@dojan@lemmy.world cover

Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

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dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Is this the lemmy equivalent of “I don’t allow Facebook to sell my photos they’re all property of me”?

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I asked my roomie who is into cutesy furry stuff. He grimaced and said that some thoughts are best left unshared.

Neither of us are very fond of the idea of human tails.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

His fursona is some sort of alien avian raptor thing made out of nitrogen or something.

I don’t have one as I’m only in it for the porn.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

No it’s from a game? I can’t recall what it’s called off the top of my head.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah! Thanks, that's the one!

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Best thing is how Facebook loves to shove those posts in your face.


No, I didn't, and I don't appreciate the reminder.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I don't buy it, that's clearly a 1930's OMGWTFBBQ.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah that's my takeaway from that argument as well. If you have to be threatened by some vague notion of a future punishment in order to not be a complete dickwad, you're clearly not a good person.

Why be good if there's no hell? Because to live is to suffer. Society sucks. Accepting that, working past it, and being kind to those around you makes everything slightly more bearable. You are to be kind to others because it's the right thing to be.

Apple limits third-party browser engine work to EU devices ( www.theregister.com )

The Register has learned from those involved in the browser trade that Apple has limited the development and testing of third-party browser engines to devices physically located in the EU. That requirement adds an additional barrier to anyone planning to develop and support a browser with an alternative engine in the EU....

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t see third party engines making it to the market unless the US also slams down some regulations. How many Firefox users are there in the EU? How many use iOS, and how many of those are likely to use the iOS version of Firefox?
Is it worth maintaining two to four separate apps for this?

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Well I suppose the question really is; how many Firefox iOS/iPad OS are there in the EU and does that amount of users make it worth maintaining another 1-2 apps for the EU market, while dealing with Apple's shenanigans? Like Firefox Browser for iOS and iPad, as well as Firefox Focus are already 2 apps, if you want to replace the back-end specifically for the EU you'd have to maintain that back-end, deal with Apple working against you, and maintain separate versions of those apps specifically for the EU.

It's worth noting that Firefox for iOS is already leaps and bounds behind Firefox for Android in terms of UX. There are features missing that they could add regardless of whether they are using WKWebView or not, but they haven't, either because Apple doesn't want competition, or because they don't consider the Firefox browser on iOS to be particularly high priority.

If the latter, why on Earth would they port Gecko to iOS/iPad OS when a vanishingly small subset of users might use it? I am a European Firefox user, but I don't use Firefox on iOS because the UX compared to Safari is incredibly lacklustre. Switching the back-end to Gecko wouldn't do anything to fix that.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

That echoes my thoughts.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. The main reason I could think of is if you use Firefox Sync. I actually do have that on my iPad, though it’s rare that I’ll ever open something on my PC and then resume it on my iPad.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I'm quite sure we've heard this before.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

This echoes my thoughts. I really suck at writing emails in my native tongue, and having something I can prompt to write an email for me would be useful. I don't want it to be trained on my emails to replicate my style or whatever, I'd just want an LLM on the side that I can prompt to write for me. I've done that with other LLMs in the past without having to integrate it anywhere.

I don't particularly care for facial recognition. I don't take photos of people.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Everyone gets off at the slutstation.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I think mixing tech and nudity is awesome! I love getting dickpics!

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

It's using hashes, no?

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Fittingly this comic kind of reminds me of Peanuts.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

“I expect them to show us what they’ve done and apologise if they have smeared others. I expect nothing less than that,” he added.

Spineless milquetoast cunt. They’re undermining democracy and he wants a “sowwy we pwomise we won’t do it again uwu”

Obviously he won’t do shit about it since he and his cronies need the Nazi support to remain in power, and clearly that matters more than the integrity of the government.

There’s no such thing as a good politician.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Going out on a limb here but I think it's because of the portrayal of the house elves. A subjugated people who everyone said was better off in slavery, and the notion of emancipating them is ridiculed. Some people write it off as a coincidence, but there sure is a lot of these coincidences, like how the entire wizarding world's economy is run by hook-nosed evil creatures, that even conspired with the dark lord for their own gains.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I struggle so hard with peppers. Jalapeños growing like weeds sounds like a dream.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, that echoes my experience here in Sweden. I guess the reason we use so much rotted fish in our cuisine is because we had no other way to introduce stronger flavours. 😭

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks you for the tips, I actually didn't know they were perennial. That said, I think they just aren't too fond of the climate here. I'd need a greenhouse (and space outdoors) or a heating mat and a decent sun light. I tried with chilies the other year, and even got a few fruits, but they were small and never ripened. The plant really struggled. To be fair, the plant was an experiment from the get-go. I germinated it from seeds I got in a cheapo chili flake jar from Lidl so I didn't have huge expectations to begin with.


dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not sure what MD is, my brain just thinks "markdown" or medicine doctor. I hope your heartburn is doing better now!

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Right now I only have an inside. My balcony gets morning sun, but not for very long. :(

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Oooh, right! I didn't know that was a place, my only reference to Maryland is a brand of biscuits. Thank you!

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I have to ask. When I hear Maryland I think of a biscuit brand. Is Maryland known for chocolate chip biscuits or is the biscuit brand completely unrelated?

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Birmingham! They're not even from Maryland then, what a sham. 😅

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

We don't have a minimum wage in Sweden. Wages are mostly dictated by negotiations between employers and unions.

