sugar_in_your_tea ,

Counter-offer: no.

I'm not a SF native, but from my understanding, the problem with SF is the NIMBYs, and this takes NIMBY to the extreme.

Midnight1938 ,

Whats a nimby? Tiny nibblers?

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Not In My Back Yard. Basically the people in the community who will reject anything that impacts them in a slightly negative way.

For SF, this means homeowners who don't want to see property values drop due to new construction, or who don't want to sell to make room for new construction. Likewise for homeless shelters, train lines, etc. Those things need to go somewhere, but if everyone says "but not here," it doesn't get built.

TurboHarbinger ,

While I understand the point on doing that (title) , you can't drown culture. You can influence it tho.

reads article

Nvm. Dude is fucking nuts.

aseriesoftubes ,

The quotes in this article were some of the weirdest fucking things I’ve ever read. Is there something in the water in SF?

tsonfeir , avatar

There’s something in the water. The air. The food. It’s lead. Microplastics. Carbon monoxide. “Forever Chemicals.” And void knows what else.

It’s poisoning the brains of people everywhere.

I_Fart_Glitter ,

Sources and Toxicity of Mercury in the San Francisco Bay Area, Spanning California and Beyond:

Ultragigagigantic , avatar

I've read history, I know what pure unadulterated humanity is like.

Getting our bodies clean (while important) won't cleanse our poisoned minds.

tsonfeir , avatar

Oh for certain. Humanity is a pox upon this planet. Hopefully mother Earth solves the problem.

yamanii , avatar

Nihilists should help by killing themselves first.

tsonfeir , avatar

Or you?

Neato , avatar

Privilege and money. When you are that rich you aren't really connected to people and humanity as a whole. No one tells you that what you're proposing is fucking insane and awful. Notice most of San Franciscoans aren't calling for stupid shit; they're just struggling to survive.

kromem ,

There's always people like this in various industries.

What they are more than anything is self-promoters under the guise of ideological groupthink.

They say things that their audience and network want to hear with a hyperbole veneer.

I remember one of these types in my industry who drove me crazy. He was clearly completely full of shit, but the majority of my audience didn't know enough to know he was full of shit, and was too well connected to out as being full of shit without blowback.

The good news is that they have such terrible ideas that they are chronically failures even if they personally fail upwards to the frustration of every critical thinking individual around them.

Cryophilia ,

Tech bros are gross caricatures of real people. Imagine 35 years of social ineptitude plus billions of dollars.

The good news is they don't have any real power, they just have power fantasies.

moon ,

The techno-authoritarian Curtis Yarvin-type crowd have been around for a while. We can laugh them off or ignore them, but their biggest believers are billionaire man-children in the Valley and that will undoubtedly come to bear fruit in horrific ways.

stringere ,

Which is the first tech billionaire to go full Ted Faro is anyone's guess.

capt_wolf , avatar

This reads like someone played The Outer Worlds and was like... "You know what?"

tsonfeir , avatar

Fucking Spacer’s Choice.

yamanii , avatar

Great summary lmao

cygon ,

After reading, the gist of it seems to be:

  • Vanilla far-right indoctrinated dumbo (his vision: "Reds" welcome, "Blues" not, "Anti-Blue Propaganda" on public view screens)
  • Wants exploitative capitalism on steroids with companies controlling everyone's lives completely
  • Claims current capitalism is only bad because it's "woke capitalism" which he claims the "ruling class" is pushing
  • Wants tech bros to butter up police and give security staff jobs to their children as a favor, i.e. intentional social classism


In short, just another out of touch entrepreneur who sells snake oil cures to people suffering in the current system, so that they may invite in the boot that stomps them down for good.

yamanii , avatar

Always good ask him things like "who are they?" or "who is the ruling class?"

twig ,

America desperately needs to enact policies that put restrictions on wealth accumulation. There are lots of ways to do this.

jpreston2005 ,

It's funny because he thinks that his status as a "gray" would protect him from the "reds." just another useful idiot for fascism.

Railison ,

Wtf did I just read

Ultragigagigantic , avatar

Yet another reason the working class must never disarm.

TechnoMystic ,

So disturbing. How did we get here?

Ultragigagigantic , avatar

Reforming capitalism doesn't prevent end stage, it only delays it.

TheDarksteel94 ,

Lmao, what a moron

hydroptic ,

“Ethnically cleanse,” he said at one point, summing up his idea for a city purged of Blues (this, he says, will prevent Blues from ethnically cleansing the Grays first).

Conservatives are incredibly fucked up. They can't fathom coexisting with people who aren't like them without wanting to "ethnically cleanse" them, so they naturally assume everybody else thinks like this as well

NaibofTabr ,

Oh look, it's just fascism again.

Why is it that when these whackos start describing their fascist plans for society, there are people who respond like it's a groundbreaking concept, some bold new vision of the future? None of this is new, it's the same old tired goosestepping shit.

rottingleaf ,

Old tired goosestepping shit was called a groundbreaking concept too.

There are mechanisms in human societies where being part of a pack is advantageous. Which is why that shit, openly or not, reemerges all the time.

Being part of a pack even feels right - because that's what human instincts tell you, that you are stronger and better this way. That emotion makes one feel anything fascist as groundbreaking, young, new, strong, and at the same time "not degenerate" and healthy.

Actually the other way around, fascism aimed for that feeling from the very beginning, that's its core.

menemen , avatar

There have been fascist psychopaths arround as long as humans exist. BUT: when a fascist psychopath gets support among important figures of the industrial and financial sector, that is when you should start to panic.

NaibofTabr ,

There have been fascist psychopaths arround as long as humans exist.

Well yeah, that's kind of my point. Why does anyone hear this shit and respond like it's something new?

menemen , avatar

I am not contradicting you, but added my thoughts to your argument. I just started this by summarizing the parts of your argument to which I wanted to add.

sebinspace ,

It’s not facism if no one’s allowed to call it that!

Cosmos7349 ,

Wait is this not satire?

Evotech ,

I eat pretty sure at "Gray pride parade'

hoot ,

By the beard, this is some next-level shit. Imagine listening to his jibber-jabber about Grays and thinking "that sounds like a good idea"?

This new "ruling CEO" class is bloody dangerous.

lemmyreader OP ,

This new “ruling CEO” class is bloody dangerous.


moon ,

The speech won roars from the audience at Y Combinator

Starting to get why everyone else in the Bay area hates the tech people

umbrella , avatar

the burgeoise is not new, they just seem to be getting more sheltered and stupid.

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