Kolanaki ,
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

This makes me think someone, somewhere is being punished by having their liver eaten by a bird every day for walking out of work with a company pen accidentally.

cybersandwich ,

One of my favorite cartoons is the dinosaurs, with a giant meteor coming in hot in the background, and the dino says "oh no the economy!"

Asafum ,

"6 ways the world ending due to a portal to hell can improve our GDP! Labor markets stand to benefit from increased job placement in hell!"

ramble81 ,

Was t there a story just recently about how the Eclipse was costing employers money because of “lost productivity”?

tattletaletimes ,
@tattletaletimes@lemmy.world avatar

They would also blame it on millennials

VindictiveJudge ,

Eventually you realize that Doom's UAC is actually pretty normal for most companies.

jubilationtcornpone ,

"Demon Rampage Costs Economy $8 Trillion in Lost Productivity"

Fedizen ,

"nobody wants to work anymore!"

FlyingSquid OP ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

"I don't care if you're being chased by a hellhound, your productivity is down 10% this month."

Aurenkin ,

High level executives face job loss as the boards of an overwhelming majority of companies vote to replace them with demons.

Olissipo ,
@Olissipo@programming.dev avatar

Funny story. 50 years ago, to this very day, a revolution occurred in which Portugal took down its dictatorship.

The following day some public administrator/manager sent a letter complaining about people missing work!

Translation after the letter


Your Excellency Director General

I inform Your Excellency that yesterday, April 25, 1974, several employees were absent from work, claiming that a revolution had occurred in the country.

I clarify that this revolution was not authorized by superiors, and no justification was seen for the absences, especially as the service was considerably delayed.

As the current legislation does not provide for absences due to the occurrence of revolutions, I submit the matter to your high discretion, in the certainty that it will deserve due attention.

FlyingSquid OP ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That's pretty much textbook fascism. The worker is there for the benefit of the corporation.

rem26_art ,
@rem26_art@fedia.io avatar

Our country is set to lose trillions in revenue due to the demon infestation, but experts agree that 90% of that is due to workers erroneously caring about themselves instead of their employer

lost_tortie ,
@lost_tortie@lemmy.world avatar

The crow eating my entrails IS work; Let me tell you your fortune 🔮

FlyingSquid OP ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Have you considered another line of work? Say... following a little girl and a dog down an oddly-constructed and colored road?

Gork ,

How can I create Value™ for the Shareholders® if I'm not working since I'm being eaten alive?

Surely someone has to think of creating unlimited growth for the Shareholders®.

ivanafterall ,
@ivanafterall@kbin.social avatar

We've had a sudden flood of applicants who perfectly fit our company culture. You're all fired, please form an orderly queue by the pit of fire.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

Boss makes a (million) dollar, I make a dime tenth of a penny, that’s why I let crows eat my entrails on company time. :-P

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