@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar


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BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

This definitely does not look like something that would, or should, be sweet.

All the same I’m kinda intrigued.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Punching up (nonviolently, as you say) is always valid.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

If someone buys it, it’s style. If not, they suck at painting.

Isn’t art fun?

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Are you using that example because you know it happens?

Because you know that happens, right?

Lots of dudes are super butthurt (pun very much intended) that breast cancer gets all the awareness (eg pink athletic merch during breast cancer month), and not their man-only cancer which they don’t advocate for at all outside of complaining.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Excellent, thank you, I just wanted to make sure because some people unironically believe this thing and.. well, anyway 🫡

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

It took me about 6 months of having all the time I wanted to actually start making a sizable dent on the backlog of projects. Recovering from adhd-flavored burnout is no quick thing.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

I think it really helps for me that I don’t have anyone to take care of except myself, some cats, and some aquatic friends. They will let me slack if I have to. And I have enough saved up that this can continue for a long while if I want (which I do; I’m that fabled “nobody” who doesn’t want to work ever again)

Whenever I’ve tried to recover and I was living with anyone else, it was absolutely much longer and more difficult. They, like, had needs and stuff and for whatever reason assumed that not working meant I was going to handle them all, plus more.. plus I couldn’t just assume that my money would last, like I can now.

When I say above “whatever I want to do”, I really do mean it. And even with that, 6 months to start getting things done again has made me feel like an abject failure many times. I have to keep reminding myself I gave myself so much time for a reason.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

If you are on a planet made of them would you not also be required to consume them? So really that’s just hard-mode for the question.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Imagine if you will the absolute carnage wrought by your sugar-loving gut biome once you take that first dump on this pbj planet (assuming you don’t sink in).

How long do you think you’ve got before the whole thing spoils and you die of sepsis from living in rot? Think you could outrun it on a daily basis to stay alive?

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

You can just gnaw on dog treats if you want. Like nobody is stopping you. My parents tried and failed many many years ago, but the sandy texture of the treats they bought was a major turnoff for me, so no need fam. If dentabones or whatever had been a thing back then I might have a different story..

Fun fact; most pet foods and treats are tested at some stage by humans for flavor, because animals can’t really give proper critique. So someone, somewhere, has probably already eaten them.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

The seasonings and what have you are often tested by the npd crowd

This is the “at some stage” portion, I assume (tho I don’t understand the lingo you are using tbh)

Dry foods are bland and flavorless kibbles without the flavor coating, often using the same meal for multiple lines, so you just test the coating. But other products don’t have that luxury, like wet foods and treats that have soft core or whatever.

Obviously nobody is consuming it as a diet, but they do test it :)




BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

I haven’t tried those but the generic ones that were bbq flavor back in the 90s were made from flour and water and probably nothing else, and crumbled on bite into nasty wheat sand.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Ships can absolutely be beached without being up on shore though. So in the water.

Because they are super heavy and can thus run aground further out than a small boat might. They are beached, meaning they are stuck in sand of a beach, but they aren’t on the beach, and are wholly within the water. Because that definition had “especially” and not “only”, thus it can go out further than what we would traditionally label as a beach between high and low tide.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Imagine the filth in your average public restroom.

Now imagine if they were all designed with powerful fountains that spray water up and out of the device if not intercepted by an anus.

I’m pretty sure “this is why we can’t have nice things” is true in this case, just pre-emptively.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Surprises of that sort aren’t really the problem, tho that would be.. wild.

The intentional abuse of the devices would be the problem, as would unintentional misuse (eg they are in the wrong position and it misses entirely, or they don’t know what it is and mess with the controls while standing in front of it).

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Same, honestly. You have to make sure it works and you don’t really think to cover it, and even if you did you don’t really know where..

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

This is my absolute favorite thing about the internet.

People doing harmless stupid shit and telling everyone else about it.

