
[Request] If you don't live in a swing region/state, better to vote third party than waste your vote on an almost certain outcome. Yeah?

Is this logic flawed? Obviously in swing races, vote how it’s needed, but if it’s probably going to be a landslide, why not vote for a third party? Some regions even allow for multiple party representation if enough people show interest, so it could be doing future good (if you think more parties is better representation)

A bit of an update on my RPi builds

I’ve been working on and off on several of my tools and toys, specifically my raspberry pis that I bought long ago. I’m at a bit of a gripe now for buying the boards from Raspberry Pi Foundation, mostly because I do not like the direction the company is going, but I still have three of the boards lying around before...

I think my home network may be compromised, please advise

When I go to iknowwhatyoudownload.com, a bunch of stuff shows up for my IP that’s definitely not being downloaded by anyone in my house (foreign language torrents). Aside from that my router (AT&T Arris BGW210) needs to be restarted about once a week, due to some kind of dhcp issue. The most recent event seemed bad - none of...

What's growing on, Beehaw?

We’re halfway through potting up all the plants we’ve overwintered, but are looking at temps below freezing for the next two nights. Today will be about getting covers ready for everything and setting up ambient warmth for several of our plants that are currently flowering. On my way home from a doctor’s appointment, I...

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