NegativeInf ,

rEIFt —> rEFInd was this exact feeling for me.

EmergMemeHologram ,

See also: universal-ctags.

dog_ ,

For me, it’s MPC-HC.

ember ,

Audacity -> Tenacity

stalfoss ,

Audacity is not dead, people were just upset that they added automated update checking and crash reporting

toastal ,

As a bonus, they forked to Codeberg while supporting a mailing list on SourceHut (explicitly stating contributions via Microsoft GitHub will be ignored)

Legendsofanus , avatar

What’s a fork, I know what GitHub is and use it too. Just don’t know what a fork is haha

minibyte ,

A fork in the road. When a developer takes an open source project and modifies it – thus creating their fork of the original software.

vinhill ,…/about-forks

It’s basically like a copy of the original repository. But you can pull in and merge changes from the original, make a pull request for the original to pull your changes. Fork+pull request enables you to contribute to someone else’s repository. Things like Chromium are in part forks of Safari, just that they diverged over time.

Mango ,

But compiz…

dovahking ,

RIP revanced extended.

jenny_ball , avatar

what why??

AestasAeterna , avatar

Not the whole revanced, only extended version. Author just doesn’t want to do it anymore

jenny_ball , avatar

damn that sucks

EmperorHenry , avatar

sandboxie. The final update from the original makers made it open source.

owen ,

That’s a super chill maneuver

Passerby6497 ,

Damn, there’s an app I haven’t heard of in years. Too bad I don’t have more of a need for a sandbox app than the built in Windows Sandbox app or I might give it a shake.

EmperorHenry , avatar

Windows sandbox sucks, it doesn’t isolate all the way and it doesn’t give you any options for what you might not want to isolate.

With Sandboxie Plus, you can pick and choose exactly what has access to whatever else you can deny admin access to anything you want and you can even fake admin rights to whatever you want. You can’t do that with windows sandbox.

Scrollone ,

If you develop with MySQL on a Mac…

Sequel Pro > Sequel Ace ;)

johannesvanderwhales ,

Mplayer -> MPV

dan , (edited ) avatar

Keep in mind that software doesn’t have an expiry date. If a piece of software is unmaintained and doesn’t have an active fork but it still fulfills your use case and doesn’t have any major issues, there’s no need to replace it. Some of the software I use hasn’t seen any updates in five years but I still use it because it still works.

Edit: As an example, a lot of people still use WinDirStat even though the latest release 1.1.2 is now 17 years old.

tetris11 , avatar

Desktop - Linux - Yes, likely. If not, here’s a flatpak
Desktop - Windows - Maybe it still runs in a compatibility mode?
Desktop - iMac - Here’s an emulator, good luck.

Mobile - PostMarketOS - Yes, likely. If not, here’s a flatpak
Mobile - Android - Maybe? Try it and see if you get permission denial
Mobile - iPhone - Fuck you, no.

dan , (edited ) avatar

Windows is pretty good with backwards compatibility, probably the best out of anything. I can run Visual Basic apps I wrote in the early 2000s on Windows 11 and they still run fine. Some old 32-bit games work fine too. You can even run some 16-bit Windows 3.0 apps on 32-bit Windows 10 if you manually install NTVDM through the Windows features (it was never ported to 64-bit though)

Linux is okay for backcompat but I’m not sure an app I compiled 20 years ago would still run today.

tetris11 , avatar

Tell that to video games, which constantly need a compat mode enabled

dan , (edited ) avatar

The fact that a compat mode exists means that Microsoft put effort into backwards compatibility. Windows even emulates some old bugs for old popular apps that depended on them. I don’t think any other OS does that.

toastal ,

I don’t like Microsoft Windows at all, but you are absolutely right about doing a good job with backwards compatibility.

Linux isn’t so backwards compatible, but with much of it having open source code, you can often compile it again yourself—tho having been written in a language that offers good backwards compatibility also helps.

djsaskdja ,

Wait, flatpak works on PostMarketOS?

sukhmel ,

I’d say that problems mostly come from the need to update dependencies in case of vulnerabilities being discovered. But not every software needs elevated privileges or can become a vector of attack, I guess

baseless_discourse ,

If a software is compromised to allow remote code execution, then the situation is pretty dire even without elevated privileges.

Basically your entire userspace will be compromised, and in terms of personal computing that is pretty much all you can lose.

