@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social cover
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar


@[email protected]

YouTube content creator and Linux user living in Brest, Brittany. Might post gaming related stuff, especially if it runs on Linux, natively or not ! #fedi22 #linux #opensource #tech #gaming

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thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar
thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@dm29 @tlenewspodcast Abqolitely did miss that, yeah 😅

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@vaultboy @tlenewspodcast Bah euh c’est un peu le cas sur ce coup là. Désolé, mais un pays qui bloque un réseau social pour éviter que les gens s’organisent, c’est quand même bien totalitaire comme solution. On ne voit pas ça dans une démocratie, d’ordinaire.
Les assos de défense des droits (notamment la ligue des droits de l’homme) trouvent ça plutôt extrême , donc je n’invente rien sur ce coup. La France, c’est pas ce genre de blocage.

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@vaultboy @tlenewspodcast Qu’on soit clair, aussi: je ne compare en rien la France à la Russie, je ne l’ai pas fait dans la vidéo. Je déteste TikTok, et je ne trouve pas que bruler et casser, ou tuer soit un moyen d’expression viable.

Mais la on touche à la liberté de s’organiser et de s’exprimer. Le blocage est fait au nom du terrorisme, ce qui n’est en rien ce qui se passe en Nouvelle Caledonie. C’est donc totalitaire, et indésirable.

thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

Time for this week's and News video!

In this one, we have adding some data collection (but it's fine, IMO), we have a ton of stuff happening around AI, and it's still an absolute nightmare, we have the Linux Kernel 6.9 (nice), and banning in one of its territories, which alarmed a bunch of human rights / freedom associations:


thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@sourcerer well, one would think that the point of a package is to avoid the burden of compiling for users. If your package makes 3/4 users compile something, you’ve kinda failed at packaging.

I also think that a password manager without browser support is pretty freaking usueless for most people, so, I guess we disagree on this :)

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@leny @sourcerer I never thought someone would use a password manager without plugging it into a web browser 😅

The only passwords I have are for websites 😁

RandomRanger , to random
@RandomRanger@infosec.exchange avatar

@thelinuxEXP I just listened to your Apr 27 podcast and was surprised when you said that you use an iPhone because no Android has met all your needs. As someone running GrapheneOS, I'm curious what some of those criteria may be.

thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@RandomRanger I made a video a while back about it, the gist of it is: not sold by a company from China (made in China is fine, but OS/ firmware from a Chinese company isn’t), high refresh rate screen, 4k60 fps camera with « portrait mode » for video, must be compatible with a de-googled ROM, and not a Pixel (too many hardware issues on every single model, I’m not taking the chance).

At the time, it didn’t exist, nowadays, it’s feasible, but too soon to buy a new device.

captn138 , to random French
@captn138@mastodon.social avatar

@thelinuxEXP je pensais que tu allais parler de la nouvelle collection de données de Mozilla aujourd'hui

thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@captn138 Ah je n’ai rien vu à ce sujet dans mes flux RSS, tu as une source? Je l’ajouterai demain si c’est important !

thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@captn138 Ah, étrange, ça aurait du arriver dans mon aggregateur! Je regarde ça :)

itsfoss , to random
@itsfoss@mastodon.social avatar

What do you think about SnowflakeOS?


thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@bargoderea @itsfoss Interesting!

thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

Fantastic game of this afternoon! I won with my Orks, 71 to 56, against some nasty Salamanders, with the Dread Mob detachment (without a Stompa this time).

Awesome moments included me missing 10 shots hitting on 4+ with my Meka Dread, all my Meganobz and Big Mek dying to one round of Hellblaster shooting even with 4+ invulnerable saves, 2 vehicles also exploded, which is always fun, and my gretchin were massacred by a flyer in one volley, which is also always fun 😂

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@ZiesMcDoom A lot of people have recommended that as well, I really need to give these a try!

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@ZiesMcDoom To be fair, I find the rules pretty annoying a lot of times, notably by forcing you to be extremely precise with each mini’s placement, since one dude out of cover can spell the end of your entire unit!

So, OPR might be a perfect fit, but I’m 90% sure my friends won’t want to use that

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@SrEstegosaurio Haha I like the Salamanders, but I find Space Marines to be extremely boring 😅

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@SrEstegosaurio A while back, I mainly played Tau, but I sold the entire army about a decade ago, I’ve regretted it ever since!

GreyLinux , to random
@GreyLinux@fosstodon.org avatar

@thelinuxEXP Hey Nick did you happen to see the video that system76 used from YouTube, on there Cosmic DE talk at LinuxFest Northwest 🤔 I'll give you one guess who's channel it was.


Its about 15 minutes into the video

thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@GreyLinux Hahah I had totally missed that, that’s awesome 😂

thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar
thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@bargoderea @tlenewspodcast I’d rather buy a PSVR and a PS5 than a Quest, to be honest 😂

The PS5 does as well as most gaming PCs and at least it’s not from Meta 😅

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@bargoderea @tlenewspodcast Ah yeah, that’s another story then…

thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

Time for this week's and news video!

In this one, plans to use their open source drivers as the default, we have more details about @system76 Cosmic Desktop,a nasty attack vector that can bypass your without you knowing, plus contributing to Nvidia drivers now!


thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@stargazer @system76 Thanks for the correction!

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@mrnessuno @system76 I had to remove it, the video was too long, it’s in the audio show though

cameronbosch , to random
@cameronbosch@fosstodon.org avatar
thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@cameronbosch Very cool!

thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

Ah yes, I see it’s time for the people in shorts to kick the ball again, as hundreds of people who have seemingly lost all politeness and semblance of being human beings shout, scream, and « sing » in the streets and take up every single cm of the walkways with their cars.

