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Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

"Recently there has been a concerted effort to make a kind of a vibe shift about how we talk about climate."

Yet no concerted effort can beat the money poured into desinformation, propaganda and also defeatism by the people making a fortune by destroying our planet. If we don't address that any talk about "changing how we speak about climate change" is just another diversion. Have we really not learned anything from the ecological footprint fairy tale?

Europe's Spending Billions on Green Hydrogen. It's a Risky Gamble ( www.bloomberg.com )

To be clear: we're going to use renewable hydrogen for some things, such as fertilizer manufacturing — there isn't any other way to do them sustainably. There are applications for which it's one of the most expensive choices, such as home heating, and a whole host of industrial processes and aviation sitting in between.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

The opposite is true. There is no alternative to carbon neutrality and hydrogen will be needed in huge amounts to decarbonize certain sectors in industry and transport.

The problem are the insane amounts of story tellers that either pretend it will not work at all or that it's some magic solution so people can keep burning just another kind of gas without having to change anything. And both actually tell the same story: give up and stick with fossil fuels because it makes us rich.

Ooops , (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

In most countries we are NOT at the point to able to spend excess electricity.

That's wrong. There are enough countries that already have problems getting rid of excess electricity several hours a day in most of the summer half. And this will increase constantly over the next years. Oh... and we are actually paying for that electricity to be discarded already. Which is exactly why the slow buildup of power-to-gas as well as short-term storage needs to start now. Or do you believe the increase in excess electricity will just go on for a decade without a way to use it and then we snap our fingers an the power-to-gas production and infrastucture magically appears out of nowwhere?

Gas & oil companies do not care what you put into your cars, machines

Of course they care. They already know that 10 years from now no ICE-based car will be produced anymore. And they are panicking enough to spend a lot of money on bullshit propaganda to revert legislation that bans co2-emitting cars in the near-future. and if that doesn't work we they hope to confuse enough people to cling to their oil and gas longer than is good for them (and their wallets).

Bonus: All planned ‘green hydrogen’ facilities worldwide until 2035 will cover about 10% of Germany’s demand

Speakling of bullshit... that's eFuels, not hydrogen. And what you call "demand" are the numbers if we follow some insane "it will not work and is all a scam"-fairy tale (or the "oh, you don't need to change anything. Just stick with your combution engine"-alternmative), do nothing and then suddenly need gasoline for millions of cars. Which will not happen. There is no future for combustion engines. Producers have stopped development years ago. The latest generation of car engines burning gasoline to be build is already on our streets today.

So of course eFuels are not a solution. Because it's a scam to foul people into clinging to a technological dead-end and so people can tell those fairy tales about how our energy transition will fail and we should really just give up. In reality eFuels are a niche topic exclusively for long-range ship and air traffic at best and for a few specific industries (like chemical production nowadays using natural gas as a raw material instead of energy).

Seriously... how often will people parrot the same bullshit again and again? It's always the same moronic arguments simplifying facts ad absurdum and then repeating them again and again knowing that explaininmg why it's wrong will take much more time:

But batteries do not work because we can't build that much for storage!!!! And now I need to explain people that long-term storage and short-term storage are two completely separate things and how they actually work. Also how solar and wind are actually complementary and the amount of short-term storage needed is so much smaller... not even half a day to get a stable day/night cycle but even less (~3 hours to shift production peak -mid day- to demand peak -early evening).

But lithium!!!!!! No, grid storage is not a hand-held that needs maximised energy-density. Quite the opposite actually with lithium-ion batteries being exceptionally bad for big fixed installations because of their heat issues. Cheap and thermally stable are the main requirements for grid storage. No one cares if that warehouse-sized installation is 20% bigger and 40% heavier... (Speaking of different requirements: lithium batteries are used for some of that storage today... used lithium batteries to be specific, because those cheap batteries bought slightly over their recycling value because they too used up to run a car anymore fits the specifications well already...)

But there is no long-term storage!!!!! Yes, there is. Countries nowadays already store enough gas to bridge several months if necessary. We can do the same with hydrogen.

But hydrogen is so inefficient and will be far too expensive!!! No... burning it isn't more inefficient that burning natural gas. Producing it isn't more inefficient that producing natural gas either if you start including the actual production costs and transport (often over vast distances) today. And regarding the price. The EU just had the first auctions for member's first national green hydrogen production projects just last week... and before any scaling and with our electricity production just starting to generate overproduction in limited time frames the auctioned costs are already on par with natural gas.