Unions are important.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. We have an ongoing thing between Tesla and IF Metall, with a bunch of other unions backing them up. Tesla refuses to sign collective labour agreements, and they're penalising strikers by taking away stocks they've earned. It's hardly surprising that Tesla doesn't want to adhere to the Swedish model.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I don't quite get why you're being downvoted because that's honestly how I feel, and I don't even live in the U.S. I feel like it applies pretty well to Sweden as well. At least there are options here that are like a 60% match with my personal viewpoints, but there's no such thing as a perfect fit.

Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins ( www.thedailybeast.com )

A conservative plan for Donald Trump’s potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40...

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Let’s be real, they START by executing prisoners Pretty soon anything but their political party & their religion is made illegal so anyone daring to say otherwise gets arrested / imprisoned / executed.

I mean they openly spoke about this on CPAC. Project 2025 sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it's not a theory, it's right out there in the open.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah I definitely get that. I also get why people don't like Biden. He really oughtn't be president, neither of them ought be candidates, but when the option is between him and Trump, going with Biden is a no-brainer. Trump is literally working to dismantle democracy. He doesn't want people to have a choice, and the choice that you Americans face is laughable as it is.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

At least the name just means crayon.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Oh someone has prompted it to use a casual tone. I did this with GPT and it spat out answers with a "HELLO FELLOW KIDS! 😎🔥🍆" tone.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

While the developed world rests on its laurels having already developed key technologies that insulate from the worst effects of climate change

But this isn't true. Can we fight temperature changes? Sure, we have air conditioning and heaters.

There's lots of things we can't isolate ourselves from. Natural disasters, for example. We see forest fires and floods on a yearly basis, and it's getting worse. We'll face droughts, and diminished crop yields. It'll be particularly bad for all the areas near the equator (which are also incredibly populous and export a lot of food), and what will happen then?

Famine yes, probably, but likely also an exodus away from these areas, which I'm sure will go well as countries are known to welcome people seeking a better life with open arms. We'll face humanitarian tragedies. I'd be surprised if there won't be camps, and with that comes disease. Maybe we'll even see another pandemic.

Aircon won't shield us from that.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I mean the ones that think that trans people shouldn't have human rights also tend to be the ones who don't believe in climate change so...

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

It even starts with the simple fact that people are simply not willing to get rid of their cars, even if public transport was good and completely free. So you’d be left with enforcing people not to drive, which is obviously also not going to happen for the same reasons.

Induced demand can work in reverse. Stop expanding roads. Redesignate some lanes to public transport only. Why take the car and sit in a queue for 2 hours when a bus can get you to work in 30 minutes without any queues?

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a decades long process. We need proper action done within this decade.

We don't know that. If it turns out that the actual ECS value is higher than predicted we're already fucked because whatever faction we might take today should've already been taken decades ago. If a global humanitarian crisis is mere decades away, no changes we'll feasibly make today or in the near future will stave it off.

You’d be surprised how many people would take that over a ride with other people.

An alternative is also that those who can, do their job remotely. Covid proved the feasibility of that. You couldn't pay me enough to start commuting or doing my own grocery runs again. I only go outside for enjoyment and none of it involves vehicles. Unless said vehicle is a bicycle, because my dog really enjoys cycling.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Given that they're anti-humanity, it seems like a logical step.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

That’s true either way with where we’re at. That’s why we call for drastic actions to be taken

So what exactly is the end goal for these drastic actions?

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I swapped back to Firefox a couple of months ago. I am of the opinion that all browsers ought use the same engine, but Google shouldn't be given more of a chokehole on the web than they already have. It's troubling enough as it is.

That said, Firefox not supporting basic things like selectively turning off JS for websites, or vertical tabs without using wonky and inelegant third party extensions (and ui-chrome editing!) is honestly ridiculous.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

You still need an extension to automatically open specific sites in their own containers. I genuinely don't get why.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Stackoverflow counts as professional now? Wasn't the general perception that it's an incredibly toxic space?

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Är religion en stor del av våra scoutförbund också? Måste medge att jag är lite paff att jag har lyckats missa att scouterna finns i sverige, så tack för korrigeringen. Vi svenskar är verkligen tokiga i att grunda förbund, föreningar, och folkrörelser så det känns ju rätt rimligt att scouterna skulle finnas här också.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I believe we have Christian led organisations here in Sweden as well, but they don't necessarily push religion as part of their operations. It really depends though. I recall an after-school thing being held at a local church when I was a kid. Other than it taking place in a church from the 1200s, there wasn't really anything religious about it.

Are the girl scouts also religious? All I've ever really heard about the girl scouts is that they sell biscuits, but I assume they engage in the same activities?

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

I suppose it's all a matter of perspective. When put next to a lot of other subscription services (like Netflix 😩) it's pretty cheap. Compared to other VPNs maybe not so much? I've honestly never looked at a VPN-only service before, like Nord etc. as VPNs have never been something I've prioritised.

Still, knowing what little I know about Mullvad, €5 a month for a VPN that prioritises privacy seems fair to me. Again, it's less than any of the streaming services and if privacy is important then it seems a fair price to pay.

dojan ,
@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Oh yes, absolutely. I am privileged to be middle-class (which I can appreciate even more as I grew up a povvo bitch) in Sweden where €5 while not nothing (for me in my economic situation) is a reasonable expense for an interest. I could rent a film for that money, or take the bus to the nearby town. I also happen to know people for whom €5 is a significant sum of money, so like previously said it depends entirely on your perspective.

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