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MotoAsh , (edited )

I think it is often more subtle than something like Tankies defending the CCP or Russia. A lot of people who call themselves left or progressive still think the world just needs the "correct" strong-man, when one of the biggest defining things of "left" is going against engrained power structures.

While it is possible to be left-ish and support particular leaders, it is seldom a sign of an actually enlightened person if they think only a "strong man" can fix things. Tankies fit squarely in the center of that, but there are LARGE fringes where people seriously do not understand some of the core axioms of "left" politics while also not being full blown tankies.

MotoAsh ,

Those things people disgree on are entire political axioms, so yes it is much bigger than a meme. Tankies think strong men are a good thing, which should be antithetical to anyone with the faintest hint of actual big boy anarchy in their politics. Worshiping leaders OR positions is literally and directly antithetical to MUCH of the left.

OFC there will be infighting when most people don't even understand what the left stands for. IMO, we shouldn't even dignify tankies and other strong-men liking idiots with a label anywhere close to "left". They're just idiot fascists wearing a different coat to try and fit in.

MotoAsh ,

Wrong. Both sides don't agree to war. You're either in one or not. With how agressive the right throws shade at the left, and confuses the waters with NewsMan gaslighting, the left IS ABSOLUTELY under attack. Mostly not from within.

The left IS ABSOLUTELY at war. Like it or not. We just need to pick up our anti-spy game a bit and realize that we need to start on some actual offense. We need more AOC's and Bernie's in Congress and far fewer R's of ANY type, let alone Russia-loving losers like the current GOP.

MotoAsh , (edited )

If you haven't met one, you must not have been around long. They're all over. People who will rail against the US, but extoll the virtues of the USSR or the CCP? The ones who aren't just open sycophants for strong men are often completely ignorant to leftist ideals, like a strong state that dictates all sorts of things to the populace is itself in any form antithetical to many leftist axioms.

Any "lefty" that cannot explain how ACAB applies to even good cops is a pretty terrible leftist, as a different example. It's not about reducing specific occurences. It's about designing systems that naturally resist the BS.

It's only "worshiping" in the extreme examples. The "Normie" examples are people that literally cannot imagine society without armed police while claiming worker's rights, as an example. If you're for workers' rights, you shouldn't be for a sanctioned force that constantly fights against both protesters and picketers alike. It's about a gross disconnect in ideals vs what someone pushes for.

Like someone who realizes executives make way too much money, but scoff at worker co-ops. Either for not going far enough to worker ownership, or for being some hippy idea that won't work. There are fake "leftists" of many types.

Yes, there are clowns all over, but you HAVE to realize there are many, many people running around who are only missing the clown makeup...

It's the difference between agreeing on a problem vs agreeing on a solution. It is a WORLD of difference.

MotoAsh ,

War and enemy are terms for people who understand that it is an existential problem.

I'm sorry that you have failed to see enough of the world to realize that you are under actual, literal attack.

Politics is just war by another name. Realize it before it's too late.

MotoAsh ,

Naw, not only manipulation. It's also poor man's philosophy. Humans like to have an answer for the big questions wether they know wtf they're saying or not. I think something like religion is inevitable with the absence of explanations.

MotoAsh ,

Yea, the Prosperity Gospel is definitely richboi propaganda.

MotoAsh ,

Only problematic people need constant reminders to be good and constant threats of eternal damnation just to not be a piece of trash to others...

MotoAsh ,

They're targeting infrastructure, not people. If you want to yell at someone targeting people, yell at Russia.

MotoAsh ,

DnD is very much NOT holding role playing together. I have no idea why people fear corporations going out of business... You can still make characters and roll dice or play MTG if the entire company goes bust!

This fear is nothing but complete ignorance and the basic fear of change. Almost as silly as thinking PC's would die if Microsoft tanked tomorrow...

MotoAsh ,

I'd argue it's not comparison at all, but envy. Comparison is a simple act and can be done between two things no one gives a damn about. It's the envy that you generate yourself that ruins joy.

MotoAsh ,

I don't think dealing with the unjust nature of reality is the same as envy. That's ... a whole other situation far more than some tattoos.