And I could go on like this for hours. The whole "argument" of how the planned energy transition will not work is basically a giant Gish gallop... only with the exact same chain of non-issues brought up again and again simply hoping that the majority will fall for it because the actual facts are more complex to explain and can not be brought down to just two sentences filled with buzzwords.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Nope, this is "Your system ran out of memory and now this program isn't reacting anymore (it's trying to allocate memory but there is no free memory left). Please stop the program or try to get rid of some of its subprocesses to free up memory."

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Congratulations. You are part of the problem.

Actual statistics and basically every poll show that the vast majority of people agrees and wants to do much more to address climate change on a personal and government level. And just like you most of them are suffering from propaganda-induced brain rot and believe that they are totally alone with that opinion so it unfortunately has no sense to even try. So they don't.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Obviously the emissions are the controllable. Blaming this on El Niño [...]

Nobody is actually blaming anything on El Niño. El Niño simply covered up how bad it was already for some time.
Which also means those emissions are indeed not controllable. Because they have happened years ago and we still can't do time travel. That's the whole actual point of talking about El Niño here.

Ooops , (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Nope, it needs governmental regulations.

Financing-wise renewable energy has long surpassed fossil fuels. It's not capitalists in general blocking the change as they would make a lot of money. This is very specifically about a small amount of individuals making their money in fossil fuels and spending a lot on lobbying to slow the transition down as they try to squeeze as much out of their business model as possible before it runs against a wall they can already see (but try to hide from the consumer).

The same is true in other sectors, for example in traffic where totally insane bullshit gets pushed (hyper-loops, air taxis etc.) as magical alternatives to actually working public transport. That's also not some business that will ever make money. It's a diversion by people who want to keep making money in a very specific field (CE cars) before that whole sector also dies off. Also the scaling effect in EV production as well as improvements and development still have a massive potential with much money to be made by the people investing into a still developing and growing market. Unlike the dying market of combustion engines that competes on miniscule optimisations of the status quo still possible. Yet the very same companies knowing that combustion engines are dead and not even working on developing a next line but instead focusing on electric drives, still do marketing like the opposite would be true so they can sell that trash with no future perspective as long as possible.

There is quiet a lot to say against capitalism, but at the moment we don't have a capitalism problem (at least not where climate action is involved) but one of corruption that helps a few people to keep failing businesses alive a bit longer at the expense of everyone including capitalists in the future businesses that will replace them.

Ooops , (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Do I condemn Hamas’ atrocities?

I condemn every single atrocity, whomever is the perpetrator or the victim [...], at the same time, I celebrate anyone who risks their life to TEAR DOWN THE WALL.


Are Israelis not justified to fear that Hamas wants to exterminate them?

Of course they are! Jews have suffered a Holocaust that was preceded with pogroms and a deep-seated antisemitism permeating Europe and the Americas for centuries.


So, let’s be clear: If Jews were under attack, anywhere in the world, I would be the first to canvass for a Jewish Congress in which to register our solidarity.

(from the speech published later, when he was not allowed to talk there...)

So in short:

  • I normaly condemn violence in general but I don't condemn Hamas but cheer for them.
  • The only antisemitism Israel should be afraid of comes from Europe and America.
  • No Jew in the world was actually attacked... as I would have stood with them then.

What an impressive example of a voice of reason for Palestina... totally not an antisemitic, lying populist cheering for Hamas' attacks while at the same time denying any Jew got attacked. What a f****ng 🤡.

More and faster: Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total ( apnews.com )

Scientists say emissions from burning fuels like coal must ramp steeply down to protect Earth’s climate, yet there was an increase in electricity made from burning fossil fuels. China, India, Vietnam and Mexico were responsible for nearly all of the rise....

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

That's an interesting concept but the base assuptions are fundamentally wrong, because this is not how the electricity market or the grid work.

There is no classical supply and demand here. There has to always be the amount produced as is used up. More supply than demand and the grid breaks down, more demand than supply and the same happens.

When you add cheaper renewable electricity to an existing system, there is no effect of higher supply reducing the price thus creating more demand like in a classical market. The opposite is true. The base price is usually linked to the most expensive producer via some merit order system (because there must always be enough capacity to fullfill the demand in real time), so the price stays the same. And on top of the produced electricity we now also need to pay some producers to stop production. That cost is also added via some grid fee. So burning fossil fuels is indeed the worst thing to make money here. Instead you can get a lot of money with producing renewable energy on one hand (as you get a high prize for cheap production), or by not producing fossil fuel energy (basically getting paid for not shutting down you power plant in case it's needed while not actually burning fuels most of the time).