Seriously, the best, because then I don’t have to try it myself.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

I’m so thrilled that the building next to mine is being bought. I talked to the new owner and asked about changing out the building lights. Currently they are like a mix of design 1 and 2 (it’s a hanging globe under a fixture, so virtually nothing blocked), but about 60 foot up, in the middle of a residential area that doesn’t do street lights (small town, not a main road).

Basically all the houses around this building have to have light blocking curtains because of the shitty lights. They are -much- brighter (actual bulb power plus light spill, plus they are bright white and not warm) than the street lights a couple roads over.

He’s going to be converting them into design 4, more or less, to limit the light spill to mostly just that property. His son said “fuck yeah we can fix that, it would drive me nuts too!” And I’ll see if I can convince him to change out the bulbs for something less harsh as well.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

I got a “sales” job once and during training this is basically what they preached. Find the pain point and lay into it until they relent and sign up for the thing that will fix the pain.

Made me super uncomfortable and I quit 2 days into training, because a lot of what the place did was accessibility accommodations, so it was basically harassing old and disabled people going about their day, and making them feel bad about their shitty situation to take their money. No thanks.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

It might benefit you to know that pepper plants can be kept alive nearly indefinitely if you give them good enough conditions. So if you keep them in a pot, you can trim them and move them inside over cold months (bare stems is fine as long as they don’t dry out), and then in spring they are already super well established and big and start putting out peppers really early.

I never do well with new pepper plants, but second season they produce like crazy.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

The first trailer felt like the sort of thing I could watch - I feel like I have an idea what the movie is about but don’t even know what their voices sound like.

The one you linked is the reason I go out of my way to avoid trailers for literally any media that I might actually like. It spoils enough (even if it isn’t all of it) that it really ruins the media for me.

I’d like to see a trailer that’s made entirely of outtakes (and I don’t mean where they bust out laughing while delivering their lines, more like ad lib, or scenes that got cut or whatever). It’d probably have to be for some sort of comedy, but like “this didn’t make it into the movie, you’ll have to watch it to see what did”. I feel that wouldn’t really spoil the movie, and would still give a decent idea of the thing..

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

I really like the way the talk bubble is drawn. Not the fancy curly bit at the top, but the wispy tail to indicate speaker. I really like the visual it gives.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

That tricep dip looks like a real bad idea with a wheeled chair..

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Poisoned husband -daily for months-

Gets probation and no contact order.

Yo, what? When that husband or kid turns up dead down the line they are gunna be all shocked pikachu about it. At the very least she should have been ordered to an inpatient treatment facility and not just some wishy-washy mental health screening.

She actively, daily, tried for months to kill him. Probation shouldn’t be for that kind of premeditation. It should be for “oops I lost my temper” or “oops I wasn’t paying enough attention for a split second”, not this sort of planned out and executed multiply sort of thing.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah, if I’m being honest, I don’t care a lick about what someone who was being actively poisoned for months wants for their attempted murderer in this sort of incident. It shouldn’t even have been a remote consideration.

Dynamic like this, wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been worn down over the years and just accepts the situation.. I’m not saying I have any sort of insight here, but really bad calls all around either way.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

My highschool literally used the blueprints, with very few changes, from the local prison to build the school.

We had cell blocks for home rooms, and you’d just go between the four classrooms/cells within the block for the day, then another 4 the next day (so alternate classes on alternate days). No windows in most classrooms, just the cell blocks.

The hallways could all be monitored from a single central location, and it was riddled with security cameras.

The only things it didn’t have were the fence around the outside, guard towers, and bars. They even used the same color scheme, but in reverse. It was incredibly un-subtle and not a comfortable place to learn..

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

If not for the social aspect of it I’d be on board also. I struggle to live that closely with others.