MotoAsh ,

We're supposed to forward the spear fishing emails to IT but I always just report as spam and go about my day. Was only nervous the first couple times I ignored an obvious internal phishing test but apparently they don't care if we don't fall for it.

MotoAsh ,

It is, in fact, not BS to be mad at a megacorp for cutting valuable and functioning assets, and the fact you do not understand that is hilariously pathetic.

If you're aware of people and games that do fit, then whining about it and talking about how they get crapped on instead of how cool their sfuff is doesn't help, either!

You seem to be more willing to paint things negatively than help improve, so why should we listen?

MotoAsh ,

The same thing wrong with all capitalists.

MotoAsh ,

Stop having such high expectations. They're capitalists, not video game makers. The money is the ONLY point.

MotoAsh ,

I mean, yeah, if you're expecting intelligent long term decisions, those expectations are still too high.

Remember: This is the group of people STILL actively trying to cover up anthropogenic climate change. Something that not only threatens their long term profitability, but literally threatens the planet with extinction.

How does harddrive failure work when there's multiple partitions?

My laptop's HDD is failing, it shows a bunch of signs such as slow file manipulation and clicking sounds. The Linux btrfs partition keeps going into read-only mode to prevent further damage, makes sense, but the windows partition is working fine (for now)....

MotoAsh ,

BTRFS is smart enough to check for file errors in some situations under normal operations (I forget which, it's been a while). When it finds issues, it puts it in read only to try and prevent things from going off of potentially corrupt data.

NTFS, which is what Windows usually uses, is a very "dumb" file system. It is merely a record of what files exist where, so if data corrupts, it will only throw NTFS off if it's in the file index it stores itself. If it's in the middle of your file, NTFS doesn't know and doesn't care and will just give you the wonky data.

Windows seemingly continuing to work is just a consequence of the "dumb" file system. It will take some critical file getting corrupted before Windows or some program will just crash. At least BTRFS is trying to tell you things are looking amiss and you should definitely back up anything important.

MotoAsh ,

I forget the exact differences from NTFS, but it's similarly "dumb", as in it's just a ledger of files and locations, and doesn't do any checksum/validating. Only BTRFS and ZFS do on a file system level as far as I remember, but there are plenty of oddballs, especially counting networked storage stuff.

MotoAsh , (edited )

Oh don't worry, you won't have to try to break the wifi.

MotoAsh ,

Suits only think in green, and assume "consumers" do only that: consume.

I've been waiting 20 years for people to realize it, and that's only because I'm young compared to others who have realized what capitalism is: Institutionalized greed.

MotoAsh ,

I remove that abomination every chance I get.

MotoAsh ,

Planck length is not like universal pixels. It's just where current models say there's little reason to look at smaller things, since it's kind of like worrying about which flecks of paint are coming off a car in a racing video game. It's just ... so irrelevant as to be ignorable.

It's nigh impossible to have any energy that could interact with us or atoms on the Planck length scale that wouldn't just collapse in to a black hole. It's not so much any observation of real-world pixelation, and more that even to atoms, it's very tiny.

MotoAsh ,

I'm not responding to the comic. I'm responding to you talking about the Planck length. I'm not disregarding the comic but making a tangential comment. Please try to keep up.

MotoAsh ,

The US gave up on having intelligence long ago when it decided higher education and advanced r&d was a great capitalist venture.

Capitalists are NEVER interested in the science first. They care about money first. That's why they're capitalists.

MotoAsh , (edited )

You and I don't have to imagine that, dummy. We've already done it.

MotoAsh ,

I'm not accusing you. I'm stating a fact that I included myself in... You are indeed a dim bulb in the pack.

MotoAsh ,

Ahh yes, a classic "both sides" argument.

Please, explain how the left has gone crazy with their ideology, because leftists don't have much political power to actually mess anything up with, unlike conservatives.

MotoAsh , (edited )

When reaching out to politicians, a MUCH better angle might be devices that get the same treatment, and then just make sure video games and other software get included.

Example: Fitbit and other purpose-built devices. A TON of functionality goes down when they shutter their servers. To the point where some devices immediately become e-waste.

These companies are literally producing toxic garbage.

MotoAsh ,

I found Terrifier and its sequel to be pretty good for what it is. A violent modern take on the classic slasher movies. It's schlocky, but that's because slasher movies are a bit schlocky.