IdleSheep , avatar

WinDirStat works but is super slow though. WizTree is a much better modern equivalent.

dan , avatar

I do like Wiztree, but WinDirStat is still pretty common to see. The 2005 version of WinDirStat still gets around 60,000 downloads per week according to the Sourceforge stats.…/timeline

I was just using it as an example of old software that people still use :)

roon , avatar

Isn’t WizTree a lot faster?

dan , avatar

It is. I was just using WinDirStat as an example of an old app that people still use. The 1.1.2 release from 2005 is still downloaded 60,000 times per week according to the stats on the Sourceforge download page.

lemmesay , avatar

rust™ -> crablang when

lastweakness ,


lemmesay , avatar

I can see the pain in your “no”, haha.

CrabLord ,

Now this I can get behind!

lemmesay , avatar

update: I received a letter from the rust foundation stating that my use of the word rust violates their trademark policy. I have to redact my pervious comment.

theneverfox , avatar

Holy shit… The balls of that policy. “Hey, we took two common words of the English language for our project. They’re ours now.”

The psuedo-friendly tone where they define fair use as “all the places we want you to market for us, and none of the ones we don’t” (specifically “showing support of rust”… Not as in “our software supports rust”, but “I want to praise rust publicly”) and you use the word rust in a project… So I guess <my_sdk>-rust can probably be licensed if we ask.

I think I figured out the hack - you use the word rust, along with the logo for the still popular game rust (released 2 years before it). They’ll be paralyzed by the mental gymnastics it takes to twist their stance into a “friendly cease and desist” for months. And when it finally comes, you can insist you were talking about the game, Rust, using familiar programming concepts allegorically to comment on game mechanics and emergent design and through player interaction and feedback.

Then you say “I think I’ve heard of rust-lang in the last couple years, some people really seem to like it. But library availability is a concern, do you have a good package manager? Can I find a package for most things I might need?”

lemmesay , avatar

I really like rust™ as a language. but their foundation does some drama every 6 months.
I was almost done with “the book”(their official book) when this draft policy came out. they have since backed up a bit, but I really don’t want to see ‘oracle 2’.
they say they’re not going to do an oracle because ‘trust us’. i’m indecisive ever since.
I love pattern matching, I want to have 8 different ways of creating strings. what I don’t like is the way foundation wants it to go.

but if in the future I wish to make anything with rust, I’ll use the trick you mentioned :)

onion ,

I just wanna point out that what can and can’t be done with a trademark is defined by law and not by the wishes of some corpo

theneverfox , avatar

Sure, but that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about a Corp that frames fair use as a subset of fair use, making allowances only when it’s beneficial to them for marketing

For the most cut and dry example, they allow blog posts praising them… What about a blog post offering a nuanced criticism? What about a satiric post about them?

Those are both undeniably fair use, but by framing it as outside fair use, they’re being shit heels

MadBob ,

“PIN number”


“FOSS software”

Who’d win in a fight?

hakunawazo ,

DNS system?

dan , avatar

Personal PIN number.

MadBob ,
Ookami38 ,

Why not your personal identification PIN number? Gotta be specific. Your personal PIN number is just the one you like, but it identifies nothing. Same with the identification PIN number. It identifies something but not sure what. And a personal identification PIN, well, it identifies someone, and uses a number somewhere.

Classy ,

ATM Machine

Gestrid ,

Chai tea

Kalkaline , avatar

RIP in peace

pingveno ,

That got me curious. The drink that English speakers often refer to simply as “chai” is the Indian drink masala chai, meaning mixed-spice tea. Chai comes to Hindi through the Cantonese “cha” for tea.

twei ,

Koi carp

hakunawazo ,

…to mouth machine?

Specal ,

The Personal identification number number

MystikIncarnate ,

Oh man, I want to use a longer pin for my card so badly.

From what I understand, the banks mostly support it, the problem is that not all point of sale does. Those terminals are frequently cobbled together with some pretty garbage software and if it’s hard-coded to four digits, whelp, good luck. I hope tap is working… Or NFC or something because otherwise, you’re SOL.

JasonDJ ,

Try it out. You may find out that your bank supports much longer pins, but only uses the first four digits anyway.

MystikIncarnate ,

Truncation is not a good look.

For being an institution that is supposed to be trusted to hold all your money, their security has me scratching my head most of the time.

JasonDJ ,

Y u no COBOL?

NostraDavid , avatar

We’re current using bump2version, which already is a fork, but doesn’t use toml and thus isn’t very strict in its config. Turns out there’s already a successor (forgot the name) that supports toml. Haven’t had time to switch yet, but it’s on the massive backlog of shit I want to fix.

Lichtblitz ,

Paperless -> Paperless-ng -> Paperless-ngx

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