chrisbiscardi , to random avatar

Bevy 0.14's release cycle is just getting started with the creation of the 0.14 release crew working group.

In the meantime, we've got new rendering features (God Rays and Depth of Field), cone meshing, rounded box gizmos, and more!

dekirisu , to random avatar

🐺 added simple tooltips, showing name and item type


chrisbiscardi , to random avatar

Still in need of y/z-indexing for visuals, but the collisions are working.

Colliders are defined in Tiled by visually placing vertices on the tilesheet. collider information is read when building the bevy_ecs_tilemap tilemap and translated into bevy_xpbd Colliders.

player is a kinematic rigidbody with a ellipse collider placed on a child entity. level colliders are static.

the switch plate in the middle is also a sensor, which is data added in Tiled as well.


dekirisu , to random avatar

🐍 added item stacks up to 256
🐇 right now, only ground item can stack


ekuber , to random avatar

" development is going too fast (because they are stabilizing features I don't care about) and going too slow (because they are not stabilizing features I care about!"

There are only so many contributors, hours in a day, days in a year to get to everything now, and some features are reliant on other, less flashy work that needs to happen before they can be even attempted.

But people are putting in a lot of work, the codebase changes so quickly that it is hard to keep up.

MevLyshkin , to random avatar

I've made the bevy iteration of my card prototype source available:

It can be played in browser at:

dekirisu , to random avatar

🦌 added item type 'ground'
🐸 ..which modifies the ground in front of the player

(infinite uses, until I implement item stacks) 🐢


chrisbiscardi , to random avatar
faassen , to random avatar

Porting a significant codebase (an xpath compliant regex engine) from Java to Rust was fascinating. Here are some observations:

  • Java is pretty readable even for someone who never wrote a line of Java in his life

  • Editor dev tooling to follow references is super handy during this work

  • Java classes melt away into enums. In this codebase dynamic dispatch was unnecessary and inheritance was used only a little. OO is overrated


dekirisu , to random avatar

🦉 added an action bar, placed items can be used via number keys
🦊 added item type 'spell' (no individual cooldowns yet)
🦐 made spell items out of the dash and past projectile attacks


rusticorn , to random avatar

I am happy to present to you the first speaker of our upcoming virtual @bevy Meetup on Friday May 24th: Bevy Maintainer
@FrancoisMockers with "Catching Rendering Regressions on all Platforms" - don't miss it and join us here: 🦀🎮

gabrielesvelto , to random avatar

If you're doing a lot of work in C/C++/Rust consider using sccache to cache compilations. It's easy to set up and will save you a lot of time and a huge amount of power.

As an example this is just a couple of hours of work on Firefox, it saved me from re-running the compiler almost 90% of the time.

dekirisu , to random avatar

🦊 chests can be modified simultaneously

(duplicating/losing items due to parallel access is impossibru)


dekirisu , to random avatar

🦊 added a chest with items, which show on proximity
🐔 ..items can be moved freely between slots


chrisbiscardi , to random avatar

This Week in Bevy: ClearCoat, new examples, and game updates

This week there are a bunch of new examples added to the repo, new additions to the StandardMaterial, and more.

Out in the wider ecosystem, we'll see 400,000 entities on a flowfield in the showcases as well as crates for networking, ui, and signals.

On top of that there are game updates from past Bevy jams, card games and more.

alice_i_cecile , to random avatar

Hi! I'm back from RustNL! Taking it light today (definitely still exhausted) but I'm feeling ready for another . Let's take a look at the PRs that our community has made and reviewed for us this week :) There was a request to check the website repo, so let's start there! 9 PRs are ready, so that's a great call:

dekirisu , to random avatar

🦊 added placeholder items
🐹 and a player inventory to store them

This uses bevy_ui and a custom abstraction on top.
(the macros I posted about a few weeks ago)


rusticorn , to random avatar

The integration of in-app-purchases used in Zoolitaire is now and on Github: - hope to see more @bevy games now 🤩 🦀🎮


dekirisu , to random avatar

I dislike using resources in a few cases!
Here's how to dodge using them!

🦊 it's a global static, so ECS instances share them
🦞 one has to avoid parallel read & writes manually

I've added an example to the repo:


chrisbiscardi , to random avatar

experimental tiled integration. Seems like actual Tiled usage would take quite a bit of work to build out though.

Using bevy_ecs_tilemap at the moment. There's some z-indexing that I don't quite have a handle on yet.


eniko , to random avatar

what's the current state of PSX development? >_>

E_net4 , avatar

@eniko For , there's this SDK:

Can't fully vouch for its reliability though. Last time I tinkered with it, I could build the example projects but not run them in an emulator.

chrisbiscardi , to random avatar

8-way sprite exported from blender, using seldom_state and leafwing_input_manager for controls and animation control. idle, running, and dashing are the only animations implemented at the moment.

Just a prototype, but happy with the way it turned out, and I got a little blender scripting in too.


rusticorn , to random avatar

Zoolitaire 🐼 finally released all 100 premium levels! Happy jumpy animals! - made with @bevy for 🦀🎮


MevLyshkin , to random avatar

Finally, some progress on my card game! I was able to finally reach a point when it is more feature complete than previous iteration written a few years ago with different framework (quicksilver, it's dead now) 😅


chrisbiscardi , to random avatar

blender -> sprites -> bevy

for 8-way directional movement

a character running

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