The actor does a great job hamming it up and making it all a bit more than a classic slasher, too, entertainment wise. If he tried to play it more serious scary clown style, it'd probably have faceplanted for me.

MotoAsh ,

Aren't there several subreddits for exactly that? I haven't been in ages so I forgot the name(s), but either wholesome or disturbing, few inbetween. lol point is to gamble with the clicks.

MotoAsh ,

Not all of the internet. Just the weird places you might end up when looking for weird content.

It was better then, with more places to go to.

MotoAsh ,

He literally teleported the entire Enterprise across the galaxy with the snap of his fingers (or what ever it was, it's been ages), waved to the borg, and went back. He might go out the airlock just to wave at you from outside to mock you before teleporting back in.

Though he did have a penchant for theatrics, so he'd probably send the captain out the airlock instead, literally let him die in front of the crew, and bring him back aware of the experience (at least early Q, before humans grew on him)...

MotoAsh ,

Was it the NHTSA that made them recall it? ... How'd they even allow that abomination in the first place??

MotoAsh ,

There are a million other reasons besides the gas pedal as to why it cannot be sold over there. Most importantly, TERRIBLE crash safety.

MotoAsh , (edited )

That character was so well done (The Comedian, I don't remember Walking Dead well enough). He's more tragedy than contemptable depending on your sympathies, but that was kinda' the point. It's almost the point of ANY "good" bad character. Give them motivations that are understandable by non-psychos, just make the character make poor (poor, not stupid) or mean decisions.

... and his acting helped round out the character instead of flatten. He genuinely seemed like a good guy that got insanely jaded and went off the deep instead of just a bad guy.

MotoAsh ,

We weren't supposed to hate Anakin, though.

MotoAsh ,

Fair warning, but they are at least using it to open discussion instead of only posting it, so the context does not favor moderation.

MotoAsh ,

I think he was only starting to be introduced by the time I wandered away from the walking dead. Though the little I remember, he was definitely all asshole and killing it.

MotoAsh ,

I'm not sure that applies to The Comedian, but then I'm not particularly attracted to guys, and some people find some weird looks downright hot.

... Though I still hate how right you are. Looks or power. People respect them when they should NEVER respect looks or power. Ever. Sure, many good looking people are respectable, but not because of looks. It's NEVER looks or simply having power (or money) that makes someone respectable.

Heck, maybe the problem is people conflate "like" with "respect", like I did above. Or maybe the problem is those words aren't so different in practice...

MotoAsh ,

I mean, it makes much more sense if you analyze who the grinders are, too. The old ones were George NOT having full control, pulling inspiration from classics.

The new ones were made by J.J Abrams, one of the most creatively bankrupt morons in Hollywood, pulling from his ass. He was smart enough to realize people like mysteries, but was never smart enough to figure out how to reveal a mystery or tie it in to an overarching story.

MotoAsh ,

That's not what's said in the article. At all. What so ever.

The problem isn't suddenly allowing third party browsers. It's that Apple's implementation to allow that in Safari sends out info about sites visited with those app stores. It allows snooping of what 3rd party things people use.

MotoAsh ,

Well that's just Apple "innovation". You're clearly not brilliant enough to understand the long term plan of greedy morons Apple.

I'd argue the problem isn't "browsers", but Apple's closed ecosystem clashing with a more secured internet. They do not need to do it this way, which makes it their fault.

MotoAsh ,

No, the problem is with APPLE'S IMPLEMENTATION of HOW Apple allows third party stores through Safari. NOT with third party browsers themselves. Please learn to read.

MotoAsh ,

If the adhd community gets full of random posts and not even things colloquially related to adhd, it won't be much of an adhd community.

MotoAsh ,

Using something like that to further strawman a point does not make the point valid.

MotoAsh ,

I think common sense and the law of averages says, "yes, he absolutely wasted talent and crushed at least someone's dreams."

At least, assuming he did it with any regularity.

MotoAsh ,

To get uniquely good, I'd agree, but I recently started rewatching from the start and it starts strong. At least for a start, anyways. Some cliche plot lines, but it's never JUST the main plot line so even the cliches aren't boring or lazily done.

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