jwr1 avatar

jwr1 Global Mod

@[email protected]

Admin of kbin.earth, creator of Interstellar.

Also on kbin.social: @jwr1

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Lol, not sure why y'all are voting on this. This is just a test thread (and magazine) used to develop features for my app.

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Favorite just means anything you upvoted.

An update regarding the future of m/AskKbin (where we are headed towards) - AskKbin - kbin.social ( kbin.social )

Hello everyone, check out my announcement post linked above and if you don't know who I am, check out my past post to learn more about me and It would mean a lot of you show your support for my future iniatives inside the fediverse!...

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

If you have any feedback for Interstellar (the only Mbin app I know of), please share. I use the app daily, and it works great for my use case, but I don't automatically know what other people would like until they communicate it. (I'm the dev, btw)

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

I think the spacing for the cards might need to be adjusted anyway, but yeah, some sort of dense layout mode would be good to add.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Does capital (🌎 Bin) or lowercase (🌎 bin) look better though?

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Yeah, that makes sense. I'll stick with lowercase :)

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

lol, I hadn't even thought about it sounding like a garbage can. Hopefully, nobody else thinks that when they see the website.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Sorry about that, and thanks for letting me know. I had no idea the email system was down. I'll probably try to look into it after the migration to Mbin. I've gone ahead and manually verified each user from the past week, so you should be able to sign in now.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Ok, I was able to figure out what was wrong. All registration and password reset emails should be working now.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

No, we haven't migrated yet. I just decided to fix that first.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Sounds good! Migration probably won't happen today, but maybe tomorrow or the day after if we get lucky. Unfortunately, I ran into a problem while trying to set up Mbin due to one of the mbin/kbin dependencies suddenly disappearing out of the blue (see here).

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

The migration to Mbin is complete! Let me know if you run into any issues.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Mbin does support microblogs. I believe there's a "Microblog" button in the navigation bar for desktop, and the same button found in the side drawer on mobile.

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Yes, there's Interstellar.

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Maybe because Google doesn't think it's popular enough, I've noticed that too though. The search does work if you search the app id directly though, like one.jwr.interstellar.

If you're trying to login to your fedia account, I've noticed that server doesn't seem to work (which is why it's not in the recommended instances section). It's probably an issue with how they setup the api (you'll notice other mbin instances work with interstellar just fine).

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Maybe @jerry knows what's going on? Is it possible oauth client creation is restricted to admins on fedia?

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

That's great! I'll add it to the recommended instances section once I get a change.

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Just curious, what was the reason for blocking those first three instances?

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Thanks for the feedback! I've thought about adding a subscription list, so I'll add that to the planned features. I'll also take a look at the mastodon app; someone else also said the layout took a lot of space, so I've already been looking into that.

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

kbin.social is also showing 404 for me at /sub. https://kbin.social/*/sub still seems to be working though.

kbin.earth federation problems fixed

Recently, I've noticed federated threads/comments/votes were lagging behind, and it turns out kbin.earth was being spammed (hundreds in a minute, leading to a couple thousand queued messages after only half an hour) by a Lemmy server with the same exact activity pub message. After blocking the server (feddit.de), federation...

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Hello, thanks for reaching out. I wondered if the federation issue we've had was actually just a kbin issue, but it's a lot easier to see incoming messages than outgoing, and I just assumed it was feddit.de's fault when I saw all the spam. Unfortunately, I'm guessing I won't be able to do much to fix this since I'm not a kbin (or php) developer, and Ernest doesn't seem to be actively developing anything (including bug fixes) for kbin right now. I'll message you on Matrix for more details, just in case.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to fix this. Interstellar supports the kbin API, but your kbin server has not enabled the kbin API on their end. So you'll need to contact kbin.social's admin to see if they can enable support.

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

It's possible we could add sublinks support to the Interstellar app when the time comes. It already supports microblogging for kbin/mbin and is built with multi-software compatibility in mind; it currently supports kbin, mbin, and lemmy and could easily add support for sublinks.

OC Biggest Interstellar update yet: now on Google Play, Lemmy support, user/magazine mentions, and much more

I don't have a lot to say this time, but here's the biggest Interstellar update we've had so far. This update includes almost full support for Lemmy (notification viewing, direct messages, and post creation don't work yet though), there's a new user/magazine mentions feature, user profile pages now let you view a user's comments...

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Thanks :)

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Thanks, I actually did mention that at the bottom of the post, but I probably should have made it more obvious.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Thanks for the kind words.

The top and bottom toolbars are taking a lot of screen space, even though I am using a huge phone. Can you consider changing some buttons into menus, or shrinking the size of the buttons?

Just to clarify, you mean the sections with the sub, mod, fav, and all tabs on the top, and the feed, explore, profile, and settings buttons on the bottom? I've already thought about how to make the top portion customizable, so hiding the sub, mod, fav, and all tabs could be an option to put in the settings. As for the bottom portion, I feel that it's necessary to keep, especially considering many mobile apps have their global navigation in the same spot. It is possible, though, that we could make it so it hides on scroll, or maybe have a button that toggles its visibility.

Can you provide an option for showing the instances of posts and users?

You can already see the instance of a user or magazine. If you click the little "@" button next to a user or magazine name, it will display the host (if the button's not there, the user or magazine is on the same instance as you). Additionally, if you actually click on the user or magazine name (not the "@" button), it will pull up a detailed user/magazine profile, of which, near the top, is listed the full user/magazine reference name (with the instance), like "! fediverse @ lemmy.world" or "@ randomusername @ kbin.social". If you meant always show the instance of a user/magazine (instead of replacing it with an "@" button), I've also thought of adding that as an option in the settings.

Can you provide an option to disable swipe left/right gestures?

If you're referring to the swipe gestures on the screens with tabs, that actually comes by default with the framework, but I can see if there's an easy way to disable it.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Thanks for the feedback; I'll see what I can do.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

All of these (except tab swipe disable) are now options in the latest update! Let me know if you'd like anything else added.

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

Also this comment will be reported as well.

jwr1 Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

I literally just finished doing the same thing for my own foss app (and I also used Flutter). Right now I'm waiting for my production review. To get people added to your closed test, you have to either collect a list of email address, or create a google group they can join. If you use a google group, that will be a bit easier for testers to join since people can click the group link, and then the test link, instead of waiting for you to add their email.

If you can't initially get all the testers you need, I would recommend making a post on the AndroidClosedTesting reddit; I found them really helpful to get the last few testers I needed.

kbin.earth server upgrade planned

Due to the increased usage and number of posts on kbin.earth, we have recently been reaching the system resource limit, and the server has frozen a few times in the past week. Sometime today (or hopefully by at least the end of tomorrow), I'll be moving kbin.earth to a new server with more ram. The expected downtime should be...

jwr1 OP Global Mod ,
jwr1 avatar

The server upgrade is complete, with only 20 minutes of downtime! Hopefully, now we won't experience resource issues any time soon.

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