I can’t wait to move so I’m no longer close to the f**king stadium. I hate football and football supporters so much, it turns into irrational anger.

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

Did I know my current flat was « close » (10 minutes walk) to the stadium when I bought it? Yeah.

Did I think people would be so obnoxious and the city would have 0 parking spots around the stadium? No. Seriously, what makes this acceptable when it’s football, but when it’s people protesting, we sent the police to hit them with sticks? Insane.

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@AngryAnt So true it hurts.

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@charadon Yep, that seems to be the main reasoning these days

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@ridge Ouch!

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@matt Haha that’s a good idea!

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@bouncing of course not! It’s football day so the cops don’t care!

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@aronkvh Yeah, the « we » always made me laugh so hard. Bunch of idiots thinking they’re part of the team 😂

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@slembcke I do, but I don’t impose it on other people by being loud and obnoxious 😂

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@4g10w Never could quite understand why so many people liked watching this stuff, and got so into it.

Then again, I’m a grown man making videos about computer stuff and I spend my free time painting plastic miniatures, so maybe I’m not in the best place to judge 😂

fell , to random
@fell@ma.fellr.net avatar

@thelinuxEXP Sorry if this question was answered before, but why are your videos usually 50 FPS instead of 60 FPS? I would say 60 FPS matches better with the devices that web videos are usually watched on. Is there a reason you chose 50 FPS?

thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@fell I live in France, where light bulbs flicker at 50hz. If I record (and when I did) at 60fps, I get some nasty light flickering in the background, which some people didn’t notice, but others really did :)

thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

I realized that I never explained the various differences between all the different kernel variants, and since my Patrons and YouTube members voted for me to cover that topic, here we are!

I’ll go over what the real time, low latency, TKG, Zen, Liquorix, XanMod, Libre, LTS, or hardened kernels are, and which one you should pick!


thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@ponda I’m pretty sure it’s just the generic Linux kernel, with fsync patches added to improve performance on Windows games that run with versions of Wine or Proton that have fsync enabled

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@bargoderea That would require live patching the kernel, Ubuntu offers such a service, a regular sponsor of the channel, TuxCare, also does, although I’m pretty sure they don’t support Arch based systems!

Tubsta , to random
@Tubsta@soc.feditime.com avatar

Don't lean on Proton Mail if you are expecting complete privacy. Law enforcement are ramping up data requests against Proton Mail at an alarming rate. cc @thelinuxEXP https://restoreprivacy.com/protonmail-discloses-user-data-leading-to-arrest-in-spain/

thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@Tubsta @PCOWandre Yep. Proton’s CEO said so themselves in an interview I did a while back with them: they’re doing what they can to make it as secure/ private as they can, but it’s still email, and some data will always be available for law enforcement to request, or potential attackers to get.

jwildeboer , to random
@jwildeboer@social.wildeboer.net avatar

Facebook/Meta starts talking about the "Extend" phase of Embrace, Extend, Extinguish as predicted:

"“You could imagine an extension to the protocol eventually — of saying like, ‘I want to support micropayments,’ or … like, ‘hey, feel free to show me ads, if that supports you.’ Kind of like a way for you to self-label or self-opt-in. That would be great,”


thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@fabio @Techaltar @dansup @jwildeboer Yeah, honestly, if there was an easy way to support me on PeerTube, I would much likely promote that first instead of YouTube. I would at least try to push PeerTube first for a while to see if that worked out.

Same for the podcast on Castopos, I would invest more time and effort on it if it could easily be user supported without having to mention Patreon in each episode.

thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@Chocobozzz @fabio @Techaltar @dansup @jwildeboer It’s just a link to another payment system, with no integrations inside of Peertube though (unless I’m mistaken?)

Something like financially subscribing to a channel to get members-only content, or just setting up a « each time I watch a video from this person, I want to pay 1 cent automatically » sort of preference, these types of things :)

Nevil , to random French
@Nevil@rivals.space avatar

@thelinuxEXP Salut Nicolas, je ne sais pas si tu es déjà tombé dessus, mais cosmic desktop a déjà l’air incroyable !!! https://youtu.be/JHLfsWhDvz0

thelinuxEXP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@Nevil Je pense que ce sera un bon premier jet! Je suis sûr qu’il y aura pas mal de trucs manquants, notamment au niveau des applis incluses et des réglages, mais ca semble prometteur!

thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

Well, my game didn’t go well, as I tried out a dumb Dread Mob list with a Stompa! Sisters of Battle wrecked the poor thing with multi meltas, and did the same to my Gorkanaut in the same turn.

Losing half my army in one turn left me struggling, we finished the game on 53 to 75. I drew horrendous secondaries that I could never score, and my poor Ork boyz got slaughtered by the Triumph of Saint Katherine. Still, insanely fun game, and the Stompa exploding caused a lot of damage!

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@markusmunch @stallmer That’s so cool! I really want to get a Knight as well at some point!

Painting is my escape as well, you just turn your brain off, it’s fantastic!

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@markusmunch @stallmer Not the same kind of miniatures, but equally as gratifying!

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@kopio @stallmer Yeah, I used to be very annoyed when I lost to one of my friends who always brings ultra competitive lists, and also plays really well, but nowadays I don’t care as much.

I won’t do secondary objectives that I don’t like or wouldn’t fit the narrative I want to build, and if it means I lose, I’m ok with it!

thelinuxEXP , to random
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

TIme for this week's and News video!

Since I'm currently being destroyed in my game of Warhammer 40K , you'll have to watch it to know what's inside!


thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@deedend No it still has every video :)

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@gnome You’re welcome! It’s never good to point fingers. I have my biases, but I try to limit them to the opinion portions of the video 😅

thelinuxEXP OP ,
@thelinuxEXP@mastodon.social avatar

@deedend Not sure either!

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