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BestBouclettes ,

Yeah but share prices are higher than ever!

BestBouclettes ,

The Onion will file for bankruptcy pretty soon

BestBouclettes ,

Not even two, maybe one and a half as it depends a lot on who you are and whom you're stealing from. And you can even argue on murder too

BestBouclettes , (edited )

Say what you want about tiktok but damn if it isn't extremely effective at sending information out of reach from governments, I don't know what it is. You can see they fear it hard.

BestBouclettes , (edited )

It's only war crimes when it comes from the Hamas region of Gaza, otherwise it's sparkling oopsies

BestBouclettes ,

Gendarmes are the police branch of the military (they're mostly present in rural areas and in elite teams like GIGN), we also have Police Nationale which is your standard popo and the Police Municipale which is local police for towns and city centers.

BestBouclettes ,

I don't have all the details but I believe that the native population (the Kanak) managed to get an agreement a few decades ago to make sure only they could vote in their local elections. This was done and seen as an anti-colonial move.
Recently the French government, without a care in the world or of its word, decided to revert this agreement without actually consulting the ones mostly impacted by it, i.e. the Kanak, and allow residents to vote as well (you would need a 10 years residence in New Caledonia to be able to vote)
I believe there was a referendum about voting rights and independence but abstention was really high so the results are not very representative, and given that France doesn't give abstention/null voting any value, the government chose to ignore the population's actual feelings and do its own thing.
It's a pretty interesting move given the current context and the support France has given to Israel.

BestBouclettes ,

The bomb runs AIX. I'm sorry, you're dead

BestBouclettes ,

Nope, tar doesn't handle compression on AIX. So it would be something like gzip -cd filename.tar.gz | tar xvf -

BestBouclettes ,

Yeah that's how I try to explain ADHD to neuro typical people. It's a lot of things that everyone has in some ways (poor attention span, executive dysfunction, working memory issues, rejection sensitivity, etc.), but in a nice package, cranked up to eleven (thousand).
It's not entirely accurate but it's good enough to make people understand what it is.

BestBouclettes ,

The big middle finger of the invisible hand of the market

BestBouclettes ,

Spoiler alert: it does, in fact, makes it way worse

BestBouclettes ,

I'm pretty sure he'd steal your boyfriend too

BestBouclettes ,

He allows them to be their full shitty selves out publicly with no shame.

BestBouclettes ,

Maybe it's badly implemented where I work, but I feel it's clunky and messy

BestBouclettes ,

He's not wrong but he sounds like a jackass. A minimal version sounds better than removing features that are present and used by people.

BestBouclettes ,

With a fascist government that will worsen the problem and then blame it on immigrants.

BestBouclettes ,

Israel has weaponized antisemitism, it's not even a secret and they admitted it a while back.

BestBouclettes ,

Absolutely not. If we look back since the Industrial Revolution the US are, closely followed by Europe and then China.

BestBouclettes ,

Clearly, but the burden doesn't lie on China alone. They became the factory of the world because we needed cheap shit for everyone.

BestBouclettes ,

That and you need to be pretty imaginative to get some nice results from prompts

BestBouclettes OP ,

Nope, she's just a very sassy cat with a lot of fluff 😁

BestBouclettes OP ,

She suffers from resting bitch face unfortunately

BestBouclettes ,

One of the things that makes french pastry so good is the buttery taste. You can have good pastry without butter but it's definitely not on par with a proper butter croissant.

BestBouclettes ,

I haven't tried vegan butter yet, it's easier to find margarine around here, which tastes like ass most of the time. But I'd definitely give it a try if they manage to get the buttery taste without the suffering.

BestBouclettes ,

Weed, Adderall, LSD, MDMA, alcohol. LSD is my favourite by far, I'd like to try mushrooms too but I have no idea where to find them.

BestBouclettes ,

Unions don't work at all, that's totally unrelated as to why they fight so hard to keep them from forming and gaining power!

BestBouclettes ,

Nope, still is. Class infighting prevents class consciousness from taking place

Dubai plans to move its busy international airport to a $35 billion new facility within 10 years ( )

Dubai International Airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, will move its operations to the city-state’s second, sprawling airfield in its southern desert reaches “within the next 10 years” in a project worth nearly $35 billion, its ruler said Sunday. ...

BestBouclettes ,

Exactly what we need in the current climate crisis, more planes!

BestBouclettes ,

It's a Palestinian baby that was born just moments before (or after, I don't remember) her mother died. And apparently she died too. It's just sad and awful...

BestBouclettes ,

It's easy when you think that some peoples lives are worth less than a dog's !

BestBouclettes ,

Especially when coal rejects a lot more radioactive materials in the air than nuclear power

BestBouclettes , (edited )

For sure, but there are places in Germany and everywhere in Europe where you shouldn't be eating or drinking anything that comes out of the ground because of coal emissions, and places you can't do anything in because of the gigantic coal mines. And that's still currently happening and will keep happening for the foreseeable future.

BestBouclettes ,

Any punishment with no possibility of back pedaling should never be given. The chances of permanently harming a potentially innocent person are far too great.

BestBouclettes ,

Because he most likely won't be the last one to be given such a sentence. And some of them will probably undergo the castration. Which is cruel, pointless and not reversible.

BestBouclettes ,

Yeah he did, don't get me wrong this guy should go to jail. But imagine for a second he (or anyone else for that matter) was not actually guilty, and got convicted on a technicality or a judiciary error.
You would mutilate or kill someone and then absolve them of the crime if ever found out they were innocent, oh no you can't, because what happened is utterly irreversible. I mean, it's not like it ever happened before right?

BestBouclettes ,

The exercise of law shouldn't involve emotion, there is a reason why mob justice shouldn't be a thing.
Of course I would be upset and want the guy dead, mutilated or whatever if it involved someone close to me.

But that's the thing, dude's a monster, he should go to jail, and get psychiatric help and be rehabilitated to the best of his capability. If he's never safe enough to be a free man ever again that's fine, but in no way he should be killed or mutilated by the state.

But the point isn't about him specifically, if he gets such a sentence, it sets a precedent that a sentence like this is acceptable for a given crime. And that's unacceptable on many levels, a state should never have the power to kill or mutilate a person, for any reason, ever.

BestBouclettes ,

You can get out of jail, you cannot grow your balls back or be not dead. Jail damages society because of the way it's implemented, that's a political choice, but that's another argument.

BestBouclettes ,

A french comedian got blasted because he called Bibi a nazi without a foreskin. I thought it was fitting and hilarious.

BestBouclettes ,

Yeah, ruling in the favour of this would be a massive Pandora's box and I'm not sure the supreme court would want that at that moment. If Trump were President they would probably agree though.

BestBouclettes ,

Disks mounted via your user are mounted differently than when you sudo or with root.
The driver needs FUSE support to allow you to mount it via your user.

You can find more info here:

BestBouclettes ,

ChatGPT is not conscious, it’s just a probability language model. What it says makes no sense to it and it has no sense of anything. That might change in the future but currently it’s not.

BestBouclettes ,


BestBouclettes ,

RedHat and Hashicorp under IBM. Hmm, that doesn’t bode well for the future.

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