mcc , avatar

I'm going to go see a movie about ants

mcc OP , avatar

There were a lot of ants in the movie about ants!

mcc OP , avatar
18+ mcc OP , avatar

Just watched the movie "Phase IV" (1974) and now I'm

TomF , avatar

@mcc Welcome. We've been expecting you.

For some absolutely bonkers reason my school thought this was an appropriate film to show to their 12-year-olds. I have been spreading the disease ever since. (I hope you have also watched Zardoz)

mcc OP , avatar

@TomF I attempted to watch Zardoz but failed

TomF , avatar

@mcc You need to take a run up at it. I recommend a good Scotch. It gets... "better" is the wrong word. It gets more. A lot more.

mcc OP , avatar

@TomF what if I just drank some scotch and skipped the movie

aeva , avatar

@mcc @TomF why spoil a perfectly good scotch with a movie that needs scotch?

(disclaimer: I have no idea if scotch is "good", that's one of the ones I never tried before I decided it would be better if I simply didn't alcohol)

EndlessMason , avatar

Scotch is also inspiration for some perfumes and chocolate flavours, maybe you can enjoy it that way?

@aeva @mcc @TomF

aeva , avatar

@EndlessMason @mcc @TomF my wife explained to me a little while ago that scotch is to peat as whiskey is to chairs. I figure peat is like basically bad coal, which is basically bad charcoal, so I assume scotch tastes more or less like how art supplies smell? Am I close?

aeva , avatar

@EndlessMason @mcc @TomF she wisely offered that many alcohols taste more or less like how art supplies smell, so I assume this is sound reasoning

nex3 , avatar

@aeva @EndlessMason @mcc @TomF most scotches actually aren't peaty! the flavors vary widely, with apple, honey, oak, and toffee all being very common notes. if you're curious what the peaty ones are like, you can get smoked chocolate which has a pretty similar flavor

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