Which in the end means you are indeed replacing fossil fuels with renewables. Prices will only drop once you build so much renewables and short term storage to completely eliminate the need for fossil fuel power plants to be kept for the rare moment you need them. So there is no effect of lower prices artificially creating higher demand.

Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds | Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results ( www.theguardian.com )

I'll note that 2.5°C of warming by 2100 is a significant improvement over the trajectory we were on a decade ago, even if still far from where we need to be

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Nope... Spreading that bullshit as a fact is part of the problem.

The economy isn't the problem. We can adapt in a lot of ways that helps the climate while also having working economies.

The actual problem is that the people with money want exactly the kind of economy that makes them money for decades. So they will block any changes to keep everything as it is.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Correct. There are however a lot of solutions that a) don't produce co2 and b) are more efficient and cheaper already, very much more so once they are properly scaled up.

So you could in fact throw money at the problem... And even those who refuse to follow the change will simply go bunkrupt over it because fossil fuels aren't even economically viable in comparison.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

It's also the leader in building up renewables instead while everyone else sits lazily on their ass crying "why should we do anything when China exists?"

How about we do better than China first and then cry about them, instead of using them as an excuse to fail even harder than them?

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

So... Getting better while China doesn't creates the effect of reducing emmissions by... let's say 40%.

The effect of crying about China as an excuse to not do anything yourself however is 0!

Which on will you chose?

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Hamas plans a genocide of Jews on one hand -without limited success so far, but not for a lack of trying- and actively helps with worsening the situation in Gaza on the other because they can use deaths there for their propaganda. Israel isn't shy about killing as many Palestinians as possible either, because not reacting to Hamas terror isn't an option, but any reaction will produce a negative reaction and tons of propaganda anyway. So why not go all in?

So which side are you talking about? The one commiting genocide or the genocidal one? No, Palestinian civilians are sadly not a valid side you can chose as they are de facto governed by Hamas in Gaza... unless you have a plan to separate one from the other somehow. Please then go on and tell the plan to world leaders unsuccessfully looking for such a solution for many, many years now.

Or in short: Pretending there are easy sides, with one being right and one wrong, is not a solution but indeed part of the problem.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Thank you for perfectly demonstrating my point. You are an idiot thinking this is a team sport, "your" side is right and everybody not sharing your exact opinion is wrong and the enemy.

And because everyone is the same on that "other side" I somehow become a zionist bombing civilians in your alternative world view, although I could impossibly qualify for that definition by any degree.

And also because everything on your side needs to be righteous you twist reality to fit your view. I explicitly asked how to effectively separate Palestinian civilians in Gaza from their de facto Hamas governmemnt. Yet somehow in your brain that question translated to the exact opposite of what I actually said: That somehow every civilan in Gaza is part of Hamas.

Seriously... how fucked up is your delusion that things you read instantly transform to mean something completely different, just so they fit the imaginary point you are trying to make?

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Sure... we can totally invent a hundred different solutions soon™ that mean we can just keep burning fossil fuels like we really, really want to.

Okay... they will actually never work and we will irreversibly damage our planet. But that's okay, because the people telling you those fairy tales will have made a lot of money by then. And that's also worth something, isn't it?

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Shit. I hadn't even considered making solar less viable as a side effect, too...

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

What is that bullshit title?

He is not getting anything wrong. He's lying. Clearly, openly and intentionally.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Also should they win it's probably not the prison labor that will change but the constitution sigh

Ooops , (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

He is accidently right. There should not be a narrative in the first place.

But people eat up Israel and Hamas propaganda like crazy.

And what gets lost is an actually nuanced discussion where people can criticise Israel's actions without questioning if the country has a right to exist and defend itself in the frist place and being grouped with antisemites amplifying the same message but for the completely wrong reasons. And where people can criticise Hamas without instantly being in the same camp with those supporting genocidal actions against Palestinian civilians.

