BeAware , avatar

Ya know...I didn't think about it until now, but it's kinda wild that the BlueSky bridge was REQUIRED to be "opt-in" by a massive amount of Fedi which just runs like a normal instance runs.

However, we currently have the relay that bridges to Nostr with no such "opt-in" ridiculousness and Nostr doesn't even have "deletes" at all. You post something, it's there. No going back.

I guess the....6 instances that block it felt the same as the folks that hated on the BlueSky bridge but they decided to use the actual tool they were allotted in every such case, the BLOCK button....

So, why is a Nostr, no delete, opt out bridge, more admissible than a BlueSky, normal deletes, opt out bridge?🤨

I am now more confused than ever about the mindsets of people here.

I genuinely want to know if there's a reason one should be allowed and not the other, if there is one...😬

WorMP3 , avatar

@BeAware People didn’t know about the Nostr bridge.

BeAware OP , avatar

@WorMP3 well.....😬sorry. I'm miffed and they gonna know...😑

WorMP3 , avatar

@BeAware Right I’m sure the outrage is coming. Specially when they realize their posts are being seen in without their permission and where the moderation is laxed and delete is nonexistent. :blobshrug:

BeAware OP , (edited ) avatar

@WorMP3 I have 3,000+ posts there. That's 1/3-1/4 of my entire Fedi existence. If this post gets seen, MAYBE there will be some outrage, but the fact that they haven't yet and I seem to be one of the earliest "noticers" of this bridge is wild to me.

WorMP3 , avatar

@BeAware That’s true, honestly I’m not really sure what prompted the outage of and not I mean you’d think they go hand in hand… :blobshrug:

BeAware OP , avatar

@WorMP3 hand in hand or even worst against Nostr considering there's no deletes. Also, threads federates with it too....🤣and they keep saying "we have to worry about people's data and data protection laws".

Nostr says "Fuck your laws, what the heck is a DELETE?"

WorMP3 , avatar

@BeAware :kek:

mackuba , avatar

@BeAware And the funniest thing is, Nostr users as a community are probably in general waaaaay less "compatible" with Mastodon users than Bluesky users are (hint: fans of crypto, libertarians etc. vs. mostly also leftist/liberal/anti-capitalist leaning people)

mackuba , avatar

@WorMP3 @BeAware That is probably the main reason, yeah 😅

BeAware OP , avatar

@mackuba FACTS! Lots of shitposters, racists, crypto, hate speech there and they don't give a fuck about your feelings.

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