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Veraxus ,

Of course.

But why would you want to!?

Veraxus ,

And it would have been bigger if they didn’t refund and block half the planet before it released.

Veraxus ,

I worked for them back when they were SCEA. They were a GREAT company to work for, but the Japanese leadership was notoriously stubborn and set in their ways… in exactly the same way Nintendo still is. Definitely a traditional console-centric cultural hangup they haven’t quite overcome just yet.

Veraxus ,

Reminder: DRM is theft and the DMCA is government sanctioning of theft.

Veraxus ,

They’ll just get some corrupt judge to wave their hands and rule “not like that”.

Veraxus ,

“Tyranny of the majority” was an ur-fascist Republican mantra even when I was a kid. These people were always anti-democratic.

Veraxus ,

They’re readily available in the LA area. You just need to visit an asian specialty market.

Veraxus ,

All those different kinds of banana. All we get is cabendish which is, like, the worst of all the amazing banana varieties.

Veraxus ,

And tomatoes. Tomatoes used to be amazing. Even the worst ones were amazing.

Now they just taste like “wet”. If you want a good tomato you have to track down lovingly and carefully bred heirloom plants and grow them yourself.

Veraxus ,

Their story is interesting, but also depressing. They were competing for government EV subsidies at the time and then the rules changed at the 11th hour, and they were excluded because their vehicles had 3 wheels instead of 4. Meanwhile, Tesla did get the funding.

Aptera was forced to sell everything to a Chinese firm, who never did anything with it. Then, a few years ago, Aptera’s original founders found the money to buy it all back and drafted a new roadmap to market.

It’s been touch-and-go this time around, too, but their technology and basic principles are just brilliant. The sheer practicality of what they are making is unmatched by anyone anywhere. I’m excited to see this finally come to market!

Veraxus ,

This is not remotely accurate. The GOP has a second table for billionaires, bailouts, and the MIC piled high with cash.

Slack is now using all content, including DMs, to train LLMs ( )

cross-posted from:

 We offer customers a choice around these practices. If you want to exclude your Customer Data from helping to train Slack global models, you can opt out. If you opt out, Customer Data on your workspace will only be used to improve the experience on your own workspace and you will still enjoy all of the benefits of our globally trained Al/ML models without contributing to the underlying models.
Veraxus ,

Well, that's just great. Another reason for corporations to force everyone into the miserable, counterproductive dumpster fire that is MS Teams.

Veraxus ,

The customer is never just a customer... even if you are paying. You are always the product now. Always.

Veraxus ,

No, but it's the only one that big corporations know/care about... primarily because of MS's aggressive "look, it's basically free and TOTALLY the same thing, we promise" marketing strategy.

Veraxus ,

Valves next game...


it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

Veraxus ,

Everyone needs some rock, and stone, and liberty in their lives.

Veraxus ,

For Karl!

Veraxus ,

All fair points, and given the way Valve operates (like a free collective) this would only happen if there were some really passionate people leading and working on it.

That said, it’s still a mix of things I just really do not have any interest in. Competitive online game, esports focused, MOBA-like, PvP, hero shooter… that’s a whole lot of hard no-thanks from me.

I’d love some new light-narrative single player and/or co-op stuff from them, though.

Veraxus ,

To be faaaaiiiiir… D:OS (both of them) make the age-old mistake of having really slow, uninteresting, prologuish RPG starts. It takes a solid 5h of powergaming or 10h+ of normal play to get past that hump. That’s the point where the story picks up and you have enough tools to start really taking advantage of the games sandbox.

With BG3 they really seemed to have learned their lessons.

Veraxus ,

I hate beets. HATE them. I will eat durian, thousand-year eggs, stinky tofu, and a million other things that most people won’t touch… but beets? Fuck beets. Their sweet-yet-earthy funk is like a dead animal that has just started to decompose. I don’t care if they are cooked, pickled, or stewed in borscht… hate them and won’t touch them. They ruin everything they touch.

This is like that. They are cooking with lots of beet-like ingredients. Some people will love that. But as for me…I hate it… I hate just everything about it… and I hate it because I’ve experienced all those ingredients before. Over and over and over again. What they are making is for a very particular crowd, and I am not part of said crowd.

Veraxus , (edited )

…however Zionists want to hijack all Jews…

It seems pretty clear that they understand this. It looks like there’s just a little bit of a language barrier here, is all.

Veraxus ,

And also, even if they are a Jewish Palestinian they can still be murdered with absolute impunity.

Veraxus ,

You don’t interact with many ESL people, do you?

Veraxus ,

No. It is still a controlled substance. They have merely lowered it's classification rather than DE-classifying it entirely, which is what they should have done.

Veraxus ,

Gitlab just stomps Github into the dirt these days. For my own projects, I’m now Gitlab all the way.

My one complaint, though, is that Gitlab’s Git LFS is way more pricey than Github, which sucks.

Veraxus ,

What’chu talkin’ ‘bout, Willis?

Veraxus ,

Braking suddenly like every other car on the road when something unexpected happens ahead… or did they do it while changing lanes or something?

