witx ,

Ah the marvels of infinite growth and capitalism.
Are we still allowed to say enshitification here?

Miaou ,

I'd call that an actual improvement.

snownyte ,
@snownyte@kbin.social avatar

Name: Brad Johnson
Title: Salesman
Achievements: Scores over 1 Million on Pinball FX

HootinNHollerin ,

Poor management

gedaliyah ,
@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar

Is this going to turn out to be one of those "last starfighter” situations, except it's about arranging lists of words rather than fighting aliens?

atrielienz ,

Can linkedin go under. Can musk buy LinkedIn?

gedaliyah , (edited )
@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar

MS is doing their level best

brlemworld ,

First order of business, shut down the linked in side and go all in on games.

Exec ,
@Exec@pawb.social avatar

It's owned by MS. Just to give you a view how important do they think it is, if you're on Windows press Ctrl+Win+Alt+Shift+L on your keyboard.

bandwidthcrisis ,

Clearly a keyboard shortcut designed for humans by an AI.

exanime ,

LinkedIn games make as much sense as zoos on airplanes

sugar_in_your_tea ,

To be fair, airplanes feel like zoos.

exanime ,

Sometimes smell like them too

RandomStickman ,
@RandomStickman@kbin.social avatar

I'm sick of these monkey fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!

exanime ,

You win the internet today

werefreeatlast ,

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  • helpImTrappedOnline ,

    But a zoo on a airplane does make sense.

    CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

    That sounds awesome.

    NeptuneOrbit ,

    LinkedIn has been the Facebook you can us at work for a while. How games will change that? TBD

    exanime ,

    LinkedIn has been the Facebook you can us at work for a while

    So we agree it was already garbage! Lol

    Honestly I don't even get it, I have a LinkedIn account that I have updated twice (only when getting ready to change jobs)

    I only keep it because I have heard more than once that " an IT person without a LinkedIn profile is a red flag" which I find completely idiotic but the world we live in is idiotic

    As far as I know, none of the job offers I have received have actually been affected in anyway due to my LinkedIn profile... It has only served to get spam and lame short term contract offers (like I'm leaving my full time job for a 1 year "exiting" contract)

    gregorum ,
    @gregorum@lemm.ee avatar

    The game: looking for a new job without your boss finding out

    SeaJ OP ,

    Boss: Why are you on LinkedIn?

    Me: I'm just checking up on my Farmville.

    Boss: Oh okay. Carry on.

    gregorum ,
    @gregorum@lemm.ee avatar


    knobbysideup ,
    @knobbysideup@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Nice coincidence I deleted my LinkedIn account today.

    JoeKrogan ,
    @JoeKrogan@lemmy.world avatar

    Congratulations 🤝

    kayaven ,
    @kayaven@lemmy.world avatar

    So when are they adding the cringy Farmville-equivalent type games to it? Make sure to help your boss farm their crops or you might risk getting fired! :-)

    just_another_person ,

    What in the hell is this timeline, even. For real.

    Not only are you a sucker for giving them all your personal contacts a la Facebook, but now they can get your gaming info as well? Please fuck off.

    cloudless ,
    @cloudless@lemmy.cafe avatar

    Cringe posts on LinkedIn soon about how games inspired them to be achievers at work.

    small44 ,

    It's already terrible with memes posts

    sugar_in_your_tea ,

    Yeah, I don't understand why anyone posts there. LinkedIn is for finding jobs, not actually communicating. You just want to have a network so you have a better chance of having a connection with people who are hiring.

    frazorth ,

    I can understand event announcements, my job applications are for foo widget builders, so let me know if Foo Widget Con is happening with hiring companies or Foo Widget User Group so we can all get together and share in our pain.

    Outside of that, most posts are meaningless.

    SnotFlickerman ,
    @SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Because what LinkedIn really needed was Xbox ecosystem integration. /s

    I like how they say "LinkedIn" is getting in on gaming when their parent company (Microsoft) fucking owns the god damned Xbox.

    SeaJ OP ,

    Just what I want from a platform designed for networking and job seeking: games.

    PP_BOY_ ,
    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    It's pretty on the nose for the current job market though. It's all just games

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