Thanks to social media this has instead devolved into a brain-dead team sport only build on narratives. With facts and common sense being lost and one side pushing narratives helping the other to do the same, when there is no actual right side, only degrees of wrong.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

I always thought sociopaths need to learn how to fake it well to operate in society. But I guess that requirement goes out fo the window when you replace society with GOP.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Actually we give corn to animals you can then later eat. If we actually start eating what we instead inefficently feed into animal farming, we could feed twice as many people as exist and still have left overs for creating fuels.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Canonical is basically the closed to corporate Linux you will find on the free distro market... They are pushing stuff you don't want for marketing reasons (for example their own proprietary Snaps when a better working open source solution already exists with Flatpack), love their telemetry (can be mostly disabled for now, but given the defaults and their other behavior we can already see where this is heading) and in general decide more alongside their latest business plan than actually making sense or listening to users.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Nope, the actual reasonable way would be not simplifying your dissent to a point where it's idiotic.

In a situation with two insane sides trying to kill the other it is not enough to disagree with one side. You also need to clearly distance yourself from the other madmen that agree with you, but for the completely wrong reason.

So yes, there are indeed wrong kind of Jews: Those who criticize Israel from a distance but are unable to distance themselves from actual anti-semites, often -even worse- using the same media channels to amplify their message, are indeed wrong.

Just like criticising Hamas but actually just repeating Israeli propaganda alongside idiots arguing for are Palestinian genocide are wrong.

You and your black-and-white arguments are a part of the problem and not the solution. This isn't a team sport. Both sides in that conflict are wrong. And by pretending otherwise you are discrediting valid opinions as well as actually helping propaganda bullshit like Netanyahu's... because it's much easier to pretend that all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic when those critics constantly stand right beside actual anti-semites and are unable to express an actual nuanced opinion beyond having chosen a side.

Ooops , (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

No, I'm saying that you with your polemics of "condemned by Israel, the USA, Germany, the UK etc. for being the wrong kind of Jew" are the problem.

Nobody is actually condemning people for being the wrong kind of Jew or having the wrong opinion. That's just your strawman because -in your "that's my team, so they are always right!!!"-delusion- you are not able to understand that there are indeed a lot of people on what you perceive as your side who should be condemned for actual well-documented antisemitism.

People like you with a stupid team mentality are the problem, not a solution.

I don’t support Hamas and it makes no sense/is unfair that you’d jump to the conclusion that I do.

It indeed makes sense to jump to that conclusion, when your first instinct is a random and unprompted attack on several countries, justified by a strawman. Because this shows very well that every sense of reality is lost to you and the only thing you can perceive anymore is people who agree with you 100% and those who are wrong.

Arguing as if I had chosen Hamas or anti-Semites as my “team” because I criticize Israel is putting completely unfounded words in my mouth.

That's absolutely not what I said. You have chosen your team not by criticising Israel but by blindly attacking everyone you even expect to disagree. People like you constantly demonstrate they will defend actual antisemites as long as they agree with your opinion. The next step then is usually falling for Hamas propaganda because it sounds so logical... after all they are on the correct anti-Israel side....

PS: Also very funny to write about "what I call the wrong kind of Jew" when I actually just quoted that term from your poor strawman. Cognitive dissonance must be strong in you.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Have you forgotten what you wrote like 24 hours ago?

No, I remember how I quoted your fucking bullshit.

condemned by Israel, the USA, Germany, the UK etc. for being the wrong kind of Jew

It's right there. In your own post for everyone to see. Why are you lying?

Ooops , (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

The main union for its plants there has a seat on the company’s board.

Which is basically mandatory in Germany as a company's works council has co-determination rights by law and usually votes some of their own to join the board (union membership not required but often the default).

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Unless we don’t want a 2 state solution.

More importantly Isreal as well as the PA reject the idea of a 2 state solution.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Now I am suddnely afraid what his replacement might look like...

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

But that's okay as it's rolling release and unlike other distros you only need to do it exactly once...

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

‘We Jews are just arrested; Palestinians are beaten' Hefets says. One example was the brutal arrest of a hijab-wearing protester at a sit-in in Berlin central station this past weekend, which was captured on video and posted to social media channels.

That guy should not be arrested but straight up jailed or deported for being a propagandist inciting hatred with his obvious lies.

Nobody was beaten. A group that illegally protested on private ground (they had registered the protest in front of the train station, then did it inside) was asked to leave according to the rights of the owner again and again. Then they called the police who asked them to leave multiple times, too, and then told them they would be removed by force if necessary after multiple hours of illegal protesting. In reaction they started cuddling and interlocking arms so they could not be removed easily and got their phones ready to film some imaginary police brutality.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

No, only peasants on foot trying to annoy our wheeled overlords and their owners.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

On the contrary... anyone able do bridge interstellar distances will agree that the near orbit belongs to the planet.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

My first thought was: So Slackware works very well but is ugly as hell?

