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kde , to KDE avatar

If you don't use Bing with Edge, Microsoft will tell you your computer needs repairing.

They are not wrong.

To mend your machine:

  1. Ditch Windows
  2. Install Plasma
  3. Your computer is ready.


A laptop running the laters version of Plasma, Plasma 6.

boredsquirrel ,

Fedora Kinoite, get a Breeze of the future!

boredsquirrel ,

You use Youtube and GMail.... I can recommend NoScript and "temporary container" to keep things isolated.

The containers persist until you close the tab. Or use containers manually for Google stuff.

boredsquirrel OP ,

That was already a sharper version I could find, and I edited it to increase readability via sharpening and decreasing grain

boredsquirrel ,

This should be an easy fix. The initial position of the cursor is defined in the apps to my knowledge.

Please report a bug for this component on KDE Bugzilla:

You should be able to find the component.

boredsquirrel ,

This is so great! GNOME will finally be usable if it cannot break Dolphin and Kate anymore!

boredsquirrel ,

This is not about mint but random proprietary NVIDIA drivers not working with Wayland.

I dont know if ublue offers any X11 images now that F40 removed the X11 packages by default.

You dont need to distrohop, you need a Bazzite image with X11 support. This is mostly unsupported legacy cruft and mostly NVIDIAs fault.

boredsquirrel ,

True its still in the repo, I thought it was only on COPR.

Dont know GPU names but well, that is the issue when using Fedora and not SteamOS, where they test everything before shipping it.

boredsquirrel ,

Nice, thanks for the info!

Yes but I mean Steam may test many games with this specific setup. Fedora is a way better base in general, if you leave out the issues with external repos (mainly openh264, rpmfusion is maintained by fedora people, 100%)

boredsquirrel ,

Very true. I am also very critical of any form of "stable packages". Firefox ESR the LTS kernel are the only exception but if SteamOS doesnt use the LTS kernel then wtf are they doing?

I honestly dont care about gaming :D I waste way too much time away from touching grass anyways.

But I hope they backport all security fixes anyways, as the SteamDeck is now one of the most predictable Linux botnet-targets out there.

there are always uBlue images like Bazzite, Bluefin, and Aurora that fix that.

Yes I know and use uBlue since basically it came out :D awesome project

But I specifically mean the packaging delays. There are sometimes sync issues with drivers, like this recent one with no free stuff that is used alongside the normal stuff.

And with Cisco-openh264 they cant to anything, Cisco ships the packages which is legally binding, and there are issues sometimes.

But Fedora is doing a great job, and the fact that rpmfusion exists alone is pretty hillarious. These are obviously Fedora people maintaining the stuff in secret, in a country where patent laws are not enforced (but are also in place afaik).

It's actually improved my experience on my laptop significantly

I guess so too? I dont know, Fedora Kinoite (whatever small derivative, currently ublue kinoite-main, soon aurora) works just really well.

You are at the bleeding edge, but I often find bugs that are simply there and need to be fixed. Once KDE Plasma 6 is on some LTS release like CentOS Stream, I may think about switching.

But until then, Fedora is just really good.

boredsquirrel ,

I use celluloid flatpak which has native wayland and pipewire support. Its an MPV GUI.

But browsers should be installed as an RPM, because Flatpak uses the same seccomp filter for all apps. That isnt even really secure, but prevents browsers from spawning user namespace sandboxes. Which means they have very little process isolation.

boredsquirrel OP ,

Then you dont know how the video is :D

boredsquirrel OP ,

Skip to 2:46 how she also mentioned in the description

boredsquirrel OP ,

I have rg installed but only used it for basic grep replacement

boredsquirrel OP ,

It is important to have backups for when Youtube blocks clients, but I just watch it over a VPN and Freetube or Grayjay. Not leeching any resources when avoidable, just costing big brother money.

boredsquirrel ,

Very nice, but it doesnt work on mobile for whatever reason?

StirlingPDF even integrates the editor in the tools.

How do you envision Solarpunk Music?

Am curious if Solarpunk music is a thing or not yet? If it is please do share some links to tracks to check out, am very cruious. If it isnt a thing yet, what type of music do you imagined it would be like? I found this on the Tubes, which is very relaxing, ambiance type of music. This is personally the type of music I have in...

boredsquirrel ,

Basically Goa/Psytrance with nature sounds

Maybe I'm just new, but I just realized you can Ctrl-select or Ctrl-dblclick individual, separate pieces of text and copy them to the clipboard in one operation.

I have no idea how long this has been a thing, and maybe every clipboard works that way, not just Plasma, and I never realized it. It also lets you do things like Rt-click on it and do the regular operations like Search in Firefox. Spaces aren't preserved unless you specifically select them but search engines seem to be able...

boredsquirrel ,

Yes and I think I opened a wishlist bug about that for Okular

boredsquirrel OP ,

There is a minimum amount which is likely the least some people spent on their health. So there is no interpolation I can see.

boredsquirrel OP ,

Yes this is a huge problem. Keeping people healthy instead of mitigating the obvious consequences of their unhealthy life

boredsquirrel OP ,

Actually Australia is pretty high up. High radiation (i.e. skin cancer), I dont expect a way better diet than in the US.

boredsquirrel OP ,

Hell no where did you get that from?

boredsquirrel OP ,

This differentiation between weird license fees and safety regulations makes sense.

But the privatised hospitals etc is extremely problematic, as they underpay their stuff regularily, causing extreme situations.

I guess that a free market has advantages over slow and established monopoles. But the companies will still exploit as much as possible, if not every single thing is regulated.

