Emmie , (edited )

It was better than a certain polish show of the same name. That’s about the best thing I can say about it. And Henry well he is quite fun to watch… I mean was. Probably the only reason to watch… which disappeared

SwordInStone ,

except it wasn’t better

Got_Bent ,

I hated this show so much, it made me legitimately angry trying to slog through it. I guess you have to have played all the games, read all the books, and sucked all the fairy dicks for it to have made any sense at all.

Since I had done none of these things, I just saw a random mishmash of characters in different places in different times with zero understanding. Nice hunchback boobs though.

WarmSoda ,

The monodrone dialog is what turned me away immediately. I get that’s what he sounds like in the game, but doing it 100% of the time in live action is torture.

BlueSquid0741 ,

Sucked all the fairy dicks?

anarchost ,

Really? I don’t like fantasy much, didn’t know anything about the former stuff going in, and ended up liking it despite the disjointed nature of the first episode.

Doing two timelines in parallel was… A narrative choice… But once I got my bearings it was plenty good.

bjorney ,

Doing two timelines in parallel


Bahnd ,

As a fanboy of the books/games I recommend people watch the polish show from 2002. It is better than what Netflix made.

jordanlund ,
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Wait… it had FOUR seasons?

neme OP ,
@neme@lemm.ee avatar

Article says 4th is in production at the moment

BertramDitore ,
@BertramDitore@lemmy.world avatar

Leaving aside the overall quality of the show, you can’t just recast the beloved main character and expect people to still be excited about it. Especially when the original actor is also a gamer who raved about how much he loved the source material, left the show for the right reasons, and connected with the fans so well.

They’ve mishandled this property spectacularly.

GuStJaR ,


scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I’m honestly surprised we got two decent seasons. I knew Netflix was going to screw it up, they have a horrible track record. Why do people still pay for it? How many times do they have to burn its users?

illi ,

Ok, first seasom had its issues but I’d agree it was decent, showed potential. But which other one was decent? Second one was abomination, third I didn’t make it past Thanedd

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I had fun with 2. Definitely a drop from 1 but still fun for me. We don’t talk about 3

Bahnd ,

Oh… Was it that bad? I dropped after S2 because it was (barf emoji) and Cavil announced his departure/recast for S4.

illi ,

I can’t even put my finger on what was the issue with it specifically. But the fact that I endured S2 and couldn’t make it through S3 should tell you all you need.

They got back to actually adapting source material, but made it more stupid. The characters were just destilled versions of themselves, there was no depth.

I gave up after the Thanedd episode where they were acting like there is this grand plan that they slowly uncover for you, Ocean’s 11-style - they tried to actboh so clever but it was just so not clever they made themselves look stupid.

illi ,

I gather you arr not familiar with the books then :D

Don’t get me wrong, not bashing you for it, glad you were able to enjoy S2 as well.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

I am… I just enjoyed it still

illi ,

Well good for you then. I didn’t think it possible :D

Pronell ,

It’s all part of why I canceled Netflix.

Their stuff seemed generic, and I’d often turn something off after a half hour because it was meandering bullshit.

When something nice and unique did come along it would get canceled, so I stopped watching new series until they developed them a bit.

Then they get their hands on a beloved property and didn’t even TRY to adapt it.

I canceled upon the mere rumor of dropping multiple screens.

Netflix should have stayed OUT of production.

Woozythebear ,

I agree with you but he didn’t leave on his own accord, they fired him.

BertramDitore ,
@BertramDitore@lemmy.world avatar

Oh damn, I didn’t realize that. Such a bad call.

illi ,

I’m pretty sure he left, or at the very least they “agreed” to stop cooperation. But I might be wrong, I didn’t pay that close attention to the drama back then.

Woozythebear ,

It was one of those resign or we fire you kinda deals according to what I remember reading back when it happened.

illi ,

I’ll take your word for it. Either way, happy for him for making it out of his dream turned nightmare.

kandoh ,

Damn his team need props for the building a PC video. Locked in an entire demographic worth billions for just a cheap video that probably cost 5 grand to make.

BakedGoods ,

Like with so many shows and movies i think a lot of it is down to a grave misunderstanding of what a producer should do. A producer shouldn’t be producing the show/movie. A producer should produce the money to pay for the show/movie because it’s a project they believe in.

CMDR_Horn ,


@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

I couldn’t even get two episodes into season 2

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