I generally want to empathize with motorcyclists, but if all it did was stop…

Veraxus ,

I agree. There’s not a lot of information in that article… but as a motorcyclist myself, you don’t trust anyone on the road. In fact, it’s safer to assume that every car wants to kill you. And these robots-taxi things apparently only go 35mph to boot.

Veraxus ,

Became? Always was… even at the end of WW2. Albert Einstein, who was Ashkenazi Jewish himself, even opposed it. Taking away a native populace’s land and giving it over to outsiders has always been, and always will be, controversial.

Veraxus ,

Projects not containing anything owned by Nintendo has never stopped Nintendo from destroying those projects (and peoples lives) in the past.

Veraxus ,

What do you mean? Need details while I can still cancel my preorder.

Veraxus ,

Thanks. Any chance yan you TLDR for me? I have Reddit intentionally blocked on my Pihole.

Veraxus ,

Thank you! That sounds like a bug, but it’s clearly a bad one.

Veraxus ,

Yes. My point is, I don’t even want to go to Reddit accidentally. Fuck Reddit.

Veraxus ,

PC game devs shit on me when they refuse to release games on console.

Wow. You have absolutely no idea what goes into releasing games on console, do you?

Talk about entitlement.

Why does a state like California that has supermajorities in both houses of the legislature not have a livable wage, housing guarantees, universal healthcare, and other very progressive policies?

I keep being told it's because of the Republicans that we can't have nice things. So what gives in California? We should be overflowing with progressive policies.

Veraxus ,

Remember that the Democratic party is NOT leftist and is NOT progressive… it is liberal, aka generally right-of-center. The few leftists we do manage to elect generally don’t wield much power, and are undermined and sabotaged at every turn by members of “their own party” as well as Republicans. The state also has a lot of very wealthy conservative extremists, and since money is power, they wield a lot without needing pesky things like votes or democracy.

Veraxus ,

“It’s still very Republican, it’s just those the vast majority of people who live there are not.” 😬

Although maybe you’re just trying to state that Democrats are still rightists, even if they are significantly less so than the overtly fascist Republicans, which would be accurate.

The State Department said that Israel's military campaign in Gaza may have violated international law. ( )

The Biden administration has concluded it is “reasonable to assess” that Israel’s military campaign in Gaza has violated international law, but has not found specific instances that would justify the withholding of military aid, the State Department told Congress on Friday....

Veraxus ,

May have?

Our State Dept seems to be a few months behind.

Veraxus ,

so which are you choosing?

I think most people will choose what they can actually afford. The fact that things cost so much and people aren't being paid anywhere near enough to compensate for the skyrocketing price of consumer goods, including vehicles.

Whatever the reasons, there is a very serious and dangerous disconnect between the prices of American goods and the spending power of the average American. Unless we do something about that - and I do not mean short-sighted, punitive, protectionist measures like tariffs - China is going to drink our milkshake.

Veraxus ,
Veraxus ,

Until the US government doubles the price to protect our own garbage auto industry.

Though maybe if they take that money and funnel it into subsidies for own promising upstarts like Rivian and Aptera... but no, that would mean our corrupt officials wouldn't be able to plunder it for own big donors. What was I thinking?

Veraxus ,

On the up-side, I can cancel subscriptions whenever I want and only subscribe to one or two at a time when they have something I want to watch. I could never do that with cable.

That said, pricing is getting way out of control. I will not tolerate ads and we're getting to the point where purchasing content makes more financial sense than subscribing to things that load you up with caveats unless you pay premiums.

Veraxus ,

Unfortunately, you are absolutely right. 😞

And also, even when it is... it's "buying" (with quotes), because in this brave new digital world... you don't actually own anything you "buy".

Study reveals "widespread, bipartisan aversion" to neighbors owning AR-15 rifles ( )

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that across all political and social groups in the United States, there is a strong preference against living near AR-15 rifle owners and neighbors who store guns outside of locked safes. This surprising consensus suggests that when it...

Veraxus ,

Rent is outrageous and getting worse every year.
The dream of owning a home is dead for my generation (xennials) and newer.
Utilities and other basic costs of living have skyrocketed and continue to get worse.
The environment is starting to fall apart and insurance companies are starting to drop people, refuse coverage, and skyrocket rates when it IS available.
Fascists continue to dismantle any and all social safety nets while pushing tax burdens onto lower income households, cutting their own tax responsibilities, and also creating inventive ways to loot public coffers.

Cancelling a little bit of student debt (without ever solving the core problem, btw) isn't "turning around" - it's barely a wiggle on the steering wheel. We're all screwed and nobody is doing anything about it.

Veraxus ,

No, Pichai is no idiot. It's worse than that. He's overtly and flamboyantly evil.

Veraxus ,

Everyone pays taxes. It's necessary for society to exist. It is reasonable for you, as a tax-paying part of society, to expect to get back some benefit for what you pay... and economies of scale would indicate that those benefits would be significant. "Free" in the tax-funded context means "inclusive of the taxes I pay" not "free as in beer."

But you knew that. You just like to spread right-wing, ur-fascist misinformation, don't you?

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