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737 ,

it's the back of a modern London bus. there is nothing wrong with it

737 OP ,


737 OP ,

Or maybe because his PR team really outdid themselves with the shitty car schtick.

737 ,

Not liking Arch is exclusively a skill issue. You may prefer stable release distros, but you won't find a rolling release distro better than Arch.

737 ,

Tumbleweed is way worse, zypper is very bad, it's backed by a corporation, no AUR, it's honestly quite mediocre.

737 ,

It's not bad, just not exceptional (like Arch).

737 ,

Arch is just as easy to install with a smaller ISO and a faster installer. Advertising EndeavourOS to inexperienced users will also lead to issues due to incompatibilities with the wiki due to dracut, the systemd firewall, and potentially systemd-boot.

737 ,

Arch has an installer

737 ,

People who are are not able to use or dislike a TUI install script should not be using Arch or an Arch based distro. Especially when taking into account that EndeavourOS doesn't have a GUI package manager.

At least Manjaro has a point with it's slower repos and pamac.

EndeavorOS is just Arch with Calamares, some welcome window bloat, and pacman hooks to have it be distinguished from Arch by neofetch; all at the cost of the install duration: the download is slower, the flashing is slower, the boot is slower, the installer is slower, even pacman is slower due to the hooks.

You can just download in ISO of Arch with Calamares instead, if you really want it (example)

EndeavorOS does not contribute anything to make the install process easier nor to the experience using it. Why it is still so popular after the reintroduction of archinstall really remains a mystery to me. I really only view it as a security risk due to the smaller team.

737 ,

I'm pretty sure you only get the full resolution image when clicking on it, not right away when loading the page. That would at least explain why you can download images in multiple resolutions from Wikipedia.

737 ,

Arch, OpenSUSE TW, and Debian Sid are pretty good. As a desktop/WM I'd recommend Hyprland, Plasma, or DWL. Hyprland and DWL take some time to set up and get used to though. GNOME is sort of a pain in the ass, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you use touch gestures a lot.

737 ,

the guy who invented straight people

737 ,

that is just wrong, Arch has multiple week long testing phases for most packages.

current example: Zig 6 days out of date

Python over 1 month


737 ,

it’s a reference to some calculators wrongly approximating some values to a fraction of π

737 , (edited )

<span style="color:#323232;">CRTL+ALT+F3
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[username]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[password]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">sudo rm -fr --no-preserve-root /
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[password]
737 ,

Who needs that pesky kernel and bloated bootloader anyway?

737 ,

rm is part of GNU or busybox though.

737 ,

where do i get this so-called “bell pepper brush”? :3

737 ,

The issue isn’t that they don’t bother rewriting it to compile to AMD64, but that they’d have to rewrite it for ARM and Metal for basically no real payoff since OS X isn’t a popular gaming platform.

737 ,

I really dislike these Arch forks that don’t add anything really special. The more your system differs from a normal Arch install, (dracut on EndeavourOS for example) the less helpful resources will be available. Just use Arch instead.

737 ,

To be fair, tech companies can do whatever they want in the EU, No party would ever want to be responsible for WhatsApp, Windows, or ChatGPT not being available anymore.

737 ,

a lot of modern German companies have English names

737 ,

There are no rules, just loose patterns, and pronunciation is not grammar.

737 ,

a company based in Luxembourg is practically a German company evading taxes

737 ,

the mint gui package manager is ok

737 ,

What’s the deal with Arch/CLI/“complicated” linux distro hate? GUIs generally suck more than CLI/TUI tools. If Arch distributed an official GUI installer ISO, nobody would ever use it; the ISO would be huge compared to its current size and the archinstall TUI is the best installer I’ve come across so far. Just stop being afraid of the terminal.

Debian also doesn’t come with a GUI package manager as far as I’m aware.

Also stop shilling Linux Mint to new users. Fedora, OpenSUSE TW, Debian, Ubuntu, and I’d even say Clear Linux are all more attractive operating systems to use for anyone who switches over. Cinnamon is just not as good as the alternatives and if you’re not using Cinnamon, you might as well use Debian.

737 ,

I do not want a distro with garbage pre installed, you have the choice to not use Arch, it is the “CLI choice.”

737 ,

There are a couple of issues with Mint, the biggest one by far, in my opinion, is the slow update schedule, anything more than 6 months really isn’t usable for the desktop, this leads to a reliance on Flatpak and the inability to compile and use a lot of packages. The second biggest issue is Cinnamon, it’s outdated, very restrictive, lacks a lot of important features, and is generally ugly (in my opinion of course) you can’t even really change the default desktop since the others ones are extremely outdated in the repos. It’s still ok to use but just not very compelling beyond it’s similarities to Windows when compared to other distros.

I’d generally say that the non-immutable spins of Fedora are way nicer to use due to the larger repos and newer packages. You also don’t really lose anything on Fedora that you’d get on Mint, you still have a GUI package manager and installer so even new users can use it intuitively.

737 ,

it’s not, GPL cannot be made proprietary

737 ,

really depends on what you call proprietary

737 ,

No, the defaults are worse than the arch defaults, the wallpapers are ugly, dracut has worse documentation for desktop use, yay is bad, and the firewall GUI is pointless bloat (the thing on the KDE settings app is just better). Just use Arch.

737 ,

explain it with all it’s nuances in one sentence.

737 ,

I’d like to see how

737 ,

how? I didn’t see the option last time i searched tor it.

737 ,

i use vi mode in zsh for that reason, its pretty good

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