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Obviously the Russian economy is now so well that they can sell discounted oil to NK as an act of friendship (although they never gave a fuck about them in past). Because it can't be true that Russia is desperate and even getting just a small amount of money for their oilis better than nothing at all...

Germany Is Seizing Jews’ Money Again: It’s fine, they’re pro-Palestine ( novaramedia.com )

A pro-Palestine Jewish activist group has had its bank account frozen in Germany for the second time in seven years, after the bank requested a full list of its members’ details in what experts believe is a breach of German law. The group suspects the move was triggered by its involvement in a forthcoming pro-Palestine...

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Nice... media that openly cheered for Hamas attacks is telling lies again and like the good little sheep most are nowadays people blindly believe it in rant about imaginary German nazis. The brain-rot induced by social media combined with a complete lack of media literacy gets more impressive every day.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Corn Ethanol is solar-powered, as all the CO2 was absorbed from the air as the corn grew thanks to photosynthesis

Nope, that's bullshit. Biomass is only co2-neutral if it grows on its own and is used up on the spot.

There’s also Hydrogen -> Syngas -> Kerosene, a process of electrification to Hydrogen + CO2 -> Fuel.

So while I pay an amount X for electricity to load a battery you are wiliing to pay 5 times as much for eFuels just to support your strange political views? That's in some way commendable...

So you gotta keep your mind open to all the possibilities that science can provide, including chemistry.

Even an open mind can't cheat thermodynamics

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Go figure out a better path of electrification of the large 737 airplanes.

Why would I when we were talkiong about cars? Sure, you will need some synthetic fuel for air travel. But if you want to pay the same sums to power your car, when you could do it for a fraction of that cost that's still stupid.

H2 and ICE are made of far simpler, and more efficient, materials.

No, you can actually build batteries from very simple materials that are far more efficient that fuel production and then burning it (both times with a huge loss). Just because the world focussed on lithium-ion batteries in the last decades (because of small portable devices where energy density was key) and thus used what was already widely available for cars in the beginning, rare materials for car batteries are not actually a requirement.

You’ll need substantial numbers of batteries to power the world at night as well (IE: an impossible number as no battery technology can handle daytime-charge vs nighttime usage of the USA).

That also a big nope. In reality solar and wind can power the world through the day, wind can power the world through the night. The only storage needed for a day/night cycle is a small fraction fo the prodcution. Just enough to shift parts of the production peaks at the afternoon and in the middle of the night ~5 hours forward to the consumption peaks in the evening and early morning.

And don't let me even start with how cheap you can produce massive batteries if you don't care for energy density at all because no one gives a fuck if the warehouse-sized installation for your town or city district is 20% bigger and a few tons heavier. Quite the opposite actually... Li-ion batteries nowadays are incredible bad for such a task. We accept their bad thermal properties in our smartphones and laptops, in cars it's already a drawback that prompted the development of other materials that are already serial produced. For fixed storage they would basically be a unneccessary fire hazard.

The real advantages to H2 are multiple fold

The real drawback of H2 availability. You lose energy to produce it. You lose more energy when you consume it. You will never see cheap H2 as the production is just too inefficient, so there will only be demand in sectors that simply cannot be electrified (air transport, some industries) as well as in chemical production as a raw material and for long-term seasonal storage.

Again... if you want to compete with high-energy demanding industries for the gas to power your car, that's your decision. Everyone else will use batteries for less than a ¼ of the cost. If your ICE is worth it for you, go for it. But don't pretend that the world will collectively decide to use a mode of transportation needing 4-5 times as much energy just for laughs and giggles.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Actually yes... fascism is a natural consequence of late-stage capitalism as it's one way to keep the exploited masses under control by focussing their anger away from the wealthy leaders.

Ooops , (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Basically every historic precedent works here. The turn of the 19th to 20th century can be mainly characterized by the results of a rapid technological advancement via industrialisation in which the workers were left behind while the control sat in higher-up circles, partly made up from remaining aristocracy and partly from rich high education citizens who accumulated mnost of the produced wealth. This basically slowly eliminated a general middle-class, provoking clashes between left wing worker movements representing the majority but not having the power and an established rich upper class trying to exploit them for more wealth. (To no one's surprise this is exactly the time when capitalism was defined in details: Karl Marx - Das Kapital (volume 1 to 3, 1867-1894 ))

That scenario can only (and usually has) resulted in either revolution or focusing that (poor, and usually less educated) majority's anger into another direction. The latter resulted in nationalist populist movements all throughout Europe. The only thing in doubt is if it would have won everywhere over time (as in some countries there still was a stable enough middle-class to delay that development at least fo a time). I assume so, but we will never know, as the countries where this development won faster (usually because the pre-conditions for the poorer population were already worse) changed the course of history for all.

