@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


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GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I see it used oftentimes to dismiss systematic injustice aswell... "it is what it is"..

which on an individual level feels like we have no control over but is infact something we have a lot of control over. A very malignant useage I feel

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I feel the opposite, this website has too many right wing chuds annoyingly complaining that eveyone is a tankie or some shit.. its fucking annoying give it a rest already jeez

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Some of us have 2 boobs and 2 testicals :)

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

She choose to write what she wrote, she can be judged for it. You are defending her and should stop

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

not gay, not trans… not even vegetarian.

how unfortunate

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

no idea what this weird little guy wants

to be GOAT gardener

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

They tried taking turns, but Sam learned what it felt like to want the Ring, and knew he couldn’t do it again.

I just listened to the books again. They didn't really try to take turns. Sam thought frodo was dead so he took it to keep it from the orcs. And even after he gave it back he offered a few times to carry it again because frodo was so weak, but frodo wouldn't let him and definitely was freaked out a when sam asked. The book describes frodo suddenly thinking sam was an orc or a thief trying to take the ring from him.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

red tape

I just make the change and put it in for review and then move on with my life... most the time its not turned away if its a good change. Even if there wasn't any task or discussion before hand, and if it's small enough I can just do it quick then I won't be disappointed if people want it done a different way. At least for me it feels like people like it when I just make a decision and solve the problem instead of bogging them down with discussing everything before hand

But yeah lots of times "simple" changes are not actually simple in the system as it already exists.. and that can be frustrating but thats software..

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Making friends as an adult

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Dyscalculia is a disability resulting in difficulty learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding numbers, learning how to manipulate numbers, performing mathematical calculations, and learning facts in mathematics. It is sometimes colloquially referred to as "math dyslexia", though this analogy is misleading as they are distinct syndromes.[5]

What does that have to do with deadnaming people? Don't try to use a disability as a shield for shitty behavior.

I assume I will still get banned for deadnaming even though I’m innocently adding clarity to a conversation.

Yes because that's still deadnaming, that information isn't relevant and isn't needed in context. It's not necessary to dead name and misgender someone to talk about things they did before transition. It's completely unnecessary, and in the context of your example you KNOW they don't use that anymore so its actually worse.

now I’ve committed a crime of which I had no knowledge.

No you haven't no one is going to get mad about simply not knowing a change has been made. Its when you KNOW what they prefer and yet you still deadname them.

this blanket condemnation of deadnaming is just dumb. it requires nuance.

No it doesn't

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Fuck off transphobe. You aint welcome here

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Im also diagnosed ASD and now you are trying to use that to defend deadnaming, just stop. Disability doesn't justify deadnaming people. If you can't remember their name just google it like you would for anyone else who's name you can't remember. If you know they don't use that name anymore and don't like when people refer to them with it, even if you can't remember what they prefer you shouldn't use the old name. Just don't use the old name, its dead.. let it be dead. Dont use it. Its so simple, dont use that name if you know they don't want people using that name.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Stop trying to justify shitty behavior with disabilities, its wildly offensive and ableist. Disability doesn't justify deadnaming. Just stop.

This disability that hasn't been in the DSM for over 10 years doesn't mention anything about forgetting if someone transitioned. If you know the name is dead, don't use it. For fucks sake its so simple.

You wanna know what being gaslit feels like?? When the people around you keep making up shitty excuseses for why they can't use your preferred name and make it out like you are the bad guy for asking them to use the correct one.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Maybe you could mix the ashes with clay, have it fired and then grind or crush the ceramic into sand.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Don't you have a box of donuts to eat or something?

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Just FYI content warning for Pantheon there is a seriously disturbing gore/kill scene that is animated too well in the first season. Anyone who has seen the show knows what scene I am talking about, I found the scene pretty upsetting and I almost didn't finish the show. I am still a little upset that the scene is burned in my memory.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think the definition of consciousness needs to not be solely about abilities or attributes. It needs to account for the active process of consciousness. Like a hair dryer can burn things.. but a fire is things burning. Without the active nature its simply not conscious.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Thank you, I have been saying the same thing about the books for a while now. They are incredibly misogynistic and the characters are pretty badly written. And yet I still keep seeing them recommended. They remind me of the old scifi novels like Niven and shit where its just a few cool scifi concepts and then a heaping load of sexism.

I listened to them on audiobook, most books I read more than once, don’t plan on going back to them though. A good series I recently listened to was the wayfarers by becky chambers, very good characters.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

As far as I understand, Anarchism doesn’t mean no rules, it means no rulers. No hierarchy of people.

The rules would be set up in such a way to actively discourage individual accumulation of power as much as possible. But a system like that could still have rules, just enforced collectively instead of power being parceled out to individuals. I think there are a lot of practical ways you can try to reduce power accumulation, like term limits is a very obvious example that is a concept we are familiar with. Or like ways of reducing wealth inequality can also be seen as a way of trying to reduce hierarchy.

I don’t know all the theory, I honestly feel like that kinda shit isn’t always the most useful anyways. But there are obvious things we can do now to reduce hierarchy and they seem like things that would be good. Having an ideological stance that hierarchy is bad, and we should reduce it as much as possible… that’s Anarchism.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Possibly they are trying to use the data generated by the workers to train an AI

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Flipwitch: Forbidden Sex Hex :D

Very horny and actually pretty decent metroidvania, lots of jiggly titties

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

How do you spend 35 hours on a game you aren't enjoying??? My dawg value your time more

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Binged it in one night, I enjoyed it a lot.

GnomeKat , (edited )
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

We don’t have to tolerate the intolerant, they refuse to abide by the mutual contract of tolerance so they don’t deserve the protections of a tolerant society.

