BaumGeist ,

Cool now do parallel downloads and I’ll quit using Nala

Jordan_U ,

10 year old bug?

What are they talking about, that bug report is from 2014‽

… Fuck

anon_8675309 ,

Not one single screen shot.

umbrella , avatar

i tought debian didnt have colored terminals by default? at least my server installs don’t.

azertyfun ,

“Color terminal” isn’t a thing. Applications can choose to output ANSI escape codes which most terminal emulators will render as color changes. Whether and which colors get used depends on the value of $TERM, which informs the application of the capabilities of the terminal emulator.

So if your remote servers don’t have color, either $TERM isn’t being set or its value is unknown to the server. Most modern terminal emulators support at least the same escape codes as xterm-256color though so you can always try to export that.

Andromxda , avatar

Nala is a much nicer frontend for apt, which includes additional features like parallel downloads

umbrella , avatar

i tought apt already did this if you were downloading from different mirrors?

LeFantome ,

I have heard of Nala before but have never actually taken the time to install it. Based on your comment, I just checked it out on one of the Debian 12 systems I run. Turns out it was right in the repos.

Wow. So good. I cannot believe it took me this long. Jealous of it on the Arch installs now.

I installed it on Ubuntu 22.04 as well but it was not there when I searched. I had to add the jammy-backports repo first.

Thank you for the push.

penquin ,

Y’all need Nala. Debian should just make it their default and call it a day.

mexicancartel , (edited )

Nala is too cool but kinda messy if you resize terminal. It puts things in box hsing unicode characters and nake it look like some gui. Also nala is using python-apt and it also require apt. This brings out of the box ecperience with apt itself

Edit: typos

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Wait, when does this drop for Bookworm 12 stable branch? This looks kinky.

pmk ,

Stable means unchanging, so probably never. If it’s just cosmetic with no new functionality, maybe, but usually not.

LeFantome ,

When Debian 12 becomes Debian 13. It says in the article.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

It won’t

dino ,


passepartout ,

Take that snap!

vk6flab , avatar

If you’re anything like me and find coloured text is often unreadable in a terminal window, here’s the list of how to address the issue:

fratermus , avatar

Agreed. I haven’t read the article yet, but my first thought was “how am I going to turn that off”

drwho , avatar

It’ll be fun filtering all the color codes out of build logs, that’s for sure. :/

helaslo ,

Apt even warns you to not use it for anything scripting related, apt-get has a stable interface for exactly that

ReversalHatchery ,

So far almost any Linux software I have used and supports colored output automatically turns off coloring if it detects that stdout is not a terminal.

mexicancartel ,

Probably it will have an option --no-color or something as well as config. Somebody will ask for it for a specific niche use case and it might not be hard to implement within apt so they add it

FoxBJK , avatar

Kinda miffed they didn’t include a screenshot of the colors, but I’m guessing the readability will be vastly better!

runswithjedi ,
FooBarrington ,

I hate it, makes me look much less like a hacker while installing pre-built software from other people

lemmyreader ,


fossphi ,

Just switch to green on black. Immediate street cred boost

umbrella , avatar

computer people have upvotes not street cred

LeFantome ,

Just do it on ARM or RISC-V. RISC architecture changes everything.

shotgun_crab ,

But it has more green, isn’t that the hacker color?

Jordan_U ,

Just keep “hollywood” running in another terminal at all times.

eager_eagle , avatar

that is vastly more readable, not only thanks to the colors, but the indentation, new lines, and straightforward section titles are a huge improvement.

42yeah ,

And proper package name alignment!

azertyfun ,

I’m just surprised the purists aren’t all up in arms that this isn’t KISS and that it doesn’t fit in their 80x24 teletype.

… sorry, guess I’m not over that whole systemd “debate”.

BCsven ,

Looks like how zypper does it

Nyanix , avatar

I love this change, actually, I’m not a boring-text purist. Proper categorizing of data allows me to spot things at a glance much easier, and I’m all in favor of anything that can improve efficiency and understanding, especially for new folks, so we can improve product adoption.

9488fcea02a9 ,

I’m using sid and i’m loving thia change. It’s an obvious visual cue to check if i’m about to remove something important like my whole desktop environment lol

Routhinator , avatar

I love it, but as someone with a red-green colour blind coworker, I always try to use blue for positive feedback, and orange for negative, as its better for representation for most colourblind types.

Nyanix , avatar

That’s a great callout, and something we should be considering more often

rokejulianlockhart , avatar

I wish FreeDesktop would standardize CLIs taking their application colours from the user theme so that colourblindness is catered for.

AceFuzzLord , avatar

I didn’t know I needed multi-coloured terminal text until I saw the 2nd image. It looks so much more readable!

Jordan_U ,

Install and run “btop”.

You could scroll down to the screenshots on the GitHub page, but I had a friend recommend btop to me and seeing it for the first time running on my own machine was an experience. Highly recommend.

runswithjedi , (edited )

Check out Zsh, Oh My Zsh!, and Powerlevel10K. Then add plugins from zsh-users for zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting. It’s made using the terminal so much nicer for me.

llii ,

It’s not only more readable because of the color, they also rearranged everything.

737 ,

looks splendid :3

1984 , avatar

There are some screenshots in this article:

lemmyreader ,

And this is what Debian users will be doing more often : Installing, uninstalling and installing software just because APT and nala is so pretty and colorful. It adds a whole new flavor to the art of Procrastination 😁

Frederic ,

I’m using nala for some time now, it is pretty 😀 (it is a frontend for apt, with colours, history, undo, etc)

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