It’s the sort of thing I’d like to see done with existing abandoned malls, though. Might cost a bit to retrofit, but I think you could easily get away with shared facilities (bathrooms/kitchens) and separate living space, as long as it doesn’t cost a lot to live there. Make them communal living spaces that function as a whole indoor community.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Mine was like that too so I just deleted them and moved on. I sat right next to the security team and would thus know when they were going out, so they gave no shits as long as you didn’t fall for it.

It also helped that my team was the only in the company that didn’t really get email. Everyone else got hundreds a day (no joke, they used way too many mail lists) and we got maybe 5-10, all internal or auto-generated, so everything was super obvious, and IT was well aware of this.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

The hooves must make it difficult for you to type.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Based on the fuzz on the torn corner, he likes rubbing on the broken box. I’d leave that one for him for a while as-is, replace it when he doesn’t use it anymore.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

He must be really small or they must have some wild overly-American ideas of how big a car is.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Heck yeah, and you could still call it lord of the rings if his thing is to blow smoke rings. Maybe even just once per episode, so as not to be weird.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Oooooh a rabbit with predator teeth, that’s an alarming thought.. maybe that’s the rabbit from holy grail. Would explain a lot.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Especially since the delta wave thing is also a “fry dumb” thing.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

You know I love the idea of cryostasis, and the idea of reanimating people after death is great.

But why the fuck would future humans bother bringing all these people back, even if they could? Even if they have a utopian society free of scarcity and inequality, they would be bringing back mostly rich people who lived in a super different and bad time and have literally nothing positive to contribute to the utopian future, since they were a large part of the problems of today in the first place. Plus the vast majority of them are almost certainly elitist assholes who nobody in a utopia would want to be around.

Maybe it would be a humanitarian thing, but if these people are dead and frozen there’s no real imperative to do this to end suffering or something. Or I guess maybe bringing them back to try and figure out what the hell their damage is that they felt ruining everything was a better option than working toward the betterment of all.. but they’d only need a few brains in vats for that, no bodies, so sucks to suck, cryofolks.

If future humans don’t have a utopian society, the only real use for people from so long ago that I can come up with would be research subjects or slaves. And frankly there are easier ways to go about getting those..

So I see no possible future where people who cryopreserve get brought back en masse. Even if it’s entirely possible to surmount the technical hurdles.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Idk, my step dad met my mom in the 90s by taking out a personal ad in the paper. It said, in full (minus A/S/L and contact info):

“Can’t dance, won’t cook, never had a job. Frog seeks princess.”

He was a resteraunt manager back then, idk if he can dance tho.. probably not. So it can be done in a text-length message. It’s rare to find a good match that way though (and they weren’t!), because it’s very little to go on.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

No, they come in many different sizes.

The camping/backpacking ones are tiny, large pill size easily, but they aren’t big towels, you get basically a disposable towelette out of one. Because physics, really.

And they are almost exclusively super thin and low quality. They do the job with a purpose, but you wouldn’t use one outside of emergency or backpacking or something.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Low sodium foods are a legitimate health need for a lot of people -myself included since my teens through no fault of my own- and you don’t fuck with people’s health.

Just because some people abuse the system doesn’t mean you punish people who are just trying to survive. Same with allergies.

But hey I’m glad to know being born with crap genes makes me an asshat. That attitude is what’s wrong with the world.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

I don’t. And it’s really rude of you to assume I do and try to give me condescending, basic, advice based on that incorrect assumption (that was strongly hinted against in what you replied to) and nothing else. I have hypertension through genes. I’ve been on a low sodium diet most of my life and medication since I was 19, when I was in the military and in the best shape of my life. I’m mid 30s now. I grew up with a great diet, and active lifestyle, so eating something moderately unhealthy now and then isn’t actually a risk, but that unknown salt absolutely is.

So like.. don’t be all weird when “more than 60%” is a miss with roughly 40%. And maybe just keep it to yourself either way because even if you are right? You don’t know what they do or don’t know, or what issues they have around their health. It’s none of your business and you almost certainly aren’t helping anyone.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Most of them do, honestly. If you are going to do a thing, you might as well be at least good at it.