JKR isn’t just doing a little bit of free speech she is a billionaire advocating for hate on a massive platform and donating to hate groups, she has influence and power. She is absolutely advocating for the restriction on trans peoples rights, that is violence. Especially in a time when anti trans hate is on the rise we should be even more skeptical of claims of free speech, right now across the world hate crimes against trans people are going up and our rights are being stripped away.

Arguments about free speech are just a way to ignore the issue and do nothing as transphobia continues to thrive and spread. Stop defending hate.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Oh my what ever might that be like, having to deal with intolerance. I never have to deal with that nope. Nope it’s definitely not a daily occurrence for pretty much all trans people.

But the transphobes get to advocate for my erasure and that’s just free speech… yep makes sense… totally fair and balanced

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So… we should just let bigots get their way and let them continue to successfully advocate for the rights of trans people and other minorities to be stripped away because they might also try to do a religious theocracy?

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Well I think that’s a cop out to do nothing and act moral while letting other people get hurt and suffer.

Freedoms should only go so far as to not encroach on other people’s freedoms, hate speech goes too far, advocating people’s right to healthcare to be stripped away is too far, advocating we be classified as sex offenders just by existing is too far.

I don’t care what your abstract notion about free speech is, it’s just a fanciful notion that has never actually been realized and doesn’t work in practice. Meanwhile real people are getting hurt now and you choose to defend the speech of those advocating that violence. It’s wrong.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! ( pawb.social )

I don’t like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Fascism is colonial imperialism turned inward.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Is Trump gonna genocide harder or something?

I mean… yes… yes he would definitely support escalation of the killings. He has stated he thinks they aren’t going far enough so trump would 100% just encourage full genocide openly

Biden is at least turning on this issue, though obviously it’s way too little and too late… but he is at least reachable and is now saying there needs to be a ceasefire.

Is biden doing enough? Fuck no.

Should he step down and let other dems run? I think yes… I would feel so much better if we had a candidate who hasn’t been supporting this for as long as biden has.

But would trump be worse on this issues? Absolutely things can get so much worse…

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Valve is also a good example of platform monopoly. People need to stop treating valve like they aren’t also a big problem with the modern games industry. They are PC gaming’s landlord taking a 30% cut of every sale. You have to be smoking crack if you think that doesn’t hurt game developers.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No they don’t, Steam barely ever gets updated, it’s not magically better than the others it’s just the one everyone uses.

Digital storefronts are natural monopolies. No one wants to use a different game launcher because it’s annoying to remember multiple passwords, to remember which game is where, to install and have multiple launchers running. None of that is Valve doing some amazing engineering that no one else has done, it’s just the natural state of game launcher / storefront economics. The only reason Steam is what people prefer is because it was the first one on the scene and has the lion share of users and games for sale.

We see the same thing happen with streaming platforms, the same thing happen with social networks. And Steam is also a social network which reinforces the monopoly. The other launches have friends and chat and shit but no one uses it because their friends are on steam or discord.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Literally I have no idea what you are talking about…

ya wanna know what my feed has been all day over on mastodon…

gay people tooting “:3” and just that, hundreds of them… ddos the fedi with “:3”…

you see what you follow, follow cooler people. It’s not mastodon it’s a you problem. Should follow more gay and trans and neurodivrergent furries. It’s a party over there every day I love it

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Except the people who are actually popular on mastodon are shit posting the windows xp USB connection sounds and meowing at each other like feral cats. not the founder of adobe

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i mean… abolish prisons too? Yes… I think yess :)

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I just support prison abolition in general, especially here in the US where I am. The shear number of poor, poc, indigenous, and mentally ill people who get funneled into the prison system here is a travesty and just pointless cruelty. TBH i dont give a fuck about one billionaire as long as the money is taken back and she loses all her power. Though I also do not support the death penalty so this headline doesn’t make me feel super comfortable.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The sad thing is a lot of companies are doing the same thing…

I’m job hunting rn and most of it is hybrid or in office. I am not saying all of them are I seen a few that are remote but they feel sorta rare at least for the jobs I’m looking at (graphics programming, games and GPU stuff).

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Most of them seem to mandate a fixed number of days in office. Some even say specifically certain days. I dunno… currently software job market feels pretty fucked up rn, but I been getting some good interviews so hopefully it all works out.

For WFH something I might be able to do is recently I was diagnosed autistic and my diagnosis documentation lists WFH as a workplace accommodation… so I could pull that card but I for sure am not gana bring that up till I have actually accepted an offer and have started working for a bit of time. And even then I am not sure how it will play if I tell them that, how it will effect things or how they treat me. It’s all kinda fucky.

GnomeKat ,
@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Im wearing a Kirby shirt rn (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)

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  • GnomeKat , (edited )
    @GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Yea a million times yes. Grew up in Indiana moved to southern California. I fuckin hate the politics of modern day Indiana but I desperately miss the rain and the snow. I like the politics of California much more but it rains like a handful of times a year and it’s been years since I have seen snow… Trying to move to Seattle next maybe best of both worlds, not sure if it snows much there but I miss the rain the most.

    GnomeKat ,
    @GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    No I won’t LMAO. I absolutely prefer the night over the day and I find overcast days to be such a blissful melancholy vibe. I have sensory issues and bright lights really bother me, being out in the sun for too long just is overwhelming.

    GnomeKat ,
    @GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I would say that you’re right guns make people feel safe.

    I just wanted to say that guns absolutely do not make me feel safe, knowing one is nearby or seeing one makes me incredibly anxious. Holding one even more so. I don’t understand how people can feel safe around them, to me it’s like having a ticking time bomb in the room but the timer was set by a rng.

    GnomeKat ,
    @GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I don’t support your rights to have them, sorry <3

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