If you want to call it a rise of fascism (the original one in Italy), nazis (in Germany) or a definitely fascistic military dictatorship based on "popular front" politics -with some support by monarchists realizing the risk they were in- (Spain) doesn't make a huge difference in the big picture.

Also: for a less historic and more "today" point of view look at Russia. Contrary to people still associating them with communism their form of oligarchy is definitely a variant of late-stage capitalism. In fact the risk of the US' capitalism developing even further into a pure wealth-based oligarchy is a discussion topic for at least two decades. And look were Russia is taking pointers from right now... straight from the nazi playbook.

(And now that I have mentioned it... and the discussed risk of the US moving into the same oligarchy direction: Isn't there a certain guy leaning heavily into far-right nationalism while using fascist and nazi rhetorics at times, who wants to become president again?)

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

What kinda oil shill would be promoting fuckn nuclear

Nuclear is incredibly expensive, uneconomic and for all countries starting only now would delay phasing out fossil fuels by decades of planning and construction. When they could start reducing fossil fuels and emmissions right now by building renewables and adding storage successively over years.

So the actual answer is: all of them. They know fossil fuels don't have a future, so they have long changed to delay tactics.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

That's because those drones aren't actual weapons. They become ones when merged with existing stocks of old ammunition you already have stocked.

They are (relatively) cheap conversion kits for obsolete shells they have lying around in the 100 thousands and more.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Why would he be? He's happy to be deployed to a position that is all show with no chance of actual fighting.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

But they are really ready to fight for global warming!

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Oh, no! Why did no one tell Ukraine (or anyone else for that matter) that the war ended at least 4 months ago after the US stopped their support? Guess the Orban-🤡-show just forgot...

America is driving Germany’s deindustrialisation ( unherd.com )

The cat is out of the bag. After months of denial, it is now conventional wisdom that Germany — and Europe more generally — faces deindustrialisation due to the end of cheap Russian piped gas. “Germany’s Days as an Industrial Superpower Are Coming to an End,” reads a headline on Bloomberg....

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Sure... so much common wisdom about Germany. Including their immidiate collaps any day now for the last 20+ years. Or the 5%+ economy loss should they not get Russian gas (after all those people who froze to death of course).

In reality those massive losses -coming out of covid, still having supply chain issues and with not even a fraction of the stimulus money other countries spend to counteract on top of no more gas- are now what? +/-0? And with some more obsolete techs slowly sourcing out parts for cost reasons while new technologies open up shop there at the same time.

The only actual risk for Germany (and a lot of other countries) is that people start to believe the bullshit, the outrage farming and doom scrolling trash and all the usual propaganda they are flodded with on a daily basis.

Ooops ,
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

When your government has taken on debt with the assumption that number keep go up, that’s a problem.

And again, the opposite is true. They have reduced debt constantly for decades, did not spend big sums on stimuli while covid (in fact the recent budgetary discussion was about the unused covid funds) and are still not spending anything on the economy. If they actually would take on debt to invest it into economy boosts like everyone araund them does right now, they would obviously have growth.

So they sat at ~+/-0 now and everyone loudly cries recession, doom and apocalypse because two quarters in a row had a (rounded down) -0.1% which technically qualifies.

Ooops , (edited )
@Ooops@kbin.social avatar

Oh, no! Their debt rose by 1,x percent... to a total of ~64%. That's nearly 20% under EU average. And while countries with rates of 100-160% (let's not even talk about Japan or US as they are playing in another league entirely) take on more debt to push the economy in times of crisis Germany is not spending anything as no new debts (beyond 0,35%) are allowed constitutionally.

Sure... Germany totally has a debt problem. One of retarded politicians stuck in economic ideas of the 1970s that still don't understand the difference between a country's economy and business economy. So they refuse to take on any debt when everyone else does to make their location more attractive for companies via investments.

And still the German economy is only shrinking if you round rediculous low numbers up to 0,1%. Guess the country will deindustrialise and collaps any day now. I hope someone tells the companies building massive new production sites in Germany that they are wasting their money on lost case they will lose all its industry... somehow..

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