One of the greatest things I learned from studying linguistics and language, and knowing a lot of people from a lot of dispersed cultural backgrounds.. is to just roll with it because life is short and communicating effectively is fucking difficult. If you can get by with “good enough to convey the message as intended”, you’ve actually managed a supreme feat. Because a message has so many layers, like an ogre, it’s so hard to get them all right every time.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

While I was in college I took a TESL course (teaching English as a second language) thinking I could learn some strategies to apply to language learning in general, selfishly for myself.

I was wrong, it was intended for teaching kids, but it opened my eyes to a really open blending way of doing things. One that literally teaches empathy and racial/ethnic equality without explicitly doing so.

There are some hybrid classes that aim to teach mutual language skills to native speakers of two to four tongues (each kid having one home language of course), so they start early, move on as a group, and everyone is on the same unequal footing. They see each other struggle, they help each other learn. It is literally a way to teach empathy with diversity and make everyone better :). And the best part is these are all early education programs so they get them in elementary and stop before highschool because they know enough to keep going and have a social support structure to practice with.

I hope something like this picks up more widely, since it’s gaining traction in “large minority” areas and can only benefit literally everyone :)

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

If you need to get out of bed to game, and getting out of bed is an achievement, you are doing your life wrong. Play from bed.

AM radio law opposed by tech and auto industries is close to passing | Ars Technica ( arstechnica.com )

A controversial bill that would require all new cars to be fitted with AM radios looks set to become a law in the near future. Yesterday, Senator Edward Markey (D-Mass) revealed that the "AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act" now has the support of 60 US Senators, as well as 246 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, making its...

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

You know, I read this whole back and forth, and the only takeaway I have is that you have absolutely no idea how any of these technologies work. Like at all. I’m not saying this to be a dick or anything -it’s ok to not know things- but it’s painfully obvious in this case because your lack of fundamental understanding is the core of your argument.

And if you did understand how the tech works, you’d probably get why those options are used instead of your layman’s idea of a good idea. Which is not, in fact, a good idea at all for a variety of reasons. Which is exactly why these other things are being discussed and supported by people who do understand them (and I’m not talking about the rest of the Lemmy comments either, I mean in the real world).

There are tons of scenarios where cell towers/fm transmitters for an area would go down, but cars would still be fully operable. But even if that wasn’t the case, why do you want to remove a public safety option that currently exists, even if you don’t and won’t use it? The only people who benefit are big companies (the exact ones whining they don’t want to comply) that don’t care about you, so why do you give a shit if this inconveniences them?

Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time?

I'm sick of random capitalisations mid sentence. I'm sick of common words being replaced by less common ones or even downright nonsense. I'm sick of it taking three attempts to successfully get the word I want. I swear it's been like this for five years or more. Can we have a better version yet, or at least the old one back?

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Yet if you want to start with well, it’ll always change itself to we’ll. Because of course. (Which I had to go back in and edit twice to make it read how I wanted, because it’s aggressive and will do what it wants even several words later, so be real fucking careful.)

Same with Wed (like Wednesday)/wed and we’d (which I originally wrote in the opposite order but when I wrote the second one it decided I wanted to change the first to match.. so fun!)

But one can’t turn off autocorrect because that’s a disaster too.. impossible to hit the right letters.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

So around my early-April birthday I’m used to chaos.

That’s what spring is like. It’s supposed to be weird.

But it’s gotten so weird.. my lilacs got frostbite, and half of the spring growth died… They budded in early March and then several frosts followed.. because of course they did. That’s spring. But man the plants are confused.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

Thaaaats hilarious. “Oh well if he isn’t here, warrant!” More judges need to just.. do that.

These people are going to waste time anyway, might as well make it hurt so they think twice.

BubbleMonkey ,
@BubbleMonkey@slrpnk.net avatar

We want the pecker to ejaculate excitedly, and spill everything.

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