some_guy ,

This follows a week chaotic week of protests on campus.

We can't get good copy-editors on our journalism anymore.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

All the editors went woke.

athos77 ,

The picture is interesting. That particular shade of green is the one that's usually worn (either in a vest or cap) by the legal observers for the protesters. So it looks like the cops may have arrested a legal observer ...

FenrirIII , avatar

They don't care who you are, they arrest everyone

2fat4that , avatar

How many are students I wonder.

Stovetop ,

Does that even really matter? Are students the only ones allowed to protest a school's involvement with the Israeli apartheid state?

It's like saying only an oil company's customers can protest their latest oil spill, while tar enters your drinking water.

There are downstream effects of organizations like educational institutions continuing to support Israel and silencing dissidents, effects which impact society at large.

stembolts ,

Well stated. It's been bothering me all of the people gate-keeping the ability to protest something that EVERY AMERICAN TAXPAYER is funding. On private universities.. sure I guess that's different, those students gave up their rights when they decided to go to a private uni, but public universities?

I get why universities do it, its a bad faith tactic so upper class administrators can find a reason to lick the boot and launch shock troops.

But commenters on Lemmy? I don't get it.

Student or not, they should be able to protest. But maybe there is just something I haven't thought of yet, I'm open to new opinions on this.

FlyingSquid , avatar

They are trying to conflate outsiders and outside agitators. As if every person in a city of millions of people like L.A. interested in protesting at UCLA would either be a student or an agitator.

2fat4that , avatar

It doesn’t make a ton of sense for non-students to protest at a university. What are impeding? Students and professors who probably already side with you from going to class?

Universities are for meeting, rallying and handing out pamphlets. Actually protesting there will have no effect on the general populace of aside from creating a very strong suspicion of straw man tactics.

Creating a “you’re either Pro Israel or Pro genocide argument” with the liberal youth is good way to get many of them to either not vote or to not vote Biden. I strongly suspect that’s what’s happening here.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

At this point, I'm more curious to know how many are protesters. It seems like cops are just snatching anyone in arm's reach and charging them with crimes.

return2ozma OP , avatar
NOT_RICK , avatar

They arrest journalists at the 40 minute mark. Real great look, LAPD.

Also FTA:

"When we come here and they're here during hours of curfew...we asked them for ID, they refused, that's delaying."

"They might end up being charged with conspiracy to commit crime, which would be a felony," the officer said.

One person who identified themselves as being school faculty said the school imposes no curfew.

Disgusting abuse of power.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Back during the BLM Ferguson protests in 2014, police entered a McDonalds and began arresting photo-journalists on charges of disturbing the peace because they weren't packing their bags fast enough.

Policing in the US is an absolute farce.

IndustryStandard ,

A black man dedicating his life to filming the police. The balls on this guy.

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