you to keep user data despite the system breaking, no matter the distro. I think the Nobara setup just did that by default, but arch doesn't necessarily. Also watch out when installing arch using archinstall, the partition layout suggested by it didn't work for me and my friend due to an off by one error, resulting in slightly overlapping partitions. Not sure if they fixed that in the meantime, but doing it manually isn't too hard either.

meekah , avatar

I don't think it was supposed to be funny. I think that was their attempt at somehow mangling mental health into their stories because that's what the kids are all about or something

meekah , avatar

Hell yeah, I like that you're using it for something positive :)

meekah , avatar

Lmao that last one 😂 it ain't called a joint for nothing

meekah , avatar

I always buy bananas and wait for them to get brown, and make banana milk with them. I'll try to freeze them and also add oats, that sounds really good

What is the best model of used ThinkPad to purchase?

I’m thinking of picking up a used ThinkPad on eBay for cheap to serve as my daily driver. I’ll likely run LMDE, and primarily use it for web browsing, office programs, coding, and FreeCAD. Any recommendations on which model would best hit the sweet spot of capability vs price?

meekah , avatar

I have the x230 and like it, but I'd love to have a t420 for the meme

meekah , avatar

I found it quite ironic how most of the essential workers get shit pay.. Says a lot about our society I think.

meekah , avatar

Yeah I agree, I don't think they should be the top earners. But a livable wage should be the minimum...

meekah , avatar

I've smoked like 50g per month for the past few years and reduced by quite a lot now, and I only started to dream again once I did that. I feel like the thing about having no dreams is only really true if you smoke excessive amounts. How much do you smoke?

meekah , avatar

Interesting, thanks for the reply

meekah , avatar

I'd say change owner, but I'm with you otherwise. Although I do sometimes say change folder, old habits die hard.

meekah , avatar

Ooooh I though middle click is just a shortcut for Ctrl+c or Ctrl+v, depending on the context. Good to know it's a separate buffer!

meekah OP , avatar

Fair point.

I don't think DE has anything to do with it since it happened on both GNOME on pop, and Xfce on arch.

On both machines I'm using Firefox and have the following addons:

Ublock origin, bitwarden, sponsorblock for youtube and bring back dislikes

meekah OP , avatar

I think auto tab discard is what I'm looking for, thank you

meekah OP , avatar

The only peripheral I have on there is a USB mouse with no media buttons, and the laptop lid is closed so I doubt it's hardware causing this, but a good idea nonetheless

meekah OP , avatar

That makes sense, this is probably it. I'm gonna try the add-on the other user was recommending and see if it happens again.

meekah OP , avatar

Nope, just on my gaming tower, but those laptops shouldn't have it installed and I definitely never set up a connection to my phone

meekah , avatar

It's all the same user in case you didn't notice

meekah , avatar

Because not using windows or MacOS makes you a hipster in the eyes of many people

meekah , avatar

Not technically, but you can configure both task bars to display the same things

meekah , avatar

Make sure to play around with desktop effects! I can't live without wobbly windows now.

meekah , avatar

I think there's still a big difference between getting help when dating and getting an arranged marriage

meekah , avatar

I mean, yeah, but what's the point of calling something an arranged marriage when it's actually just parents acting as an old school dating app

meekah , avatar

But then it's still just arranged dating at best. Maybe the parents look for someone who is interested in entering a marriage in the first place, but that doesn't make it an arranged marriage IMO.

meekah , avatar

Yes, language is subjective, cool that you seem to be learning that today. So no argument as to why it would actually be an arranged marriage, despite the described scenario not necessarily ending in a marriage?

meekah , avatar

Yes you did, and when you said that, you implied that "arranged marriage" could also mean getting help with dating. You never mentioned dating explicitly, but how else do you think your original comment should be interpreted?

You're getting personal now, which is a telltale sign for someone who has no arguments for the point they are trying to make.

meekah , avatar

I mean I'm aware that this isn't like western dating but it's still not an arranged marriage. Saying that this is an arranged marriage is like having your parents pick out a hairdresser and calling it a haircut.

I'm so tired of hearing about US police brutality and China being authoritarian. Why does it feel like everyone is a hypocrite here? Where are the posts about Chinese protests and police brutality?

I bet if the kind of things happening in the US happened in China, I wouldn't be able to stop hearing about it. I mean, people are still criticizing the Tiananmen Square massacre, and hasn't anything happened since then? It's like still making conspiracy theories about Kennedy's assassination or 9/11, those are old news.

meekah , avatar

Reminds me of what happened on a bridge across the Chicago river in 2004

meekah , avatar

Pretty sure its a metaphor for being an asshole

meekah , avatar

Yeah I just started using Linux half a year ago and tried a few distros and DEs, but GNOME "disks" is just the easiest way to set up auto mounting and is available on any package manager I came across so far.

How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?

To those from the Western hemisphere, it's always fascinating to hear that some homes and businesses from the times of the Greek philosophers still have inhabitants, and then you remember that the Western hemisphere is itself not without its own examples, for example some Mexican villages still have temples from the times of the...

meekah , avatar

We have a church in Berlin that was built in 1220-1230

meekah , (edited ) avatar

I'm pretty sure the increased crime among refugees here in germany is largely due to the laughably long wait times (months, if you're lucky, on average 3 years) until their case gets reviewed, and them only gettting a tiny allowance (max. 182€ per month) and not being allowed to work during that time. Of course they end up committing crimes more often in such a situation, it's not because they are bad people.

meekah , (edited ) avatar

Das kann viele Gründe haben. Rassismus in der Polizei ist nur einer davon. Heißt immer noch nicht, dass Flüchtlinge generell schlechte Menschen wären.

edit: hast du deinen Artikel eigentlich selbst gelesen?

Die überproportional vielen Ausländer unter den einer Straftat Beschuldigten erklären Soziologen und Kriminologen mit verschiedenen Ursachen. So sind die meisten Zuwanderer junge Männer, die in jeder Kriminalitätsstatistik auffällig stark vertreten sind. Hinzu kommen die bei Ausländern in Deutschland besonders oft schwierige soziale Lage und womöglich eigene Gewalterfahrungen im Herkunftsland oder während der Flucht nach Deutschland, die die Hemmschwelle zur Gewaltanwendung sinken ließen.

Zudem passierten viele Straftaten in Ausländerunterkünften und in deren Umfeld, wo einerseits die Unterbringungssituation extrem angespannt ist, andererseits Polizei und Wachschutz besonders präsent sind. Ferner haben Soziologen aufgezeigt, dass die Anzeigebereitschaft deutlich höher ist gegenüber Menschen, die als nicht zugehörig zur eigenen Gruppe wahrgenommen werden.

Das Bundeskriminalamt hält aber auch fest: Der Anteil der einer Straftat Beschuldigten unter allen Ausländern ist im vergangenen Jahr sogar gesunken Weil aber zugleich deutlich mehr Ausländer in Deutschland leben, ist die absolute Zahl ausländischer Straftäter dennoch gestiegen. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen Zuwanderung und Anzahl registrierter Straftaten ist damit offensichtlich.

Unfassbar guter Journalismus daraus so eine Überschrift herbeizudichten...

meekah , avatar

If you zoom in you can see thin whiskers, what makes you think they were trimmed?

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