Example environment and labor laws. If you have exact laws for every known process, they will try to find loopholes to be cheaper, because there is only profit, no moral.

boredsquirrel OP , (edited )

This is big scale capitalism, not free market.

Capitalism is the key problem.

A free market is probably necessary. With a system where everyone has enough to live well, affordable healthcare, equal treatment etc.

A free market ensures a lot of quality standards.

But it is not only competition, improvements and "getting the best, the best way".

It is "making & selling something that people buy, the cheap way". This principle is fundamentally flawed, as environmental protection doesnt pay, and there is no real reason for companies to be good for the enviroment. Like, actually being good.

You can also argue that products enshittified over time (glued together laptops, unnecessarily weak drinking glasses, "IOT-ifying" everything, cheap clothes, throwaway razors, cheap food,...) because there is no value in making good products in a free market, if people get f**ing brainwashed and dont buy stuff based on their value over time.

And equally it is even worse with the environment. As there is no value in protecting the environment, nobody does it. Now laws force companies to list all important data, and this gets converted into some indirect form of money. But not nearly as transparently and freely as a free market. You may get fees or not, you may save some "carbon credits" but these are horrendously underpriced and can be bought with neocolonial freakshows like forcing people out of their own land, to "protect it", as if it would have been destroyed before.

And the main flaw is that there is no big reason to not fake these values. Or not just write down what you already do, and keep it at this. Or do more than needed.

And to the topic, a free market has no stop sign. Companies naturally grow bigger and bigger, get more and more efficient, critical for whole societies that rely on working for them, and thus they are inherently not "neutral possibilities in a free world".

This always leads to huge mega-giants having influence on people, politics etc.

And this leads us to the situation we are currently in. Companies abusing license and patent laws, to cripple the system that even made them possible.

I have no idea why the US is so f**cked up in this graph, but believe me Germany is also horrible.

Trickle down economics does work in a way that ensures basic healthcare for all germans. But meanwhile these damn germans produce a SH**LOAD of stuff.

I have no numbers but it is insane how much utter garbage we produce. And from this endless, insane stream of trash, we always scoop off enough profit to make the 1% even more ugly rich, and keep the said basic human rights intact.

This may work, but it is soooo far from sufficiency.

I really liked the latest video of "Second Thought", about the american dream and capitalisms natural path to fascism

boredsquirrel ,

Its from Reddit but Bing Search found it and had a preview.

boredsquirrel ,
  1. No, Nobara is a random remix of mutable/traditional Fedora. They even remove SELinux and replace it with Apparmor, which I can umderstand but assume is less secure. The better OS imho is

On Bazzite/Atomic Fedora the base OS is already snapshotted on every update. I dont use multiple drives, but mounting them somewhere in /var like /var/home works

boredsquirrel ,

No, this is not virtualization, it is a bunch of libraries and packages running on your native kernel and hardware

On Fedora you should use Podman for this

boredsquirrel ,

No this is the safe approach. Installing a 3rd party devel package may likely break your system

boredsquirrel ,

PopOS needs completely different packages though.

They base on Ubuntu LTS but ship newer mesa, kernel and maybe more.

Not sure if every component will be newer, so I would also expect conflicts.

Using an upstream provided container really sounds like a good solution.

boredsquirrel ,

Did you try COSMIC before?

You can do so on PopOS or I guess also Ubuntu. I personally use ublue Cosmic

davinci resolve may also run better in a docker / podman container

There also is a flatpak script that you should try. You need to download the binary for proprietary reasons, but packaging it as flatpak will assure

  • it runs sandboxed
  • it should just run
  • it will not break with system updates
boredsquirrel ,

COSMIC is not so much "testing" as in "many bugs", I basically found none. But they just lack maaany essential features. It is really breat to get a desktop that implements nice fancy stuff from Plasma etc. straight from the beginning.

I am not sure how ready it will be when it launches, as in features. But it is pretty nice and the apps are damn fast. I use the appstore on Fedora Kinoite when searching Flatpak apps. It has no native package integration so it does what I want, really nice.

boredsquirrel ,

I have no idea. That docker thing on windows is basically running a Linux VM (or run Linux parallel like with WSL).

On Linux docker is a container. It needs namespaces but no virtualization. It runs on your kernel.

Never used docker desktop, thats just some GUI. Just install Docker, or Podman.

boredsquirrel OP ,

You can just place this file to disable the component entirely.

The getnewstuff needs an overhaul, but not related to this. This is about the naming of global themes.

boredsquirrel OP ,

A "global theme" which is a set of themes, widgets, splash screens, cursors etc.

I dont think the inclusion of code is the problem, but that the bundle had a script for installation that was faulty.

Using [ -e $VARIABLE] && do something with $VARIABLE would have solved it.

boredsquirrel OP ,

Pretty awesome too. Havent used it in a while, even though bought premium, because the interface was too cluttered.

boredsquirrel ,

I just tried it and it lacks some basic stuff like drag to edge for resizing. The apps are really minimalist though and it should really run everywhere.

boredsquirrel ,

I agree a lot. Had Vista and XP machines in the past.

Then mainly used Win10 and KDE Plasma was a solid upgrade.

But they really copied the Win10 look which is atrocious. I agree that WinXP and 7 and the era where way better.

There are themes for everything though. Its just theming. I dont know if all apps support it and have never dealt with it, as Breeze works pretty well with Adwaita and Electron apps too.

I think there are Kvantum themes for this?

boredsquirrel ,

I looked but couldnt find it.

Tbh I like some of the more modern things, and they are for sure easier to unify. When theming like that, you also need a GTK3 theme, a GTK4 color scheme, a firefox theme etc.

And many of these toolkits dont support big themes anymore, just swapping colors.

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