Charger8232 OP ,

SomeOrdinaryGamers has a Deep Web series for the “fun”.

Thank you, I’ll check it out!

I can attest to that, being my MO as well. Smartphones have made us isolated, anti social and dumber.

The same effects were seen with the introduction of the first commercially available computers.

Either use these terms or just leave them out.

There is nothing wrong with what I said.

Well, for one, they openly harass and witch hunt people (Micay instructed mods in his Matrix chat), and Micay went on to call almost everyone complicit in his claimed swatting attempt in April 2023, for which there is no evidence provided or in media. He also abuses “autism” label to avoid public accountability for his lies and crybullying behaviour.

Linus Torvalds himself has called these security cultists “masturbating monkeys” for the annoying things they do. People like Brad Spengler have been an annoyance to Linux community. And many people dislike the disregard for open source culture, privacy, anonymity and performance in the name of security, since most of them love advocating for corporate closed source security.

All of this is irrelevant to the GrapheneOS project itself. What the creators did had no effect on the focus and implementation of GrapheneOS.

When I get pissed off, I try steering people in a better direction.

That does not excuse your actions. There are kind, constructive ways of helping people in the right direction, what you did was neither of those.

If you use it, use it, but iOS in no measure stands above Android for privacy, security and anonymity purposes.

I never claimed it did. In fact, I implied the opposite.

Non-root smartphone guide:

Linux/Windows computing guide:

Threat model guide:

Guide for protestors:

Have you considered publishing a proper article on a place other than social media?

People often leverage powers to ban or silence debating just to not “lose”.

Another way of trying to win a debate would be to blatantly ignore and refuse to acknowledge points brought up by the opposing side. Here are the ones you missed:

If my post has been perceived as a guide, I apologize. It was not my intention. I’m not exactly sure if you were referring to a privacy guide, or a guide on how to format answers (which many people have followed). I don’t see any parts that encourage people to use the same services that I use (as a privacy guide would), but I could be wrong. Would you mind elaborating with specific examples?

I agree that, in some sense, it is an oxymoron: considering that iOS cannot be fully hardened due to multiple factors. The reasons I chose to use that terminology are explained below.

I tried my best to refrain from using terms that beginner privacy enthusiasts would not understand, which led to certain creative solutions to be used, such as “hardened” as an adjective to describe a more locked-down service. If you have any suggestions on alternatives, I am happy to hear them!

I do not have the finances to switch to a device capable of running Android yet. I am doing the best with what I can. Thank you for understanding my situation!

Mocking any content created with detail and care is not a kind thing to do, and goes against c/privacy’s 6th rule “Be nice :)”, which I am sure you are well aware of, considering you are a moderator in that community.

It is interesting for you to compare hardened Android (which you have stated is preferable) to iOS (which you have stated is not private). Would you mind elaborating on why GrapheneOS is not regarded as highly in comparison to other hardened Android ROMs, in your own opinion? Also, disregarding how privacy invasive Apple devices are, do you believe that Apple’s Lockdown Mode (at least) delivers on security features?

It seems you ignored over half of my message.

I look forward to hearing the responses you missed!

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